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BAKU: Mahmudali Cohraqanli: `John McCain Will Bomb Iran Not Later Th

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  • BAKU: Mahmudali Cohraqanli: `John McCain Will Bomb Iran Not Later Th

    by S. Rzayev

    March 20 2008

    In the opinion of the leader of the National Awakening Movement of
    Southern Azerbaijan [NAMSA], who lives in emigration in the USA,
    the Republican candidate is more advantageous for Azerbaijanis,
    who, in his turn, more increasingly sympathize with the Democratic
    candidate Barack Obama.

    [Correspondent] The selection of nominees from the political parties
    to stand in the forthcoming presidential election in the USA is under
    way with all its might at the moment. The Republicans have mainly
    decided about their candidate who will be Senator John McCain.

    However, not everything is clear with the Democrats. Ethnic
    Azerbaijanis US citizens will also vote for a future US president this
    autumn. You observe the events with your own eyes, in your opinion,
    who the Azerbaijani community ready to vote for?

    [Cohraqanli] True, the Republicans have already determined their
    positions with their future candidate who, no doubt, is John McCain,
    who left far behind his rivals. As for the Democrats, one should
    say that Barack Obama is leaving behind his rival Hillary Clinton,
    and if this process continues, then the struggle in the presidential
    election will be between McCain and Obama.

    I assume that the majority, be it in America or beyond this country,
    stick to the opinion that this time the Democratic candidate will be
    the winner. I would not like to speak about any personal sympathy.

    But anyway, this time, in my view, it is the turn of the Democratic
    candidate to win the presidential election. The Azerbaijanis will
    certainly vote for the real candidate who is Barack Obama. At the
    same time, the Azerbaijani community here is highly uncoordinated.

    Azeri community not compact

    [Correspondent] In other words, do Azerbaijanis sympathize with the
    Democratic Party?

    [Cohraqanli] This is my opinion. We have to admit that similar mood
    prevail not only amongst Azerbaijanis but whole of the American
    society. Before the current administration, the White House was twice
    led successively by the Democrats. After such a success, the Republican
    George Bush won. Apparently, taking into account the current state
    of the US economy, it is again time for the Democrats.

    At the same time, the Democrats have always been successful with
    economy while the Republicans have difficulties in this regard.

    [Correspondent] You are saying that our compatriots incline to support
    the Democrats, however, here in Baku, an opinion prevails that the
    Democratic Party adheres to pro-Armenian position, which, it goes
    without saying, runs against the interests of Azerbaijan. For example,
    exactly representatives of this party persistently push forward a
    resolution on the so-called Armenian genocide in the US Congress. Will
    the victory of the Democratic candidate not strengthen positions of
    the pro-Armenian forces in the overseas in the upcoming election?

    [Cohraqanli] The number of the Azerbaijani community in the USA, in
    particular, those who arrived in the USA from southern Azerbaijan
    is not only less than the Armenian community, but according to
    some figures, outnumbers them. Simply, our national and political
    self-consciousness is weak: we do not worry about the Fatherland,
    do not care about the future of the nation. Consequently, we are weak.

    Regretfully, very often our own interests are above national. This
    concerns to a greater extent emigrants from southern Azerbaijan, whose
    number, according to different figures, in the USA is from 300,000
    to 700,000 people. And this mass is divided into almost 100,000
    different groups who are in permanent infighting and quarrels and
    cannot come to a common denominator. Regrettably, this is the result
    of the fascist policy of the Iranian regime which has always subjected
    us to assimilation and subdued the national self-consciousness.

    On the contrary, at present the Armenians in the USA has a solid
    political position in the highest echelons of power in the USA. They
    love their historic Fatherland, their people and do their best to
    help Armenia and the Armenians. As for opinions about the pro-Armenian
    position of the Democrats, bear in mind that when the US president was
    democrat Bill Clinton, a resolution on a notorious Armenian genocide
    was submitted to the Congress. The Democratic administration of the
    White House rather quickly and efficiently blocked the initiative
    and it did not go beyond words. As is known, a similar resolution was
    submitted to the Congress during the presidency of George Bush. But
    this time, the Republican administration acted in a slow manner to
    block the resolution, and at some point, an impression was that the
    pro-Armenian resolution would be adopted. In such issues, an important
    mission is placed on Azerbaijan, its influence and the activities of
    our Diaspora. If we are able to sustain and establish good relations
    and ties with the authorities in Washington, then, in principle,
    it will not make any difference for us who will be the master of the
    White House: Republicans or Democrats.

    McCain to bomb Iran if elected

    [Correspondent] In your opinion, what will be the US policy with
    regard to Iran in case one of these candidates wins the election?

    Could you briefly set forth how will things evolve in case one of
    these potential hopefuls John McCain, Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton
    are elected a president?

    [Cohraqanli] The Democrats have always been against war. For the
    Republicans, everything is clearer: a policy of force, a military
    way of resolving problems have always been on their agenda as one of
    the real options. If a problem is not resolved by means of dialogue,
    the Republicans resort to military operations unambiguously. If
    a Democratic candidate be Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton wins the
    election, they would prefer to start a dialogue with official Tehran,
    allowing Iran what which in the end will satisfy both sides serving
    to the ease the tension. Those candidates do not view a military way
    for the resolution of the Iranian issue.

    As for the Republicans, the situation is without saying completely
    different. The policy of Bush under John McCain would be continued
    in a softened form. If Iran does not abandon attempts to enrich
    uranium and possess weapons of mass destruction in accordance with the
    requirements of the USA, then naturally, Washington will hit the IRI
    [the Islamic Republic of Iran] and a certain amount of work has been
    done to this effect.

    The Republicans will not drag out with this and in my opinion, if
    McCain is elected, and Iran continues to obstinate, he will bomb Iran
    not later than 2010. It is an open secret that the Islamic regime
    continues its activities to create a nuclear weapon. The Iranian
    fascist regime is planning to obtain the nuclear weapons at any cost
    and use it as insurance, a guarantee for the preservation of the
    current regime of the mullahs, the regime of Persian chauvinists.

    [Correspondent] You are saying that Azerbaijanis have more sympathy
    for and inclined to Barack Obama. But nevertheless, in your opinion,
    the election of which of the candidates would be beneficial for
    Azerbaijanis worldwide?

    [Cohraqanli] Naturally, above all, the election of John McCain meets
    interests of Azerbaijanis. But I would not like to send a message
    to some people or a group of people with this statement. At the
    same time, I have to note with regret that representatives of our
    community are more interested in their economic benefits rather than
    political interests. McCain is an experienced man who for sure has
    drawn conclusions from mistakes made by George Bush.