Prime-Tass English-language Business Newswire
March 27, 2008 Thursday 12:49 PM EET
Armenia will hold a tender for a third GSM license in May, a
spokesperson for the country's Transportation and Communications
Ministry said, Vedomosti business daily reported Thursday.
Armenia's two GSM mobile carriers, ArmenTel and K-Telecom, are
subsidiaries of Russia's VimpelCom and MTS, respectively.
MegaFon, Russia's third biggest carrier, is interested in entering
Armenia, but only if it will be able to also operate in neighboring
markets, the company's Chief Executive Sergei Soldatenkov said earlier
this year.
It is not clear whether MegaFon plans to participate in the tender,
Vedomosti said.
Unlike its key competitors MTS and VimpelCom, MegaFon has a very
limited presence outside Russia, with Tajikistan being its only
foreign market.
Prime-Tass English-language Business Newswire
March 27, 2008 Thursday 12:49 PM EET
Armenia will hold a tender for a third GSM license in May, a
spokesperson for the country's Transportation and Communications
Ministry said, Vedomosti business daily reported Thursday.
Armenia's two GSM mobile carriers, ArmenTel and K-Telecom, are
subsidiaries of Russia's VimpelCom and MTS, respectively.
MegaFon, Russia's third biggest carrier, is interested in entering
Armenia, but only if it will be able to also operate in neighboring
markets, the company's Chief Executive Sergei Soldatenkov said earlier
this year.
It is not clear whether MegaFon plans to participate in the tender,
Vedomosti said.
Unlike its key competitors MTS and VimpelCom, MegaFon has a very
limited presence outside Russia, with Tajikistan being its only
foreign market.