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PFA: 2008 Presidential Election: Select Issues and Analysis

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  • PFA: 2008 Presidential Election: Select Issues and Analysis


    2008 Presidential Election:

    Select Issues and Analysis

    A publication of Policy Forum Armenia

    This report is a product of a collaborative effort of a group of PFA

    The views expressed in it do not necessarily represent those of every
    PFA member.

    Neither the authors of this report nor its reviewers have received any
    compensation for their contribution to the report.

    July 2008

    © 2008 Policy Forum Armenia

    Individual sections of this report are available for reprinting upon

    Reprints must be properly acknowledged



    Afghanistan Î? ArmeniaÎ? Finland Î? France Î? Ireland Î? Kuwait Î? Nigeria

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    Policy Forum Armenia

    Mission Statement

    Policy Forum Armenia (PFA) is an independent professional non-profit
    association aimed at strengthening discourse on Armenia's economic
    development and national security and through that helping to shape
    public policy in Armenia. PFA has a hybrid mission, operating as a think
    tank as well as an advocacy group. Its main objective is to offer
    alternative views and professional analysis containing innovative and
    practical recommendations for public policy design and implementation.
    Through its activities, PFA aims to contribute to the creation of an
    informed public and more effective and accountable government. PFA's
    main asset is its worldwide network of professionals and leaders in
    their respective fields, with dedication to Armenia.

    Operational Objectives

    PFA has a hybrid mission.It primarily operates as a think tank, since
    its output will comprise of expert assessments and analysis using latest
    social science research methodologies and will benefit from scholarly
    exchange. In addition, to the extent that the PFA would advocate for,
    and have impact on, the social change in Armenia and the Diaspora, it
    would also function as an advocacy organization.


    We strive to build Armenia as a country and society where:

    Governmentis transparent and fully trusted by its subjects; Its main
    objective is the current and future well-being of citizens and nationals
    abroad; Its members are equally accountable before the law in the same
    manner as any other citizen of the country and have no direct commercial

    Judiciaryis free, fair, and incorruptible.

    Legislatureis competent and respectable.

    Civil service is the most respected form of employment, because it
    provides an opportunity to serve the country and people, and is highly

    Societyhas high standards of living; It is well educated, tolerant, and

    Economyis at the frontier of progress and innovation, building upon the
    human capital of the Nation as a whole; It offers equal opportunities
    for everyone; It does not tolerate unfair competition and redistributes
    through efficient and fair taxation.

    Environmentand responsible management of natural resources are essential
    to the survival of the State, and are key elements of well-being of
    future generations.

    Human rights are the most sacred set of values.

    Citizens of Armenia - Armenians, Yezidis, Greeks, Kurds, Russians, and
    others alike - are the most valuable asset of the State.

    Armed Forces are by far the strongest in the region by spirit and
    dedication of its men and women, by its advanced armament, and by
    significance of its mission to protect life, history, and culture.

    Diasporaand Armenia form a single entity, the Nation. Its stake in
    Armenia and Armenia's development are recognized and encouraged; Its
    potential is fully internalized; Its members have dual Armenian

    History is of essence. Future is where we aim.

    Table of Contents

    I. Introduction 7

    II. Background 13

    A. Overview of Past Elections in Armenia 13

    B. Early 2008 Presidential Election Developments 16

    C. Conclusion 18

    I. Misuse of Administrative Resources, Vote Buying, and Other Examples
    of Abuse of Power 20

    A. Misuse of Administrative Resources 21

    B. Vote Buying 22

    C. Voter Intimidation and Other Types of Election Fraud 22

    D. Response of the International Community 24

    E. Conclusion 25

    II. Statistical Analysis of the Official Election Outcome 26

    A. Distribution of Voter Turnout 26

    B. Distribution of Individual Candidates' Votes 30

    C. Relationship Between the Candidates' Votes and Voter Turnout 33

    D. Distribution of Invalid Ballots 38

    E. Conclusion 42

    III. Post-election Developments'Civil Society Awakening 44

    A. Civil Society Activism Following the Events of March 1, 2008 46

    B. Civil Society Responses to the Restrictions: Emerging Civil
    Disobedience 47

    Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) 47

    Non-NGO Civil Society 49

    Youth 50

    Women 51

    Virtual Civil Society: the Armenian Blogosphere 53

    C. Conclusion 54

    IV. Post-election Developments'The Way Out 56

    A. On Post-Election Political Dynamics 56

    B. Moving Forward 58



    The official recount of the February 19, 2008 presidential election
    resulted in Serge Sargsyan being declared the winner with 52.8 percent
    of the vote. Levon Ter-Petrossian, Armenia's first President and the
    main opposition candidate came in second with 21.5 percent of the vote.
    The opposition strongly disputed the official results, alleging
    widespread violations, fraud, and instances of violence throughout the
    election process. These events, which occurred during the campaign,
    voting, and recount stages, were documented in a report by the
    International Election Observer Mission of the Organization for Security
    and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE, 2008a). The opposition has challenged
    the results in the Constitutional Court.1

    Irregularities discussed in the OSCE report include control over the
    election administration by one political interest; blurring of the
    separation between state and party functions; inequitable media
    coverage; a tense pre-election environment, including attacks on
    opposition campaign offices and activists; pressure and intimidation of
    public-sector employees and the military; election bribes and
    vote-buying; `bad' or `very bad' vote count, including deliberate
    falsification of official results and derogation from protocol. While
    the recount process confirmed some allegations of vote falsification,
    the recounting took place only in select precincts with registered
    complaints, allowing problems elsewhere to escape redress. Citing
    election irregularities, the presidential candidate from
    ARF-Dashnaktsutiun (ARF-D), Vahan Hovannisyan, stepped down as the
    Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly.

    Daily peaceful rallies in Yerevan'the legality of which was questioned
    by the authorities'followed, reportedly drawing hundreds of thousands of
    citizens who believed the election results were rigged and called for
    their annulment. Discontent was strong and widespread.

    Criticism over the government's handling of the election grew from
    within the ranks of Armenia's civil service. Most notably, the list of
    those who expressed their criticism included senior members of Armenia's
    Diplomatic Service, Ambassadors Ruben Shugaryan, Levon Khachatryan,
    Armen Baiburtsyan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Vladimir
    Karapetyan, and other MFA staffers. This criticism led to their
    dismissal from public service and subsequent revocation of diplomatic
    rank. In a parallel development, Armenia's Deputy Prosecutor General and
    a special investigator in charge of the October 27 case2 who had spoken
    out in support of Ter-Petrossian, were arrested on unrelated charges.
    The authorities also targeted a number of other members of the
    opposition, their families and bodyguards through arrests, detentions
    and searches, aimed at disrupting or intimidating the opposition and its
    supporters. According to media reports, certain leaders of the
    opposition have also been detained and subjected to searches of their
    homes and the homes of their relatives.

    Reprisals against opposition leaders and their supporters were carried
    out by government law-enforcement agencies as well as criminal groups.
    This created an atmosphere of fear among the citizenry and strengthened
    the belief in `...a scripted and staged passing of power within the
    country's small ruling elite...' (Giragossian and Hughes, 2008: 15).
    Public servants were regularly forced to attend pro-Sargsyan
    counter-rallies, the largest of which was organized and attended by the
    top brass of the Republican Party on February 26. Not everything went
    smoothly for the organizers on that day. Following extensive media
    coverage and after busloads of supporters were trucked into Yerevan, the
    event tumbled out of control. Large crowds of people broke the police
    cordon of the pro-Sargsyan rally at the Republic Square in downtown
    Yerevan, and moved in an organized fashion to the opposition rally at
    Freedom Square, a few blocks away.

    The response of the international community to Serge Sargsyan's election
    victory was lukewarm. Early congratulatory notes were received from
    Presidents Gül (Turkey), Ahmadinejad (Iran), Lukashenko (Belarus),
    Saakashvili (Georgia), among other leaders. The Russian President's
    press service reported that President Putin congratulated Sargsyan on
    the election, though to the best of our knowledge the original text was
    never made public. The European Union and NATO sent carefully drafted
    congratulatory messages addressed to `the Armenian people' rather than
    to the president-elect. Despite reports in the government-controlled
    media, it was impossible to independently verify the text of the message
    sent by the French President Sarkozy. The French Embassy in Yerevan
    neither admitted nor denied the existence of the message, and the
    official website of President Sarkozy displayed no relevant information.
    The United States President Bush is yet to offer any congratulations in
    this regard. Further fallout for Armenia's leadership followed in the
    form of a final report by the International Election Observer Mission on
    events around February 19, 2008, issued in late May (OSCE, 2008c).

    While state authorities expressed their dissatisfaction with ongoing
    rallies and indicated the possible use of force against the protesters,3
    it was not until March 1 that such force was actually employed. At 6:35
    AM, police stormed a few thousand demonstrators who had camped out
    overnight in Freedom Square. Police alleged that demonstrators were
    armed and preparing to riot. Many campers awoke to the violence. In a
    recent report, Armenia's Human Rights Defender (HRD, 2008a) noted:

    ¦[T]he authorities should clarify some issues. Notably, who, when and
    under what circumstances there was made a decision to disperse peaceful
    demonstration by using force early in the morning of March 1, whether
    the demonstrators were presented an official warning of corresponding
    searching and whether the participants refused or resisted, and whether
    the use of force was adequate to the situation.

    To date, a number of these questions remain unanswered. The
    International Crisis Group (ICG, 2008) reported on the events that
    followed the early morning violent dispersal of demonstrators:

    By around noon, several thousand people had gathered at a new location
    not far from the city centre'near the mayor's office and the French
    Embassy. Riot troops were dispatched to the area, but demonstrators
    blocked it off with several buses and debris, according to police. An
    eyewitness said that by 3:00 PM the crowd had grown considerably, and a
    police car had been set ablaze.

