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Commentary: Karabakh Peace Agreement Impossible Without US Involveme

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  • Commentary: Karabakh Peace Agreement Impossible Without US Involveme

    Harry Tamrazian

    Nov 8 2008

    Meeting in Moscow on November 2, the presidents of Armenia, Azerbaijan,
    and Russia signed a document pledging their continued commitment
    to resolving the Karabakh conflict peacefully. It was the first
    time that officials from Armenia and Azerbaijan had signed such a
    joint document since Russia mediated a cease-fire agreement in 1994,
    putting an end to one of the deadliest wars in the former USSR.

    The so-called Moscow Declaration of Intent on Nagorno-Karabakh was an
    important diplomatic event in the 15-year long negotiating process. But
    it was much more important for Moscow, which thus reminded everyone
    that it holds the key to a solution to this conflict. The joint
    declaration was co-signed only by Russia, despite the fact that
    other two Minsk Group co-chairs, the United States and France, were
    also present.

    A closer look at the declaration leaves no doubt that much of what was
    discussed during the closed-door talks was not reflected on paper. The
    declaration is just another expression of intent by the two leaders
    that they are serious about seeking a peaceful solution and that
    the military option can no longer be considered an alternative to
    peaceful diplomacy.

    In short, both sides agreed on paper to tone down harsh military
    rhetoric and expedite the peace process. However, taking the text at
    face value would be overly optimistic.

    Questions Arise

    Every time Russia steps up its mediation efforts, questions arise
    about its motives for doing so. The simple answer in this case would
    probably be that it wants at least to preserve the level of influence
    that it had in Armenia, and more importantly in Azerbaijan, which
    has long been suspicious about its real intentions in the region.

    Now that Georgia is out of the Russian sphere of influence, at least
    for the foreseeable future, Moscow will do all in its power to keep
    the two remaining South Caucasus countries, Armenia and Azerbaijan,
    under its control.

    The only way to do that is to act as an honest broker to bring
    about a settlement of the frozen, and potentially deadly, Karabakh
    conflict. Moscow's mediation could also be seen as an attempt to
    restore its credibility in the region following the war with Georgia,
    which further eroded its relations with the United States.

    Depending on who wins the U.S. presidential election, Moscow
    will try to showcase its good behavior to the new leadership in
    Washington. There is one important line in the joint declaration, which
    shows that Moscow will not mediate the potential peace deal alone,
    bypassing its American and French partners in the OSCE Minsk Group. The
    declaration clearly states that the peace process will proceed within
    the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group based on the "Madrid Principles"
    endorsed by the OSCE Ministerial Council, which envisage the return
    of occupied Azerbaijani territories and the possibility of holding
    a referendum on the future status of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    High Expectations

    It is hard to imagine that a Karabakh peace deal could be achieved
    without the United States, one of the major players in the OSCE Minsk
    Group. Azerbaijan and Armenia will not easily bow to Moscow's pressure
    without the approval of the new administration in Washington. It
    would therefore be premature to expect a breakthrough in the talks
    before January 2009, when the next U.S. president is sworn in.

    Armenians have high expectations for Democratic Senator Barack Obama,
    hoping that, if he is elected president, he will support their cause.

    "I will promote Armenian security by seeking an end to the Turkish
    and Azerbaijani blockades, and by working for a lasting and durable
    settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict that is agreeable
    to all parties," Obama said in one of his campaign promises to

    The Armenian government will seek help from the United States if it
    is pressured to give up Azerbaijani territories without obtaining
    guarantees that the Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians will be able to hold
    a referendum on their future status.

    Some experts in Azerbaijan and Armenia believe that Russia might try
    to secure a substantial military presence in the conflict zone as
    part of the future peacekeeping force that is to be deployed once a
    peace agreement is signed. Azerbaijan will most probably seek support
    from the United States in ensuring that Russian troops do not return
    to Azerbaijan.

    The Georgian experience has demonstrated that once they come, they
    are unlikely to leave peacefully.

    Harry Tamrazian is director of RFE/RL's Armenian Service. The
    views expressed in this commentary are the author's own, and do not
    necessarily reflect those of RFE/RL.