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Political Powers Shouldn't Shun Dialogue

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  • Political Powers Shouldn't Shun Dialogue

    Naira Khachatryan

    Hayots Ashkhar Daily
    March 27, 2008

    Political Scientist Levon Shirinyan was the guest of "Hayatsk"
    club yesterday.

    The events following the presidential elections obliged the authorities
    to find certain situational solutions, which are effective according
    to the Political Scientist, but still temporary.

    For the country's progress, we need conceptual solution, based on
    serious reforms, realized in the atmosphere of mutual agreement.

    "Each country is guided by certain imperatives in pursuing their

    In our case one of these imperatives is firstly Armenia's geography,
    which dictates our policy.

    Second - our civilization and cultural identity, which means to reject
    abstract judgments. As for our culture, it is Christian and European
    and the best evaluation in this regard was given by Brusov, who said:
    "The East and the West culturally synthesize in Armenia."

    Third - the fact of having a great Diaspora, those who have lost
    their motherland and have faced genocide," Mr. Shirinyan says.

    He believes American political model is the best for the solution of
    the problems faced by our country and proposed to start the reforms
    from there: "The model working in our reality is the mixture of the
    Russian and French models. Whereas the historical experience shows
    that France has seen lots of revolutions, repeating the constitutional
    crises. Russia has also seen concussions.

    But the US political system hasn't seen a constitutional crises for the
    past centuries, besides that the country develops dynamically. There
    is one condition, which is important for us as well. It has got a
    great mobilization importance in the situation of crises. In my view
    our political and legal thought must work in this direction."

    The next proposal made by the Political Scientist was directed to the
    system of social problems. The principle of justice is in the bases
    of our cultural mentality and must find its expression in the doctrine
    of the social-economic issues. "There is such an example. It has been
    elaborated in post-war Germany, where economy used to solve the social
    issues. Principles, such as freedom, law and order, acceptable for
    Armenian people lie upon the bases of the doctrine. It is elaborated in
    such a way that the entrepreneur is himself interested in the people's
    welfare, because he knows that otherwise his economy won't develop.

    And in such circumstances of social-economic market relations the
    state commits itself to the role of the so-called football commentator,
    because it can't establish the game rules it can only make comments. In
    my opinion this doctrine should; also be nationalized."

    Touching upon the existing internal political situation L. Shirinyan
    draw our attention to the fact that there is a lack of opposition
    in the parliament in its classical sense. "The establishment of the
    political coalition solved an issue of vital importance. The President
    is the representative of the right block, there is no left block, and
    the existence of the latter would have contributed to the formation
    of the pro-central block. In the near future we must contribute to
    it. We must help opposition make a transition to the parliament."

    The Political Scientist explained the existing arrangement of political
    powers by the unique post-election developments.

    "In my view in the near future we need parliamentary elections. I
    can't say exactly when because in this situation it is impossible.

    Everything depends on the future developments, but we must hold
    parliamentary elections and the President must be the one to head
    this process," he announced.

    Political powers shouldn't shun dialogue. Those who refuse dialogues
    must be publicly spoken about, saying that these powers or people
    refuse dialogues. People must know about it and according to the
    speaker, they shouldn't follow such people. But this should be done not
    by means of an advocacy or discrediting them but mentioning the facts.