    As pressures built and demonstrators grew more defiant, outgoing
    president Kocharyan issued a 20-day State of Emergency (SOE), deploying
    Army and Special Forces to the streets. In what followed, seven
    civilians and a police officer were killed in the early hours of March
    2. The SOE suspended some civil rights (e.g., right to assembly) and
    media freedoms (partly lifted later during the SOE), allowing reporting
    for state-run outlets only.

    The following statement issued by the Heritage Party on March 17
    describes the aftermath:

    Deprived of their voice, the protesters began to lose their leaders. On
    a daily basis, security personnel including masked men wearing various
    uniforms took away or arrested opposition figures and rank-and-file
    participants and proceeded to indict them on various creative charges up
    to organizing a coup d'etat. Four members of Parliament who had dared to
    endorse the opposition candidate were stripped of their immunity and
    also charged. The intent of the special operation and ensuing state of
    emergency was simple: to attempt to drive the Armenian people into fear
    and to warn the Constitutional Court against any fantasies of reaching
    an independent verdict. The brute tactics worked and the authorities,
    once again, upheld in court the elections they wanted on February 19.

    The legal process that followed these events focused mostly on the
    supporters and the proxies of the main opposition candidate, casting
    even further doubt on the independence of the judiciary in Armenia (HRD,
    2008b). The seemingly rushed proceedings and harshness of punishments
    for minor charges surprised some observers (HFAC, 2008, among others).4
    Unfortunately, more injustice would be brought even on grieving families
    who lost their loved ones in the violence of March 1-2. An independent
    inquiry into post-election events conducted by a Paris-based association
    of Armenian lawyers (Association Française des Avocats et Juristes
    Arméniens, AFAJA)5 suggested that families of these victims were
    subjected to various pressures [by the authorities] and were offered
    money `to `turn the page' and cover the funeral expenses.'

    The authorities reject any accusations of wrongdoings on March 1 and in
    the aftermath, and instead defend their actions on the grounds of
    protecting the stability of the state in the face of an attempted coup
    d'état. In an article published on March 17 in the Washington Post,
    Serge Sargsyan and Artur Bagdasaryan (a presidential candidate who was
    later appointed by Sargsyan as the Secretary of the National Security
    Council) wrote:

    It was clear to all moderate political forces'pro-government or
    supporters of the opposition'declaring a State of Emergency was the only
    possible option to protect our citizens. We have until Thursday, when
    the State of Emergency is lifted, to find political solutions and ensure
    that Armenia does not slide back into chaos.

    The opposition detainees vehemently deny attempting a coup d'état and
    claim that charges are politically motivated. The authorities,
    therefore, must either present a credible case against the detained
    opposition leaders or continue facing accusations of violent dispersal
    of popular discontent and subsequent arrests of people for their
    political views. In the meantime, in response to a statement by Serge
    Sargsyan's representative about the absence of political prisoners in
    Armenia, the US Helsinki Commission's Chairman Alcee Hastings' remarks
    during the hearings in the U.S. House of Representatives were as direct
    as they could have been (US Helsinki Commission, 2008):

    ...If ..., Mr. [Vigen] Sargsyan, ... you tell me there are no political
    prisoners [in Armenia], then I will tell you that you're out of your
    ever-loving mind, because there are.

    As we finalize this report, dozens of opposition leaders and
    rank-and-file members remain in custody. Unfortunately, there is very
    little hope in the form of credible and independent due process to
    protect these people against the will of their captors.

    * * *

    The most unexpected development following the February 19 election is
    the measure of popular support for the opposition movement headed by
    ex-president Ter-Petrossian. While Armenia has seen fraudulent elections
    in the past, as discussed in Section II of this Report, none has driven
    so many people and so much anger to the streets in a united desire for
    change. In Section III of this Report we discuss evidence of misuse of
    administrative resources, vote buying, voter intimidation, and other
    examples of abuse of power to secure a specific outcome. Section IV
    zooms in on ballot stuffing and artificial augmentation of vote counts
    and shows that there is ample statistical evidence to indicate the
    presence of these two types of manipulations. Highlighting the extent of
    these types of manipulations'and contrary to the claims on both sides'
    the methodology employed in this Report indicates that there was no
    winner in the first round of the 2008 presidential election in Armenia.
    However, since the election period also witnessed other types of
    fraudulent activities (e.g., abuse of administrative resources, vote
    buying, voter intimidation, etc., most of which were likely to have been
    committed to benefit a certain candidate) we will never know what the
    true distribution of votes would have been for the opposition candidates
    in the absence of those illegal activities. This outcome also sheds some
    light on the extent of the post-election dissatisfaction and
    disaffection of a sizable portion of Armenia's population. Whether these
    frustrations fizzle out or result in a qualitative change in Armenia's
    course remains to be seen. Section V argues that Armenia is critically
    positioned with a strong and empowered civil society and a determination
    to realize meaningful change on a national scale. With an eye toward
    stability and future developments, Section VI of the Report addresses
    the principal challenge of the moment: to undertake credible
    confidence-building measures (most notably independent inquiries into
    February 19 and March 1-2 events) and genuinely attempt a dialogue with
    the opposition, or face the future of a government for some Armenians
    rather than of Armenia as a whole.

    II. Background
    Overview of Past Elections in Armenia
    The Referendum of Independence from the Soviet Union held in Armenia on
    September 21, 1991 marked a new era in Armenia's history. The Armenian
    Supreme Council declared Armenia's independence two days later. In
    October 1991, the first parliamentary election took place and to date
    that election is considered the most free and fair election in the
    history of post-Soviet Armenia.

    Armenia held parliamentary elections in 1995, 1999, 2003 and 2007.
    Presidential elections were held in 1991, 1996, 1998, 2003 and 2008.
    OSCE/ODIHR has observed elections in Armenia since 1996 and has assessed
    that all fall short of OSCE commitments and international standards for
    democratic elections (OSCE, 2005).

    1991 brought the first ever Presidential elections in Armenia. Levon
    Ter-Petrossian, supported by the Armenian National Movement (ANM), was
    declared the winner with 83 percent of the vote against six other
    candidates, including the internationally-renowned dissident Paruir
    Hairikyan of the Association for National Self-Determination, and Sos
    Sargsyan of the ARF-D, a political party with strong roots in the

    Elections to Armenia's parliament, the National Assembly, were held in
    June 1995, simultaneously with the first Constitutional Referendum in
    which Armenia's new Constitution was adopted. Observers from the OSCE
    judged the elections "free but not fair." One of the reasons was that
    the ARF-D, the main opposition party, was banned from participation
    because the party had been outlawed by President Ter-Petrossian on
    allegations of terrorism and receiving foreign funding.

    The second presidential election turned out to be much more dramatic
    than the first one. According to the official results, Ter-Petrossian
    won reelection as president in September 1996, garnering 51.75 percent
    of the vote. However, the opposition candidate Vazgen Manukyan, head of
    the National Democratic Union (NDU) party, contested the victory,
    charging widespread fraud, and organized a series of demonstrations. On
    September 25, 1996, thousands of protesters stormed the National
    Assembly building in Yerevan and assaulted the legislative speaker and
    deputy speaker, both members of the ANM. Police dispersed the protesters
    resulting in nearly 60 injured people (Amnesty International, 1996).
    Parliamentary immunity was withdrawn from opposition MPs and several
    were beaten and arrested. Police and armed troops started to patrol the
    streets following a presidential SOE directive.

    Ter-Petrossian's tenure was to be short-lived, however, following
    alleged internal disagreements surrounding a proposed resolution to the
    Nagorno Karabakh (NK) conflict. In September 1997, Ter-Petrossian
    announced that he had accepted an OSCE peace plan as a basis for
    resolving the NK conflict that would require compromises from Armenia.
    The two-stage plan called for NK Armenians to withdraw from most of the
    territories they occupied outside of NK and for international
    peacekeepers to be deployed, followed by discussions of the legal status
    of NK. The announcement raised firm opposition from Armenian and NK
    officials, as well as some members of the Diaspora community. On
    February 1, 1998, Yerkrapah, a group composed of veterans of the NK
    conflict and led by the country's defense minister, called for
    Ter-Petrossian to resign. Many members of Ter-Petrossian's ANM
    legislative faction defected, leading to the resignation of the
    parliamentary speaker. Heated debate in the legislature culminated in
    Ter-Petrossian's resignation on February 3, 1998. Ter-Petrossian
    denounced the "bodies of power" for demanding his resignation, referring
    indirectly to the (then) Prime Minister Robert Kocharyan, Defense
    Minister Vazgen Sargsyan, and Minister of the Interior and National
    Security Serge Sargsyan. Although the Constitution called for the
    legislative speaker to assume the duties of the acting president pending
    an election, the resignation of the speaker caused these duties to
    devolve upon the prime minister. A special presidential election was
    scheduled for March 16, 1998.

    Twelve candidates succeeded in registering for the March presidential
    election. The main contenders were Kocharyan, Vazgen Manukyan, and Karen
    Demirchyan (head of the Armenian Communist Party from 1974 to 1988).
    Since none of the candidates won the required simple majority "50
    percent plus one" of the 1.46 million votes cast (in a 64 percent
    turnout), a runoff election was held on March 30. In the runoff, acting
    President and Prime Minister Kocharyan received 59.5 percent of 1.57
    million votes cast (in a 68.5 percent turnout). The OSCE concluded that
    "this election showed improvement in some respects over the 1996
    election, but did not meet OSCE standards to which Armenia has committed
    itself." Observers alleged ballot box stuffing, discrepancies in vote
    counting, and fraud perpetrated by local authorities inflating the
    number of votes for Kocharyan. Nevertheless, Kocharyan was inaugurated
    on April 9, 1998. Following the parliamentary elections in 1999,
    Demirchyan was appointed the speaker of the National Assembly and Vazgen
    Sargsyan the prime minister.

