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An Interview With Prosecutor General Of Armenia Aghvan Hovsepyan

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  • An Interview With Prosecutor General Of Armenia Aghvan Hovsepyan

    By Mariam Levina

    2008-03-31 13:00:00

    No matter how many people were detained and arrested after mass
    disorders, it is much more important how grounded are the accusations
    against them

    An interview with Prosecutor General of Armenia Aghvan Hovsepyan

    A number of international organizations levered criticism at the
    actions by the authorities on the day of mass unrest in Yerevan and
    on the following days. Do you think the criticism is grounded?

    Criticism based on facts must be welcomed. Moreover, such criticism is
    necessary and vital, in particular, for raising the efficiency of the
    law-enforcement, liquidating omissions and fighting negative phenomena.

    However, I'd like to stress that the criticism based on objective
    facts and on voluntary opinions and some political interests is in
    question. The country's law-enforcement displayed legal response to
    the events in the capital city that were organized with violation of
    relevant order and resulted in mass unrest. Some politicization of the
    issue may be admissible to political figures, but it is very dangerous
    in the law-enforcement sphere to conceal crimes under political
    veil. Eight were killed, 265 were injured, 68 cars were burnt, about
    10 private facilities were damaged and robbed during March 1-2 unrest
    in Yerevan. Not only shops, but also a pharmacy was robbed. Not only
    police cars but also an Ambulance was burnt. Policemen keeping public
    order faced armed resistance. Not only colds but also weapons and
    explosives were applied against the police. The investigation exposed
    facts that allow stating that everything was organized. Part of the
    active protesters were supplied with everything necessary to disturb
    public order and conflict with police. What happened those days was
    a crime, and I am more than convinced that law-enforcement agencies
    in Europe would not bear such unrest and would resort to tougher and
    stricter measures to maintain the constitutional order and security
    of the people and the country.

    PACE Monitoring Committee met in Paris on 18 March. It is deeply
    concerned about the arrest of more than 100 people in Armenia and about
    the circumstances of those arrests. Would you, please, comment on this?

    As of 27 March 102 people were arrested within the frames of the
    criminal case being investigated by special investigation service. They
    were accused of specific actions. All arrested, accused and suspected
    people were explained their rights, foreseen by Armenian Criminal
    Code and they were given an opportunity to fulfill their rights. The
    great majority of the accused people have lawyers, some of them
    - several. All the accused people were charged for the following
    committed crimes: organization and holding of mass measures breaking
    of the order set by the law; challenges not to comply with the legal
    demands of the power representatives; violation regarding the power
    representatives; the actions directed to forceful capture of power;
    breaking of the Constitutional order; illegal weapon possession;
    firing and robbery of state and private property. According to the
    acting Legislation of Armenia, participation in the mass measures
    that were organized with breaking of the order set by the law is not
    considered to be a crime and no participant is detained or arrested
    if there is no sign of a crime in his actions. Of course there are
    politicians among the arrested people, but they did actions which
    should be legally punished. For this reason they as well as people
    having other professions were accused. Among the participants in
    mass disorders there are people with higher as well as elementary
    education, former policemen, recidivists. Their actions were legally
    assessed. As Prosecutor General I am concerned about not groundlessly
    accusing any person, and about all the accusations to have a specific
    evidence base, as all the criminal cases will be directed to the court,
    and open court processes will take place, and the community will have
    an opportunity to learn all the evidences. In such conditions not the
    number of the detained and arrested people is important but relevancy
    of accusations. Legislation of no country foresees limitation of
    the number of the people which should be criminally answerable, or
    for instance, that not more than 100 people maybe accused within the
    frames of one criminal case, especially that we mean mass disorders,
    during which more than 200 people were wounded. The prior task of
    the law-enforcement agencies is to disclose not only participants in
    mass disorders but also their organizers; to clarify legality of the
    actions of the law-enforcement agencies. And we shall be consistent
    in making all the people that committed crime answerable. Another
    point is the problem of individualization of punishment. Certainly,
    not all the accused people will be sentenced to imprisonment. Anyway,
    the accusing party is not going to demand from the court to punish
    all the accused people with imprisonment. At the investigation stage
    other punishment measures were chosen regarding many accused people. On
    the basis of written order of the controlling prosecutors only seven
    accused people were given the measure of restrained which is not
    connected with imprisonment. Everything mentioned by international
    structures, i.e. about inadmissibility of political persecution and
    making people answerable for their views, are not relevant in Armenia
    today, since we are guided just with such an approach in our work,
    especially in the context of the last court reforms in the country,
    over which strict legal mechanisms to rule out any voluntarism and
    groundless persecution were formed. Sometimes representatives of
    international structures that visit Armenia make conclusions about our
    reality having no imagination where Armenia is located on the world
    map. I have got an impression that these people are more concerned
    about the destiny of our country than we are. I love my native land,
    my people, our statehood. And within the frames the authorities of
    the prosecutor's office I will do everything not to put a little
    shadow at the democratic principles formed in our country.

