23:11 27/03/2008
"Step Logic" center opened in Armenia which is the only one in the
region. The deputy director of "Step Logic" LLC Evgeni Yudickin said
that the company treated Armenia as the country having IT strong
potential. The venue of the company to Armenia is connected with the
"ArmenTel" company's transport network creation. He said that the
company applied to "ArmenTel" a year ago. According to the deputy
director they carry out some negotiations to extend their sphere in
Georgian and CIS countries. Besides the company plans to organize
educational trainings to have skilfull employees. For that reason the
company visited Armenian universities and made some arrangements with
Yerevan State University and others.
"By the way the competition is rather strong," said the deputy
director. Note that the center has 10 employees yet and is temporarily
situated in "Moscow House".
23:11 27/03/2008
"Step Logic" center opened in Armenia which is the only one in the
region. The deputy director of "Step Logic" LLC Evgeni Yudickin said
that the company treated Armenia as the country having IT strong
potential. The venue of the company to Armenia is connected with the
"ArmenTel" company's transport network creation. He said that the
company applied to "ArmenTel" a year ago. According to the deputy
director they carry out some negotiations to extend their sphere in
Georgian and CIS countries. Besides the company plans to organize
educational trainings to have skilfull employees. For that reason the
company visited Armenian universities and made some arrangements with
Yerevan State University and others.
"By the way the competition is rather strong," said the deputy
director. Note that the center has 10 employees yet and is temporarily
situated in "Moscow House".