    On October 27, 1999, gunmen entered the building of the National
    Assembly and opened fire on deputies and officials, killing Prime
    Minister Vazgen Sargsyan and Speaker Karen Demirchyan, two deputy
    speakers, and four others. The purported leader of the gunmen claimed
    they were targeting the prime minister and were launching a coup to
    "restore democracy" and end poverty. President Robert Kocharyan rushed
    to the scene and helped negotiate the release of dozens of hostages,
    promising the gunmen a fair trial. On that day, he lost the two main
    challengers to his rule, who had by that time grown much more popular
    and arguably even politically powerful than himself. Abiding by the
    Constitution, the National Assembly met on November 2 and appointed
    Armen Khachatryan (a member of the majority Unity bloc) as speaker, and
    Kocharyan named Vazgen Sargsyan's brother Aram the new prime minister,
    seeking to preserve political balance. Political infighting intensified.
    The military prosecutor investigating the assassinations detained a
    presidential aide, appearing to implicate Kocharyan in the
    assassinations. The Unity and Stability factions in the legislature also
    threatened to impeach Kocharyan in April 2000. Seeking to counter
    challenges to his power, Kocharyan, in May of that year, fired his prime
    minister and defense minister. In October 2001, on the second
    anniversary of the shootings in parliament, thousands of protesters
    staged demonstrations in Yerevan to demand Kocharyan's resignation. The
    assassination trial concluded that there were no organizers and the four
    people involved collaborated on their own initiative. For Armenia's
    civil society, many questions were left unanswered.

    Presidential elections were next held on February 19, 2003, with no
    candidate receiving 50 percent of the votes: Kocharyan received 48.3
    percent of the vote, with Stepan Demirchyan'son of Karen Demirchyan, the
    former parliamentary speaker assassinated in 1999'taking 27.4 percent of
    the vote. Artashes Geghamyan came in third with 16.9 percent. A runoff
    election between Kocharyan and Demirchyan scheduled for March 5 sealed
    Kocharyan's victory and allowed him to stay in power for another five
    years. The opposition called the election fraudulent and said it would
    not recognize the vote, and observers from OSCE declared the election

    Box 1. April 12-13, 2004 Events1

    In November 2003, the Rose Revolution in Georgia inspired the Armenian
    opposition and in the early spring of 2004 it resumed its public
    demonstrations. It was in this context that the opposition returned to
    the 2003 Constitutional Court recommendation regarding the holding of a
    confidence referendum that was supposed to have been held in March 2004.
    While this decision had been reached by the Constitutional Court in
    April 2003, over the course of the year the Court had subsequently
    clarified its proposal and hence no referendum was held in March 2004.
    As a result, the opposition began a series of demonstrations on March 28
    demanding Kocharyan's resignation.

    The authorities in turn referred to the opposition's demands and
    protests as blatant attempts at seizing power by force and did not
    authorize the demonstrations. President Kocharyan mocked the
    opposition's efforts calling it a `soap bubble revolution' on state
    television. These demonstrations culminated on the night of April 12-13
    when government troops used force to break up a group of 2000
    demonstrators by spraying them with water cannons, throwing stun
    grenades among the crowd, shocking demonstrators with electric prods,
    and beating them with truncheons. A number of protestors, including
    members of parliament, were arrested and some individuals, according to
    various sources were tortured by the police while in custody.


    1 Reprinted from Ishkanian (2008), pp. 44-45.

    The 2007 Parliamentary Election was held on May 12, 2007, following a
    month-long pre-electoral campaign. Amidst reports of voting
    irregularities, parliamentary election ended calmly on May 12. Armenian
    public television labeled the elections as the best since Armenia's
    independence in 1991, while the OSCE/ODIHR observers called it `largely
    democratic' and a significant improvement over past elections. Local
    observer and watchdog groups disagreed, however. The election monitoring
    statement of It's Your Choice(IYC), a nation-wide election monitoring
    organization, stated:

    During the monitoring mission of the pre-election procedures IYC
    registered a number of shortcomings such as unequal campaign conditions
    for parties, use of administrative resources during the official
    campaign period, absence of an election alternative in some precincts
    and misbalanced power distribution in electoral commissions. There were
    also serious violations such as electoral bribery in the form of human
    and other aids, misbalanced campaign media coverage, cases of preventing
    official campaign and shortcomings in voter lists.

    The February 19, 2008 presidential election that followed is believed to
    be the most controversial and violent since Armenia's independence. The
    use of force was reported both on Election Day and during post-election
    demonstrations, culminating in 8 casualties during an assault on
    demonstrators by police forces on March 1, 2008 (Human Rights Watch,
    2008a). The official number of casualties would later rise to 10.

    Early 2008 Presidential Election Developments
    On February 19, 2008, Armenian citizens voted in their fifth
    presidential election and for their third president since independence.
    The main contenders for the top political job included Prime Minister
    and the leader of the Republican Party, Serge Sargsyan; Armenia's first
    president, Levon Ter-Petrossian; a former speaker of the National
    Assembly and the leader of Country of Law party, Artur Bagdasaryan; the
    deputy speaker of the National Assembly and an executive member of the
    ARF-D, Vahan Hovannisyan; and the chairman of the NDU, Vazgen Manukyan.
    Less likely winners included Arman Melikyan (independent, a former
    Minister of Foreign Affairs of NKR); Artashes Geghamyan (National Unity
    party); Tigran Karapetyan (Peoples' Party); and Aram Harutyunyan
    (National Reconciliation party). Raffi Hovannisian of the Heritage party
    (the only opposition party represented in the National Assembly) and
    Aram Karapetyan of the New Times Party were refused registration as
    candidates by the Central Election Commission on the grounds of
    insufficient length of citizenship and residency, respectively.

    Prime Minister Sargsyan had all the resources of the state at his
    disposal as well as the backing of the outgoing president Kocharyan to
    be considered the frontrunner. Sargsyan put together the most aggressive
    campaign, with his photo captioned by the slogan `Forward Armenia'
    plastered on billboards, posters, and buses throughout Armenia's capital
    and surrounding regions. His main challenger, Levon Ter-Petrossian,
    enjoyed the support of two large opposition parties, Aram Sargsyan's
    Republic party and Stepan Demirchian's People's Party of Armenia, and a
    dozen smaller parties and groups. The opposition, with significantly
    fewer resources, also faced obstacles in opening and operating election
    headquarters throughout Armenia.

    Media coverage of the pre-election developments had its peculiarities.
    With the exception of a small privately-owned station in Armenia's
    second largest city of Gyumri, GALA, the entire television industry in
    the run-up to the election appeared to be solely interested in promoting
    Serge Sargsyan, who also enjoyed coverage in state-owned/controlled
    newspapers. In turn, Ter-Petrossian enjoyed favorable coverage from a
    half-dozen opposition newspapers, but not enough to counter a strong
    negative public relations campaign launched against him on television.
    In fact, on February 8, Ter-Petrossian appealed to the Constitutional
    Court to have the elections postponed by two weeks citing slander in the
    media.6 The government-controlled public television station had been
    airing a smear campaign against the opposition candidate.7 The motion
    was turned down by the Court on February 11 in a conclusion that the
    evidence provided was not substantial.8 Apart from the above two
    candidates, and outside of the government-allocated time/limits of TV
    coverage, Vahan Hovannisyan received extensive coverage by the
    ARF-D-controlled Yerkir TV station, while Tigran Karapetyan used the
    opportunity offered by his own ALM TV station.

    Relations between the opposition candidates became problematic in the
    run-up to the election. Ter-Petrossian, failing to rally all opposition
    forces behind him, began to lash out at other candidates. One target was
    Bagdasaryan, who he publicly called a `traitor' during a rally on
    February 14 for failing to officially support Ter-Petrossian while
    keeping his name on the ballot.9 For not joining his campaign,
    Ter-Petrossian also criticized the ARF-D, the very same party he had
    banned in the mid-1990s, and one that has effectively been a power base
    of Robert Kocharyan during the latter's two terms as president. Vasgen
    Manukyan, Ter-Petrossian's rival in the 1996 election, who served as
    Defense Minister and Prime Minister at different times during
    Ter-Petrossian's tenure, in turn criticized Ter-Petrossian supporters.
    Accusations of wrongdoings were rampant throughout the campaign period.
    The most notable one was made by Artur Bagdasaryan on February 3 when he
    claimed that Serge Sargsyan threatened to assassinate him. These
    allegations were dismissed by Sargsyan as `a pre-election trick.'

    In terms of the dynamics within the opposition camp there was a lot of
    hope for a change supported by a vast majority of the population. Levon
    Ter-Petrossian's October announcement of his presidential intentions
    revived a morally-defeated opposition. Initially capturing the
    collective imagination of a disaffected populace and stirring hope among
    those exhausted by a legacy of corruption and disenfranchisement, the
    former president's momentum weakened by the beginning of the official
    campaign season. Ter-Petrossian's efforts, however, served to rekindle
    opposition heat and other candidates'notably Vahan Hovannisyan and Artur
    Baghdasyan'drew fuel for their own fires from anti-government sentiments
    stirred by the first president. For the first time since 1996, the
    opposition presented believable leaders with change as their mission.
    Though not united behind a single candidate, the opposition showed
    strength in numbers, and February 19 arrived with the common belief that
    if the election were conducted fairly, there would likely be a runoff,
    most likely pitting the former president against the (then) prime

    Even before Serge Sargsyan became the prime minister following the March
    2007 death of PM Andranik Margaryan, it was widely assumed that he would
    succeed Robert Kocharyan as Armenia's third president. Sargsyan spent
    much of his premiership deflecting but not discouraging speculation
    pointing towards the inevitable.