    How much substantiated is the opinion of PACE Committee, saying
    that the arrest of numerous opposition representatives and three
    parliamentarians is inevitably perceived as a strike to the opposition
    by the authorities and does not relieve the tension in Armenia? How
    do you treat the Committee's demand to set free all the arrested
    activists, having committed no grave crimes?

    I think that it would be also unacceptable for this respectful
    international structure if RA law enforcement agencies were not guided
    by the law requirements, but brought charges against the persons,
    having committed criminal crimes, or set free them on demand of local
    or international organizations. I am sure that they are also concerned
    about all the citizens be equal to the law and all our actions be
    performed in a legal field, yielding to no political affect by any
    instances, including the international ones. Of course, the remarks
    and proposals of the international structures are rather useful from
    the viewpoint of increasing our work efficiency, as well as reveling
    and eliminating omissions. However, when its becomes clear that there
    are neither women nor minors among the arrested persons within the
    frames of this criminal case, and it is immediately followed by a
    demand to set free all the minors, this is obscure enough and it is
    just impossible to fulfill this demand.

    What do you think about the statement by US Assistant Secretary General
    for Europe and Eurasia, OSCE MG American Cochairman Matthew Bryza,
    who expressed disagreement with the opinion of RA authorities saying
    that the people at the Liberty Square were in a state of psychosis?

    Yes, I repeatedly stated and now insist that the people were subjected
    to psychological diversion by a specially developed method. Moreover,
    psychotropic substances, drugs and alcohol were also used. The
    prosecutor general has enough data for such statements. The political
    statements and assessments based on the analysis of evidences received
    during investigation are in the different legal fields.

    Earlier you charged paying special attention to the actions taken by
    law-enforcement agencies during the unrest. Are there any preliminary

    Does it satisfy the demand of the Committee to conduct independent
    inquiry of the circumstances that led to 1 March incidents?

    It is known that the Special Investigation Service investigates
    the criminal case on the fact of organization and provocation of
    unrest in Yerevan to seize state power and violate the constitutional
    order. The Special Investigation Service is an independent agency. To
    control over the legality of the investigation and the following
    presiding over the case, Prosecutor General instructed forming a
    Prosecutor's Group. We attach a great importance to versatile and
    objective study of all the circumstances of the criminal case. I
    gave a written instruction to the head of the Group to fully and
    objectively reveal all the circumstances when police officers applied
    force, special methods and weapons, including the grounds for every
    case of their application and non-application. A list of questions
    has been given to the Investigation Group. The investigation of the
    question will give full explanations. In this context, witnesses
    and convicts are interrogated as well. It is of extreme importance
    for us to reveal the objective reality. That is why every episode is
    investigated. If the investigation shows that a policeman or an officer
    of internal troops acted voluntarily, it will get an adequate legal
    treatment. Forensic-medical examinations are made to reveal the reasons
    and circumstances of the bodily harms of all the killed and injured. We
    also proposed OSCE Yerevan Office, UN Resident Representative in
    Armenia to send for forensic-medical examination the video records
    by the specialists of other states. However, no official response
    has been received so far. Creation of a parliamentary commission
    for complex study of the cases and the incidents preceding them is
    currently studied. Prosecutor's Office attaches a great importance to
    providing public with verified information. For this purpose, a Public
    Awareness Group has been formed, which gives comprehensive answers
    to all the questions of public interest. As soon as the results of
    the expertise are known they will be made public.