    Six international and 39 local organizations deployed close to 15,000
    observers countrywide, including more than 600 internationals,
    ostensibly to encourage a process that would secure alegitimate and
    peaceful result. As the post-election developments demonstrated, the
    process failed. Preliminary conclusions by the OSCE observer mission
    proved to be premature, if not damagingand misleading. Outsiders, quick
    to embrace a repeat of Armenia's failed history of elections embraced
    these conclusions. While thefirst report called the election `mostly in
    line' with international standards, voters, media, and politicians
    witnessed too many violations to agree that the elections met any
    democratic standard. Additionally, allegations that Serge Sargsyan hired
    public relations lobbyists in the US and Europe (Hughes, 2008, and
    Zhamanak daily, 2008) left skeptics wondering whether the lobbyists were
    in fact not successful in ex ante influencing the tone of these early
    reports. Eventually, in a follow-up report (OSCE, 2008b) the observers
    effectively admitted their hasty miscalculation, pointing out, among
    other things, violations of vote counting in at least 16 percent of
    precincts. This recognition, however, was too little too late.

    The remainder of this Report systematizes some evidence of wrongdoings
    on February 19 and analyzes the aftermath.

    Misuse of Administrative Resources, Vote Buying, and Other Examples of
    Abuse of Power 10
    The polls opened at 8 AM in Armenia on Election Day. By 10 AM media were
    receiving reports from competing political parties, NGOs, and voters
    that the 2008 election was even more fraudulent than previous contests.

    Within hours, Hetq Online,, and Legal Initiative:
    Elections-2008, confirmed several dozen counts of fraud, violence, and
    voter intimidation. Accusations that could not be immediately verified
    were later found to be accurate and consistent with a pattern of
    legitimate complaints throughout the day. By the time the polls closed
    at 8 PM, Election Day 2008 was already being called the worst in
    Armenia's democratic history.

    Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Daniel
    Fried stated during his testimony before the Foreign Affairs Committee
    of the U.S. Congress (HFAC, 2008):

    The election itself was marred by credible claims of ballot stuffing,
    vote buying, intimidation and even beatings of poll workers and proxies,
    and other irregularities. Recounts were requested, but [OSCE/]ODIHR
    observers noted `shortcomings in the recount process, including
    discrepancies and mistakes, some of which raise questions over the
    impartiality of the [electoral commissions] concerned.' OSCE observers
    were also harassed in the period following the election.

    When the Central Election Commission returned a 52.8 percent count in
    favor of Serge Sargsyan, just enough to put him over the 50 percent
    threshold, many of those who observed the matter throughout the day on
    the ground questioned the outcome. For those observers there existed
    compelling evidence of vote buying, ballot stuffing, and voter
    intimidation. A few examples of each are discusses below. Appendixes I
    and II, which list violations as reported by the readers of two
    independent websites, are available as further reference.11,12

    Misuse of Administrative Resources
    In several communities across Armenia, immediate involvement of
    executive authorities and staff of local government bodies as well as
    usage of state resources in electoral processes (including pre-election
    campaign) was observed. A strong bias on the side of local executive
    authorities in providing pre-election campaign venues, advertisement
    materials, security, and other services to candidates was also

    An overwhelming majority of city mayors in Armenia are members of the
    Republican Party. During the pre-election campaign these high-level
    civil servants de facto or de jure led the electoral headquarters of
    Republican Party candidate Serge Sargsyan. In most instances this meant
    that during the campaign period they would have been unable to perform
    their duties as public servants. In fact, many of these local government
    offices (48 cities in total, excluding Yerevan) effectively did not
    function during the campaign period.

    In almost all the regions observed, especially in major cities and
    towns, meetings between voters and Serge Sargsyan were organized by the
    local governments. Mayors and staff were fully involved in election
    affairs and were tasked with organizing public meetings for Sargsyan and
    ensuring the largest possible turnouts. People were often bussed from
    neighboring villages in order to attend such meetings.

    In Gyumri, as a result of the rally in support of Serge Sargsyan on
    February 15, the daily routines of employees at regional governments,
    city municipalities, and some regional and local bodies were
    disrupted.During work hours, employees of these agencies were asked to
    participate in the rally. Those who refused were allegedly threatened
    with layoffs or various retributive measures (HCA&UFSD, 2008). In
    Vanadzor, students of the State Pedagogical Institute were coerced by
    the administration to participate in a pro-Sargsyan rally. Upon
    principals' directives, similar actions were taken in some high schools
    (e.g., schools Nos. 3, 10, and 11). On the rally day, local governments
    ordered free public transportation, apparently expressly to facilitate

    One example of public outrage took place in Vanadzor in the aftermath of
    this rally. Several high school students from different schools
    organized a rally to call teachers back to their work places. The
    students demanded that their teachers re-establish the normal
    educational process in schools and not to be involved in politics.

    In Yerevan, co-opting of administrative resources was observed during
    the infamous February 26 post-election meeting in Yerevan, when some
    residents of Yerevan and the nearby areas were forced to attend a
    meeting organized by Serge Sargsyan supporters. Participation in that
    meeting was mandated for staff and students of many schools, colleges,
    universities, and some private businesses.

    Vote Buying
    Compensation promised or given to voters on or before Election Day
    included food, money, credits to pay utility services debts, and other
    similar enticements. In Gyumri, for example, journalists observed voters
    paid AMD 5,000 (about $16) outside the polling station at school No. 11.
    A cameraman was attacked by Republican Party members when he tried to
    photograph the transaction.

    In Vanadzor, electoral bribes were distributed to the residents of
    building No. 42 at Tigran Mets Street to vote for Serge Sargsyan. On
    condition of anonymity, some residents admitted taking AMD 5,000 in
    exchange for promising to vote for Sargsyan. Homes of constituents in
    Dilijan were paid evening visits by people offering electoral bribes
    amounting to AMD 5,000, again to benefit Serge Sargsyan. On Ashot
    Melikbekyan Street in Ijevan, witnesses reported incidences of electoral
    bribes distributed to voters heading to the Cultural House.

    While electoral bribery in these cities took place primarily during the
    days preceding elections (February 16-18), in Gyumri bribing took place
    on Election Day as well. Bribes were distributed next to the electoral
    precincts located in the railway station and in school No. 1, as well as
    in electoral precinct No. 34. On the day of elections, about one hundred
    people were gathered in front of the post office No. 16 and only after
    having received money (allegedly between AMD 5,000 and AMD 10,000) were
    they allowed to enter and vote (HCA&UFSD, 2008).

    Voter Intimidation and Other Types of Election Fraud
    The pre-election campaign in Yerevan was similarly problematic. White
    flags of the Republican Party with the slogan `Forward Armenia' appeared
    on cars and nearly every city block, of the vehicles bearing this
    emblem, a large percentage were expensive black SUV-style vehicles. Even
    a number of privately owned passenger minivans and some taxi service
    companies bore the flags. The drivers of some of those cars explained
    that they were strictly instructed not to remove the emblems.

    The atmosphere inside polling stations was also tense. Campaign
    headquarters of Arman Melikyan reported to RFE/RL that a Melikyan proxy
    was assaulted by a group of men shortly after uncovering a vote buying
    scheme at a polling station in Yerevan's Malatia-Sebastia district. The
    person was subsequently hospitalized with serious injuries.13 In another
    Malatia-Sebastia polling station, a member of the precinct commission
    representing Artur Bagdasaryan's Orinats Yerkir party mentioned in an
    interview to the RFE/RL: `[t]here are lots of people who have no right
    to be here. They stand by ballot boxes and tell people who to vote

    In Kapan, an ArmeniaNow reporter witnessed uniformed policemen in
    polling stations 38/02 and 38/05, even though police are not permitted
    in polling stations unless called by an election commission head to
    assist. In Kotayk, home province of the famously impetuous oligarch MP
    Gagik Tsarukyan, proxies for Ter-Petrossian reported to police that they
    had been beaten by bodyguards of Tsarukyan. In Abovian, a female
    opposition proxy was beaten in the face, forced into a car driven by men
    believed to be Tsarukyan staff, and threatened with rape before being
    released on a road outside of town.

    Serge Sargsyan's campaign headquarters reported that at polling station
    31/69 in the Lori region, Ter-Petrossian proxy Sargis Tamazyan
    threatened members of the commission. He allegedly stated that `if
    anybody tried to prevent him from doing what he wanted, the end would be
    bad.' At a polling station in Debed, voters were told that cameras had
    been installed over the ballot tables and authorities would know who had
    and had not cast votes for Sargsyan.

    In at least one Yerevan polling station, proxies for candidate Vazgen
    Manukyan reported that passports were passed over the heads of the
    crowd, ballots marked, and then the passports returned. At several
    polling stations in Kapan, witnesses reported busloads of soldiers going
    from station to station voting multiple times under the supervision of
    their superiors.

    In Yerevan, an RFE/RL correspondent witnessed several dozen people
    receiving police identifications outside Serge Sargsyan's local campaign
    office.14The documents allow these individuals'mostly from outside of
    Yerevan'to vote without producing passports. The eyewitness claimed that
    `[t]hey boarded three buses after being told by Sargsyan campaign
    workers in which polling station they should cast ballots. Speaking to
    RFE/RL, some of those people admitted that they have already voted
    earlier in the day.'

    In a Syunik region polling station, three men entered the polling
    station saying they were there to change a light bulb. While one stood
    on a table above the ballot box, the two others stuffed the box with
    marked ballots. At polling station 35 in Vanadzor, a reporter observed
    voters being asked to vote `openly,' meaning that their choice would be
    seen by Republican Party representatives.

    Response of the International Community
    While significantly less international media and diplomatic attention
    was paid to the Armenian elections compared to other regional elections
    (e.g., Georgia, 2003, 2007; Ukraine,2004; Russia, 2008), many issues
    have been raised. In May 2008, a number of reports by governments (e.g.,
    US State Department), inter-governmental organizations (e.g., OSCE) and
    NGOs (e.g., Amnesty International) were published on Armenia's 2008
    presidential election and related political developments in the country.
    According to the OSCE/ODHIR final report (OSCE, 2008c):

    While the 2008 presidential election mostly met OSCE commitments and
    international standards in the pre-election period and during voting
    hours, serious challenges to some commitments did emerge, especially
    after election day. This displayed an insufficient regard for standards
    essential to democratic elections and devalued the overall election
    process. In particular, the vote count demonstrated deficiencies of
    accountability and transparency, and complaints and appeals procedures
    were not fully effective.

    In contrast to their preliminary report, this final report by the OSCE
    is far more critical of the election process, and the sense that the
    OSCE assessed the situation too quickly has emerged (US Helsinki
    Commission, 2008; International Crisis Group, 2008; HRD, 2008b).

    The US State Department (2008) report described the February 2008
    elections as `significantly flawed' and lists the problems as including:

    ¦[F]avorable treatment of the government's candidate, instances of
    ballot stuffing, vote-buying, multiple voting, voter intimidation,
    violence against opposition commission members and proxies, and
    suspiciously high turnout figures.

    The report also defined the Armenian government's human rights record as
    `poor' and mentioned the `pressure on opposition media, and continuing
    arrests and intimidation of government opponents' as problems, which
    remain even following the lifting of the SOE on March 20. The opposition
    welcomed this reappraisal of the election, but also stated that a more
    critical initial assessment from international observers would have
    staved off some of the violence (Armenia Liberty, 2008a).

    In a March interview, United States' Charge d'Affaires in Armenia,
    Joseph Pennington said that he had observed questionable conduct during
    the recounting that followed February 19. When asked `If the US' highest
    authority in Armenia sees voting abuse and cannot stop it, what chance
    is there for an unknown proxy to have his voice heard?' `Not much,'
    Pennington replied.

    Statistical Analysis of the Official Election Outcome
    The analysis below is based on Central Election Commission of Armenia
    data on Armenia's February 19, 2008 presidential election. These are
    reportedly the final results. The data contain none of the
    irregularities described in the OSCE's second interim monitoring report
    (OSCE, 2008b), and therefore may have been recounted or tampered with
    prior to being made public. The intention here is to examine the
    statistical properties of the data and reveal anomalies and
    irregularities, if any. From the outset, however, we should emphasize
    that there are types of election fraud that would not create statistical
    anomalies and hence could not be detected by statistical analyses such
    as ours. Examples of these types of fraudulent activities include, but
    are not limited to, across-the-board (i.e., uniform) paying money in
    exchange for a vote or the use of coercion to obtain votes.15

    Instead, the focus here is on those indications of fraud that can be
    detected by statistical inference: ballot stuffing and vote stealing
    (i.e., artificial augmentation of votes received by the candidates).
    Methodology used below was originally developed by Sobianin and
    Sukhovolskiy (1993) and Sobianin, Gelman, and Kaiunov (1994) applied to
    Russia's 1993 constitutional referendum and later developed in a series
    of published papers by Michael Myagkov (University of Oregon), Peter
    Ordeshook (California Institute of Technology), and co-authors. Below we
    focus on four measures that have been identified in the ensuing
    empirical literature as potential indicators of election fraud: (1)
    distribution of voter turnout, (2) distribution of individual
    candidates' votes, (3) relationship between the candidates' votes and
    voter turnout, and (4) distribution of invalid ballots. The following
    sections describe in detail these indicators and the relationships among

    Distribution of Voter Turnout
    In most elections, it is expected that the voter turnout (as well as
    share of votes cast in favor of any candidate) will follow a normal (or
    Gaussian) distribution.16 In this case, a chart of the number of polling
    stations reporting a certain turnout or percentage of votes for a
    candidate is shaped like a bell curve, with the top of the bell
    representing the average, median, and mode of the distribution.17
    Indeed, Myagkov, Ordeshook, and Shakin (2005) report approximately
    normal distributions for non-republic regions of Russia in both rounds
    of the 1996 presidential election, the 2000 presidential election, and
    1999 and 2003 Duma elections. According to the same authors, Ukraine's
    1999 and the first round of 2004 presidential elections also fit the
    same normal pattern.

    Figure 1 (upper panel) below depicts the distribution of polling
    stations as a function of turnout. While the curve largely resembles a
    normal one, the right tail is rather wide, indicating a
    disproportionately large number of polling stations with high turnout.
    Indeed, out of 1,923 polling stations, 129 polling stations reported 90
    percent or higher turnout, six of them registering a 100 percent
    turnout. This `bump' on the curve'an augmentation of the expected normal
    distribution'resembles closely that in Russia's federal republics during
    the 1996 and 2000 presidential elections, and the 1995, 1999, and 2003
    Duma elections, and Ukraine's second round of 2004 presidential
    election, all largely considered to have a high degree of irregularities
    (see Myagkov et al., 2005). We should note that this kind of
    augmentation of the distribution would be inconsistent with an overall
    higher turnout across all polling stations (e.g., as a result of higher
    political activism across the country, in which case the entire normal
    curve would shift rightward) but would be consistent with excessive
    activism in only a sub-set of polling stations.18

    A critical point of interest here is the rather high average voter
    turnout across country (roughly 71 percent). Anecdotal evidence indeed
    supports high level of political activism, perhaps driven by an
    unusually active pre-election campaign season, which introduced strong
    political alternatives for an otherwise demoralized opposition (see
    Section I of the current Report). Other developments cast a shadow over
    this high voter turnout, however. As part of the February 2007
    amendments to the Electoral Law, lawmakers rescinded the right of
    Armenian citizens residing abroad to vote in Armenian embassies abroad.
    Presidential candidate Arman Melikyan appealed this amendment in the
    Constitutional Court prior to 2008 election, arguing that it leaves out
    a sizable portion of eligible voters.19 Other critics argued that the
    inability to vote and get elected into a public office as a result of
    this amendment constitutes a serious violation of human rights.20 After
    the election, attempts were made to estimate the true voter turnout
    given all the `missing' people due to voting restrictions and other
    limitations (US Helsinki Commission, 2008).21

    The lower panel of Figure 1 depicts the distribution of turnout for
    polling stations in and outside of Yerevan. With the exception of a
    small number of polling stations with high turnout (i.e., the rather
    thin tail on the right), the distribution of turnout in Yerevan looks as
    close to normal as one would get using empirical data, with very little
    signs of malfeasance. It also shows a smaller variance among the polling
    stations in terms of the turnout (i.e., the main curve too is relatively
    thinly shaped). The distribution of the polling stations outside
    Yerevan, on the contrary, has a much larger variance and a fat tail on
    the right. This breakdown shows that most polling stations with
    abnormally high turnout come from outside of Yerevan, suggesting a much
    higher degree of

    falsifications in the regions. For an almost identical mean value of
    turnout (i.e., 0.705 in Yerevan vs. 0.712 outside of Yerevan), areas
    outside of Yerevan record more than twice the amount of polling stations
    with abnormally high turnout (i.e., above 80 percent): 15.2 percent vs.
    32.5 percent for Yerevan and out-of-Yerevan, respectively. It is rather
    difficult to believe in the credibility of this outcome given the
    pattern of civic activism/participation in rural areas (and urban areas
    outside of the capital) compared to those inside the capital.22

    An equal mean value and an overly enthusiastic turnout in almost one in
    every three polling stations outside of Yerevan (compared to those in
    Yerevan) is also inconsistent with household survey data collected by
    Armenia's Statistical Service. As reported by Grigorian and Melkonyan
    (2008) based on the 2004 Integrated Living Standards Measurement Survey,
    households in areas outside of Yerevan are more likely to have migrants
    than those in Yerevan. The only way this result would be consistent with
    the above pattern of voter turnout is if for some reasons the rural
    migrants returned to Armenia on February 19 to vote in higher numbers
    than those originally from Yerevan, something we would seriously doubt.
    If, however, the intention was to use the rural areas to impose a
    predetermined outcome on the election, then in Ordeshook and Myagkov
    (2008) words `what better way to do that than by reverting back to a
    Soviet era electoral style wherein regional elites are allowed to
    operate as before, election observers from OSCE are pointedly denied
    access, and with bluff and bravado, officials are directed to assert
    that ¦ elections are as free and fair as anyone else's¦'

    The following sections attempt to answer two questions: which of the
    candidates benefited from the additional votes (i.e., the excessive
    turnout), and how is this high turnout likely to have been generated?

    Distribution of Individual Candidates' Votes
    As hypothesized above, votes cast in favor of any candidate should
    broadly follow a normal distribution. Figure 2 below depicts the
    distribution of votes for the 4 frontrunners, Serge Sargsyan (hereafter
    interchangeably, SS), Levon Ter-Petrossian (LTP), Artur Bagdasaryan
    (AB), and Vahan Hovannisyan (VH). It is interesting to note that while
    not entirely normal, the distributions for AB and VH have some
    resemblance to normal distribution, with minor abnormalities. In
    contrast, the distribution both for SS and LTP look very abnormal. In
    the case of SS, the chart looks normal only until the first peak of 45
    percent and the decline to the 50 percent mark.23 What follows is a
    number of large spikes at 55 and 75, and smaller spikes

    at 95 and 100 percent indicating a much greater number of polling
    stations reporting a specific turnout than a normal distribution would
    predict. The spikes on rounded numbers may reveal manipulations driven
    by `an administrative demand' for a specific turnout to be reported to
    superiors. The area below this curve but above a hypothetical normal
    curve for all values of

    turnout greater than 50 percent would represent the number of polling
    stations where share of SS is greater than what would have been
    predicted in a fraud-free election, and therefore the extent of
    manipulations in favor of this candidate. Given the shape of this curve,
    this is a rather sizable area (compared to the overall area under a
    hypothetical normal curve) indicating large-scale irregularities.