    Do you think that Thomas Hammarberg's statement on violations and
    unworthy behavior towards the detainees was grounded?

    All the detained and arrested persons underwent medical examination
    at both the places of detention and penitentiaries. All the bodily
    injuries were recorded. Not a single statement remains without
    response and each complaint is studied thoroughly. 12 offenders have
    bodily injuries, and an expert examination is to find out the reasons
    of the injuries. Among the detainees there are people who took an
    active part in the mass disorders. They say themselves that they
    got the bodily injuries during the disorders. There are people who
    offered resistance to the police while being detained. In any case,
    all statements and complaints are checked, expert examinations will
    be carried out and if any cases of violence are revealed, I assure
    you that the culprits will be brought to responsibility. However, I
    have to state with bitter that sometimes international structures come
    out with conclusions based exclusively on some offenders' statements.

    One can observe a strange phenomenon: everybody speaks only of the
    bodily injuries of civilians and violence against the detainees. First
    and foremost, it makes no difference for the investigation whether
    the killed or injured were civilians or policemen, they are all
    equal and the investigation should impartially find out the cause
    and effect relationship.

    To find out the real number of people who received bodily injuries,
    the investigative body directed inquiries to all the medical
    establishments of the country and as of March 27, according to
    the data received by the investigation, 55 citizens out of several
    thousands of demonstrators got bodily injures, and the number of
    injured policemen exceeds 200. They are said to be peaceful unarmed
    demonstrators, however, it is obvious that a squadron commander died
    of a grenade explosion, covering the grenade with his body and saving
    other people. Who and why armed the demonstrators with fire weapons,
    explosives, grenades, things specially meant for inflicting bodily
    injuries? Where were those things and metal rods made? Who and why
    encouraged the demonstrators to disobey the legal demands of the police
    and to resort to armed resistance? Under what circumstances did the
    police start the specific actions? Was a demonstrator sleeping and the
    policeman struck him/her with a baton? Or were the relevant measures
    stipulated by the Armenian law "On the police" applied to temperate
    the resistance of the demonstrators armed with explosives and cold
    steel arms and to restore the public order and protection of the
    constitutional system? We have heard not a single word of public
    condemnation of the shots vividly showing that the demonstrators
    were throwing grenades at the police and were excited at the fact
    that the demonstrators beat the police and took away their batons.

    So did the police have to remain silent observers and display criminal
    inactivity? The armed demonstrators proved that the organizers of the
    mass activities violated the order established by the law and held
    mass disorders. The investigation should give exhaustive answers
    to these questions. This is a large and difficult criminal case,
    and the investigation has no right to make a mistake.

    How will you comment on the statements about the necessity of starting
    a dialogue?

    Dialogue is a political process and I would like to touch on the
    conditions of the dialogue, which I think are only of a legal nature. I
    regret that the first Armenian president Levon Ter-Petrosyan has not
    understood that our country passed a significant way towards the legal
    state and that only the Central Electoral Commission or Constitutional
    Court may cast doubt on the results of the election. As for the
    decision about setting free of the detained and arrested persons,
    only the crime investigator, prosecutor and court can make such a
    decision. I assess such demands as a pressure upon the law-enforcement
    system. And I would like to recall that no political force or top
    official or politician have a right to make decisions instead of the
    above mentioned law-enforcement agencies and court and to interfere
    into their activity.

    Such statements are evidence of the fact that Levon Ter-Petrosyan's
    imaginations about ruling the state have not changed since his the
    period of his presidency. For this reason I would like to recall
    about the lawlessness over those years when the ministers did not
    submit to Levon Ter-Petrosyan as a president, and every minister
    was the owner of his sphere. Moreover, the prosecutor already had
    the signed permissions for arrest and only a name had to be written
    in. Even the Extraordinary Commission of the Stalin time did not do
    that! Thank God, we got rid of that. I regret that masses are inclined
    to believe lie. But one should remember that the lie has a short life.