    In the case of LTP, the chart resembles a normal distribution only after
    30 percent. To the left from that point, the curve reveals a
    disproportionately high number of polling stations that reported a low
    turnout for LTP, lower than a normal distribution would suggest. Thus,
    the area below this curve but above a hypothetical normal curve for all
    values of turnout less than 30 percent would represent the number of
    polling stations where the share for LTP is less than what would have
    been predicted in absence of fraud. Another peculiarity of this
    distribution is that there is a large number of polling stations (45)
    that reported zero votes for LTP, compared to none that registered zero
    votes for SS.

    While calculating the exact number of stations with irregular turnout
    would be a challenge (associated with precisely measuring the integral
    underneath these curves and above the normal distribution consistent
    with each of the curves), we nevertheless can infer'based on the shapes
    of these curves'that irregularities indeed occurred and were likely to
    be sizable. The nature of the augmentation of these curves suggests that
    votes for SS have been artificially inflated, while those for LTP have
    been artificially deflated. The following section examines these
    abnormalities more closely.

    Relationship Between the Candidates' Votes and Voter Turnout
    Another test proposed by Sobianin and Sukhovolskiy examines the link
    between the share of individual candidates' votes and voter turnout.
    They argue that the slope coefficient of the Ordinary Least Squares
    (OLS) regression of a candidate's share of total eligible voters on
    turnout should be a positive number less than one, and close to the
    share of votes collected by that candidate across country.24 If the
    resulting slope is much larger than the candidate's share of votes, this
    would indicate: (1) ballot stuffing to benefit this particular
    candidate, and/or (2) mobilization of voters beyond the normal turnout
    that would disproportionately support the candidate in question and not
    others. If the resulting slope is larger than 1, this would indicate
    that not only the particular candidate in question benefited from every
    additional ballot added to the final count, but also from votes
    subtracted from other candidates.

    Table 1 below presents results of OLS regressions of candidates' voter
    shares on voter turnout and a constant term, for all 9 presidential
    candidates. These results are very interesting. The only relationship
    that resembles the theoretical prior is the one for Vahan Hovannisyan.
    The estimated linear relationship has an intercept of zero and a
    coefficient that broadly equals the share of votes he obtained during
    the election, 6.2 percent. This indicates no large-scale tampering
    against or on behalf of this particular candidate in the form of
    staffing ballots or subtracting votes illegally.

    Second, the only other regression with a positive slope is the one for
    Serge Sargsyan, with one critical difference in that the coefficient in
    this case is greater than 1 (i.e., equals 1.204). This means that
    (holding everything else constant and ignoring any differences between
    polling stations) from every 100-voter increase at a polling station,
    this particular candidate received approximately 120 votes.

    Third, the slope coefficients for all other candidates are negative,
    indicating that not only they were not able to retain their share of
    votes as a result of (or with) incremental increases in voter turnout,
    but they actually lost votes cast in their favor as turnout increased.
    The negative coefficients are the largest in magnitude for Artur
    Bagdasaryan and Levon Ter-Petrossian, suggesting that they have lost
    more than others as a result of increased turnout. This last result is
    not surprising because they had a larger amount of votes compared to
    other candidates and therefore had more to lose on the margin. The only
    beneficiary of these lost votes has been Serge Sargsyan (as indicated by
    the magnitude of his slope coefficient), indicating both ballot stuffing
    and vote stealing to benefit him.25

    Table 1. Regression Results

    Intercept Slope
    coefficient t-statistic
    Artur Bagdasaryan 0.218 -0.158 -12.69
    Artashes Geghamyan 0.006 -0.005 -7.11
    Tigran Karapetyan 0.008 -0.006 -6.04
    Aram Harutunyan 0.002 -0.001 -3.39
    Vahan Hovannisyan 0.000 0.067 7.35
    Vazgen Manukyan 0.017 -0.014 -7.02
    Arman Melikyan 0.003 -0.002 -4.14
    Serge Sargsyan -0.457 1.204 47.99
    Levon Ter-Petrossian 0.191 -0.085 -4.71

    Note: The table contains estimated coefficients for OLS regressions

    (Vcandidate/E) = Intercept + Slope*T + ε for each candidate. Number of

    equals 1,923. All slope coefficients are highly statistically

    Figure 3 presents a scatter plot of the votes of the two leading
    candidates as a function of the turnout and helps to visualize this
    relationship. The linear regression line indicates the estimated
    relationship between the two variables.

    An attempt was made to verify whether the relationships reported in
    Table 1 for the two leading candidates held for subsets of polling
    stations where turnout was plausible. Table 2 contains the estimated
    slope coefficient based on sub-samples for different thresholds of
    turnout: going from column 2 to column 6, we gradually excluded polling
    stations with very high (perhaps implausible) voter turnouts and ran the
    same regressions as in Table 1.

    Table 2. Relationship between Votes and Turnout for Different Levels of

    Full sample Truncated Sample for Values of T(urnout)
    < 0.9 < 0.8 < 0.75 < 0.70

    Serge Sargsyan 1.204* 1.105* 0.939* 0.703* 0.412*
    Levon Ter-Petrossian -0.085* -0.003 0.141* 0.307* 0.496*

    Number of
    polling stations 1,923 1,794 1,585 1,370 1,027

    Notes: The above are estimates of Slope coefficients based on OLS
    regressions: (V/E) = Intercept + Slope*T + ε for the above two
    candidates. All coefficients are highly statistically significant. * -
    indicates significance at 1 percent confidence level.

    The results are highly informative. When polling stations with very high
    turnout are gradually excluded, one can see that the slope coefficient
    on turnout (which, as indicated above, should be close to the share of
    votes collected by the candidate) for Serge Sargsyan declines markedly
    to obtain plausible values. Conversely, the regression coefficient for
    Levon Ter-Petrossian gradually increases and takes more meaningful
    values. More interestingly, in over one thousand precincts where turnout
    ratio was under 70 percent, the slope coefficient for Levon
    Ter-Petrossian is greater than that for Serge Sargsyan.

    Finally, to exclude any idiosyncrasies at the level of election
    precincts and regions (e.g., in case some regions have traditionally
    strong support for one candidate or another, which may bias the results
    based on the overall sample), we included 40 dummy variables
    representing (41 minus 1) electoral precincts in the regression. Doing
    so, however, reduced the coefficient in the regression for Serge
    Sargsyan only slightly to 1.097 (from 1.204).26 The coefficient for
    Ter-Petrossian changed somewhat (from -0.085 to -0.056), leaving the
    outcome qualitatively unchanged.

    A possible alternative to outright ballot stuffing and vote stealing in
    this case is that in polling stations where turnout was higher for
    reasons other than ballot stuffing (e.g., due to military voting, vote
    buying, coercion, voter enthusiasm, or herd mentality), voters may have
    been more inclined to vote for one candidate (in this case Serge
    Sargsyan) but not others. However, none of these factors would explain
    fully the pattern of regression coefficients observed in Tables 1-2.

    Distribution of Invalid Ballots
    The final and perhaps the most interesting empirical test suggested by
    the authors of this methodology is based on the relationship between
    shares of invalid votes and voter turnout. Logically, there should be no
    statistical relationship between these two variables because higher
    turnout should also raise the number of invalid votes in the same

    Before turning to the empirical link between these two indicators, let
    us review the statistical anomalies associated with invalid ballots in
    out data. Table 3 reports shares of votes cast in favor of the two
    leading candidates in sub-samples with different levels of invalid
    ballots. It appears that in polling stations with abnormally high levels
    of invalid ballots (i.e., columns 3 and 4, Table 3), the average share
    of votes cast for Serge Sargsyan is higher and for Levon Ter-Petrossian
    is lower than their respective officially reported shares based on the
    total sample (0.528 and 0.215, respectively). Even more peculiar is a
    large number (215, or 11 percent of total) of precincts with zero
    invalid ballots, where due to some serious lack or fraudulent activity
    72.8 percent of votes (almost 40 percent more than the country-wide
    average of 52.8 percent) was cast in favor of Serge Sargsyan, and only
    9.9 percent (less than half of its nation-wide average of 21.5 percent)
    was cast in favor of Levon Ter-Petrossian. The only other possible'
    non-fraud-related'explanation for this observation could be that those
    voting stations with voters who are smarter and more diligent than
    average voters across country (that is, are capable of following
    instructions in such a way to produce zero invalid ballots versus the
    average of 1.5 percent or 21 ballots across all polling stations) are
    more SS-oriented and less LTP-oriented than average voters across
    country. Given the specifics of Armenian election and the profiles of
    the two candidates in question, we seriously doubt this possibility, and
    therefore think that this is indicative of fraud to benefit Serge

    Table 3. Select Indicators for Different Levels of Invalid Ballots

    Invalid ballots Invalid ballots
    (as a share of (as a share of
    eligible voters) participants)
    Invalid=0 > 5 % > 10%
    Number of
    polling stations 215 26 19
    Share of Sargsyan
    votes (VSS/E) 0.728 0.582 0.570
    Share of Ter-Petrossian
    votes (VLTP/E) 0.099 0.166 0.163

    Note: The relevant comparators for these values, that is, that
    officially registered shares of SS and LTP are 0.528 and 0.215,

    Figure 4 depicts a scatter plot of the share of invalid votes as a
    function of the turnout, along with a fitted regression line. The
    relationship clearly indicates that in polling stations with high voter
    turnout there is generally lower share of invalid ballots. What this
    most likely indicates is that

    when ballots were stuffed, the ballot stuffers did not care to allocate
    a portion of those ballots to invalid ballots, and as a result the share
    of invalid ballots in total went down. Note also the alarmingly high
    concentration of polling stations with zero invalid ballots and high
    turnout rates. This also indicates that high voter turnout was
    artificially created by essentially adding to the number of voters.

    In order to determine which of the candidates benefited from the lower
    share of invalid ballots, we included this variable into the regression
    we run in Table 1 for the two leading candidates. (The precinct dummy
    variables were also added to the regressions to exclude any
    idiosyncrasies at the level of election precincts). The results show
    that while there is no relationship between the ratio of invalid ballots
    and votes collected by LTP (the coefficient on invalid ballots is
    statistically not significant), it appears that precincts with a lower
    share of invalid ballots (including those with none at all) registered
    higher share of SS votes (i.e., the coefficient is negative and
    statistically significant), other things equal.

    Table 4. Regression Results after Including Share of Invalid Ballots

    Serge Sargsyan Levon Ter-Petrosyan
    Dependent Variable: Dependent Variable:

    Slope Slope
    Coefficient t-statistic Coefficient t-statistic

    Turnout 1.070* 43.75 -0.056* -3.30
    Share of invalid ballots -0.744* -6.18 0.010 0.12
    Precinct dummy
    variables (40) included included

    R-squared 0.69 0.38

    Note: The table contains estimated coefficients for OLS regressions
    (V/E) = Intercept + Slope1*T + Slope2*Invalid + Precinct Dummies + ε for
    two leading candidates. Number of observation is 1,923. * - indicates
    significance at 1 percent confidence level.

    The results presented above are not proof of election fraud. They offer
    indications of fraud. In light of the above analysis, one could safely
    conclude that the official reported data are indicative of serious
    irregularities and fraud, including but not limited to ballot stuffing
    and stealing of opponents' votes during the vote count. All four
    empirical tests employed offer some evidence of fraud and
    irregularities.27 In fact, empirical results presented above would be
    consistent with fraudulent activities described by Marietta de
    Pourbaix-Lundin (de Pourbaix-Lundin and Eorsi, 2008), a parliamentarian
    from Sweden who was part of the OSCE election observer mission:

    The opening of the polling stations and the proceedings on the day were
    not too bad, but the counting in the polling station that I chose to
    visit was a disaster. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. The
    number of voters who had voted and who had been marked on the list of
    voters was not counted, unused ballot papers were not destroyed and the
    protocol in which the results were to be entered had already been signed
    by members of the election committee. The most serious incident involved
    the chairperson of the local election committee reading out the wrong
    names when the ballot papers were to be put into different piles for the
    nine candidates. The chairperson was well aware of what she was doing.
    She was taking votes from Levon Ter-Petrosian and allocating them to the
    [then-] prime minister, Serzh Sarkisian. Election officials tried to
    hide what they were doing by holding their hands over the ballot papers
    or by placing them in the middle of the piles so that I could not see

    However, given the magnitude and frequency of these irregularities, we
    will refrain from making any inferences about the true distributions of
    voter turnout and individual candidates' votes, and therefore the number
    of added and stolen votes. Additional research and perhaps even
    collaboration of officials from the Central Election Commission would be
    required to unfold the nature, magnitude, and the exact location of
    these irregularities. We also cannot offer any definitive picture of the
    distribution of votes that would have existed had it not been for the
    other types of fraudulent activities (i.e., other than adding or
    stealing of votes) observed during and prior to the Election Day (e.g.,
    abuse of administrative resources, vote buying, voter intimidation,
    etc.). One thing could be said with some certainty, however: given the
    consistency and strength of evidence of fraud offered by the four tests,
    the above analysis casts a serious doubt about the small margin of
    victory of Serge Sargsyan in Armenia's February 2008 presidential
    elections and the trustworthiness of the final election outcome.

    Post-election Developments'Civil Society Awakening
    Of the five presidential elections since independence in Armenia, only
    the 1991 election is considered to have met international standards for
    free and fair elections. The other four elections appear to follow a
    pattern that has unfortunately become all too familiar: flawed
    elections28 followed by protests and demonstrations by the opposition.
    Although this pattern was repeated in 2008, the post-election
    developments are markedly different from previous cases for a number of
    reasons. First, several officials, civil servants and diplomats resigned
    or were removed from their posts for expressing support for the
    opposition. Such a blatant breach of protocol by senior figures was not
    a feature in past elections when individuals would switch sides only
    when the final outcome had been declared'and when they did so, they
    would only move towards the ruling party, not the opposition.

    Second, following the 2008 election and the events of March 1-2, civil
    society in Armenia has become very active and vocal following nearly two
    decades of apathy and political indifference. Although non-governmental
    organizations (NGOs) had been active in Armenia during the 1990s and
    continue to be active today, currently there is a broader based civic
    activism, which extends well beyond NGOs. This section examines the
    nature and characteristics of this renewed civil society activism and
    considers the implications of this activism on future political
    developments in Armenia.

    Box 2. A Brief Background to Civil Society in Armenia

    In the late 1980s, Armenians believed in the ideals of civil society and
    the possibility of democratizing the Soviet system. This idealism
    brought hundreds of thousands of people into the streets of Yerevan and
    brought social and political activity to the forefront. In many ways,
    the Karabakh Movement embraced the ideas and concepts of the nineteenth
    century awakening (zartonk).29

    Although an established civil society did not exist at this time, Levon
    Abrahamian maintains that the `embryos of civil society' (Abrahamian
    2001: 125) were indeed present in Armenia at that time. To illustrate
    this, Abrahamian refers to the demonstrations, the protest actions such
    as work and hunger strikes, as well as the emergence of the information
    tables (stoliki) which sprung up in Theatre Square30 in central Yerevan
    in 1988. At these tables people could receive written or oral
    information about elections, deputies, registration rules, electoral and
    polling districts, and many other details about the constitutional
    rights of Soviet citizens from those versed in Soviet constitutional law
    (Abrahamian 2005: 242). He maintains that in 1988 Armenians `began their
    education in democracy' and were soon able to use the Soviet
    constitution to advance their objectives.

    Following independence, however, the situation changed. Due to the harsh
    socio-economic conditions of the early years following independence,
    most people did not have the time or inclination to participate in civic
    projects and civic activism. Many hopes in the late 1980s were replaced
    by disillusionment, apathy, frustration, and dislocation in the 1990s.
    The early years of independence are referred to as the `years of
    darkness and cold' (mti yev tsrti tariner). Although there was less
    broad based civic activism at that time, during the 1990s there was
    exponential growth in the numbers of non-governmental organizations
    (NGOs) in Armenia. This increase was a reflection of NGO growth
    worldwide, also known as the `global associational revolution' (Salamon
    and Anheier, 1997).

    Although civil society today encompasses much more than NGOs, in
    practice, during the 1990s in Armenia, civil society was often equated
    with NGO activity. Although there are a total of 4,000 NGOs registered
    in Armenia (a sizeable number considering a population total of under 3
    million), NGOs are not required by the Ministry of Justice to cancel
    their registration when they cease operating. Therefore while there are
    a large number of registered NGOs, this number is not indicative of the
    vibrancy of the sector.31

    The narrowing of the definition of civil society to professionalized
    advocacy and service delivery NGOs has been referred to as the
    `NGOization' of civil society. Although NGOs are certainly an important
    institutional component within civil society, they remain a mere subset
    of civil society. Other important and vibrant civil society actors
    include trade unions, faith-based organizations, grassroots and informal
    associations, and self-help groups. There are many types of
    organizations promoting various ideological and political viewpoints. In
    Armenia, there are (1) independent NGOs, (2) government organized NGOs,
    known as GONGOs, (3) NGOs that are run as private businesses, known as
    `grant-eaters' (grantakerner),,32 and (4) NGOs which are created to
    serve particular political or economic interests, referred to as pocket
    (grpanayin) NGOs.

    Recently, the government announced the creation of a Public Chamber
    (Hasarakakan Palad) to provide a forum for NGOs, modeled on the Russian
    example. While still at an early consultative stage, there are concerns
    that this Chamber will serve to co-opt and silence certain NGOs. Russia
    began instituting laws and developing mechanisms to regulate and control
    NGOs following the `color revolutions' in Georgia, Ukraine, and

    Following these revolutions, Western support for civil society began
    attracting criticism from governments throughout the former Soviet
    states and led to the adoption of laws restricting NGO activity as well
    as more insidious forms of repression in particular in Russia,
    Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan (Howell et al., 2008). Globally, foreign
    funding of NGOs and other civil society organizations is increasingly
    described as a form of interventionism and neo-imperialism, and as the
    creation of a fifth column. This tactic of accusing civil society
    organizations of being in the pay of foreign powers is intended to raise
    questions about the legitimacy of those organizations and about the
    motivations and agendas of activists. This situation has been described
    as a backlash against civil society that involves legal and extralegal
    measures aimed at constraining, co-opting, coercing, or closing
    foreign-funded NGOs (Gershman and Allen, 2006: 38; Howell et al.,

    Civil Society Activism Following the Events of March 1, 2008

    During the 20-day SOE put in place after the March 1-2 events, public
    gatherings were banned and all media outlets including TV and radio
    channels, newspapers, journals, and Internet news sites were only
    allowed to transmit official communiqués. Although there was a slight
    easing of the restrictions on March 13, it was little more than window
    dressing because before newspapers could be published, they had to be
    approved by censors from Armenia's National Security Service (NSS).
    Censors checked independent and opposition newspapers to make sure that
    they did not publish `obviously false or destabilizing information,'
    causing many newspapers not to resume publication until the SOE was

    Aside from the SOE and in spite of Armenia's commitments to the Council
    of Europe, on March 18, the National Assembly passed amendments to the
    Law on Conducting Meetings, Assemblies, Rallies, and Demonstrations.
    These include more stringent restrictions on public gatherings. One of
    the amendments of the new law complements the clause with cases where
    authorities have "reliable information" that street protests would pose
    a threat to "state security, public order, public health and morality,"
    and that any such information coming from the Armenian police and the
    NSS would be automatically deemed "reliable." According to Human Rights
    Watch, these amendments `are incompatible with Armenia's obligations to
    respect freedom of assembly under the European Convention on Human
    Rights' (Human Rights Watch, 2008b).In spite of these restrictions,
    however, and to a large extent in response to them, there has been
    renewed civic activism by NGOs, coalitions of like-minded groups, social
    movements, and other civil society organizations. A report by Armenia's
    Human Rights Defender examines how the restrictions, which were
    implemented to quell the demonstrations, actually backfired (HRD, 2008b:
    7).33 The opposition stood defiantly and even incorporated many of the
    symbols and discourses of the 1988 Karabakh Movement including holding
    meetings in Liberty Square, and using particular chants (e.g., `struggle
    until victory' (payqar, payqar minchev verj)that are associated with the
    national liberation movement of the period, etc. (HRD, 2008b: 23).

    Civil Society Responses to the Restrictions: Emerging Civil Disobedience

    Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

    Beginning with the 2003 election, and intensifying in each subsequent
    election (i.e., 2007 parliamentary and 2008 presidential elections),
    NGOs have implemented a number of initiatives in the pre- and
    post-election periods including supporting civic participation
    initiatives, raising public awareness about defending one's vote,
    sponsoring information hotlines, training and serving as local election
    monitors. One of the things Armenian NGOs claim they are now doing, or
    at least attempting to do, is challenging the climate of fear, which
    they argue has emerged following the events of March 1-2, 2008. In
    addition to the NGOs that were challenging the government's crackdown on
    the opposition, however, there were also NGOs working to convince the
    demonstrators to stop the protests and to be `tolerant' (HRD, 2008b:

    According to the NGOs, arrests of opposition political activists and
    attacks on high profile civil society leaders fuelled this climate of
    fear. Following the beating of young civil society activist Arsen
    Kharatyan on May 28, a number of human rights and media freedom NGOs
    wrote in their statement: 34

    We condemn such actions and declare that the attempts at silencing the
    voices of the people and of creating a climate of fear only serve to
    intensify dissatisfaction and resentment with the current

    Following the elections, NGOs became particularly active in protesting
    and publicizing the voting irregularities and fraud as well as
    incidences of violence and intimidation of voters and local election
    monitors. For instance, when Serge Sargsyan's supporters cited the
    findings of the International Election Observation Mission (IEOM)35 to
    argue that the vote met international standards, a number of Armenian
    NGOs criticized the premise of the IEOM report that the election was
    `administered mostly in line with OSCE and Council of Europe commitments
    and standards.'

    In February, nine human rights and media freedom NGOs36 released a
    statement arguing that `the apparent discrepancy between the actual
    findings of the assessment with the formative first two sentences of the
    report resulted in the government only referring to this paragraph in
    the international observers' assessment in order to legitimize the
    results of the election' (A1+ web). At the pickets near the OSCE office
    in Yerevan, demonstrators repeatedly shouted the word `shame' to
    indicate their disappointment with the observers' report and what they
    considered to be a legitimization of a flawed electoral process.37

    During and after the SOE, NGOs sent open letters to international
    organizations and foreign governments. The letters outlined the various
    human rights abuses and violations by the authorities. In a strongly
    worded open letter dated March 27, ten NGOs38 accused Armenia of
    Soviet-style repression and `state terror.' They wrote: `The scale of
    such violence increases day-by-day. The Armenian authorities arbitrarily
    violate constitutional rights and fundamental freedoms of the
    people' (Unzipped web). Although these letters do not appear to have had
    an impact on local political developments, they have publicized the
    various human rights violations both domestically and internationally.
    Globally, NGOs engage in such activities in an effort to attract
    international attention to domestic human rights violations and
    repression. Such behavior is described as the`boomerang effect' by which
    non-state actors (including NGOs, social movements, etc.) achieve change
    domestically by focusing international attention on the state (Keck and
    Sikkink, 1998).

    Apart from issuing statements, writing open letters, and engaging in
    protest actions, a number of Armenian NGOs have created a toll-free
    telephone hotline to assist individuals who were illegally kept in
    police custody, had their homes searched, or if they feel unprotected.
    Hotlines are relatively new in Armenia; the first toll-free hotlines
    (established in 2002), were created to support victims of domestic
    violence (Ishkanian, 2007). These new hotlines received large number of
    calls following the March 1-2 events.

    While as of end-June there have not been any direct restrictions on the
    work of NGOs, they have faced indirect obstacles. The authorities and
    pro-government media outlets have attacked a number of NGOs of what they
    consider to be unpatriotic behavior and published articles which raised
    questions about the motivations of those NGO leaders and their sources
    of funding (Novoye Vremya web). In another development, on March 21,
    representatives from various NGOs sent an open letter addressed to
    private establishments and international organizations stating that
    their applications to secure conference venues in Yerevan were denied
    without any reasonable justification' (Tzitzernak web `A').39 NGOs
    believed that their inability to secure meeting space was due to
    government pressure and fear of economic repercussions on the side of
    the owners of these meeting venues. Such fears are not unfounded given
    that tax harassment and official investigations were launched against
    the businesses of those individuals who publicly supported
    Ter-Petrossian (e.g., MP Khatchatur Sukiasyan). Another high profile
    case of such administrative harassment is that of the GALA television
    channel in Gyumri. GALA had been under pressure from the authorities
    ever since it allocated airtime to Ter-Petrossian's election campaign
    and post-election demonstrations. GALA faced imminent closure if it did
    not pay the AMD 26. 9 million (approximately $90,000) it allegedly owed
    in back taxes, a decision of the tax administration that was later
    upheld in court. In response, supporters initiated a fundraising
    campaign across Armenia, with some Diaspora participation, and on March
    25, GALA paid the amount owed and remained on air.

    Non-NGO Civil Society

    Apart from the activity of NGOs, other civil society organizations and
    social movements, such as the Azgayin Zartonk (National Awakening), the
    Save Armenia Action Group (SAAG), and the group of wives of political
    prisoners, among others, have become very active since March 1-2. A
    group called the Azat Hayer (Free Armenians) issued a letter to
    Armenians worldwide calling for acts of civil disobedience and boycotts
    of the traditional Diaspora political parties and organizations. Quoting
    Henry David Thoreau and Thomas Jefferson the authors wrote:

    Now the time has come for the Armenian to live, put into effect, and
    bring into the light of day "civil disobedience," meaning "disobedience
    of the government," and to win his personal freedom from the oppression
    and fear of other powers and Armenia's government.40

    A group of exiled writers and intellectuals also expressed their
    position regarding the electoral turmoil in Armenia. A declaration
    prepared by the group for a conference in support of democracy in
    Armenia that took place in Los Angeles on May 26 called for (1) the
    release of all political prisoners, (2) the creation of a provisional
    governing authority jointly with the opposition to oversee new
    presidential and parliamentary elections, and (3) the return of all
    misappropriated state and private assets.41

    The continued ban on public assemblies and demonstrations has indeed led
    to acts of civil disobedience as civil society organizations have had to
    resort to alternative'and often very innovative'means of organizing
    public gathering such as public walks (zbosanqner) on Northern Avenue.
    During these walks participants read, ate, or played chess. Videos of
    some of the public walks are posted on YouTube and discussed on the
    various blogs. In spite of the seemingly innocuous nature of the
    activities, police began detaining participants of the walks on March

    Of the various groups that have become active in the post-election
    period, three stand out for their particular activism: youth, women, and
    the virtual (i.e., online) community.


    The election itself and especially the demonstrations in their aftermath
    revealed a generation of young Armenians as an active political
    constituency.42 The festive atmosphere in Liberty Square in the ten days
    following the elections attracted increasing numbers of young people.
    Following the lifting of the SOE on March 21, politically active youth
    organized and participated in a variety of protest actions including
    candlelight marches, serenades under the windows of government
    officials, and organizing relay races in Liberty Square. A number of
    youth organizations and movements have come to the foreground, including
    Sksela (It has started) and Hima (Now), and have since operated despite
    the very real possibility of arrest, expulsion from school, and physical

    Some critics argued that these youth groups are not representative of
    the majority of young Armenians and that they are created by a small
    group of young opportunists. Some even accused these groups of being in
    the service of foreign governments because of foreign funding they have
    allegedly received. It remains to be seen whether the youth movements
    will build broader followings, but what is significant is that after
    nearly two decades of apathy and political ennui, young Armenians today
    are once again engaged in discussions about politics and the future of
    their country.


    Women's NGOs as well as groups of women who share common concerns have
    also taken an active role in organizing pickets and other civic actions
    following the March 1-2 events, outwardly defying the SOE. During this
    20-day period, a group of thirty women, mostly relatives of those killed
    on March1-2, held a silent march the following week in memory of the
    dead. Dressed in black, the women were escorted by police as they
    marched from the St. Sarkis Church to the Grigor Lusavoritch Church.
    They held white carnations tied with black ribbons and pledged to fight
    for democracy. The date of this march (March 8) was dually significant
    as International Women's Day and also the 7th day following the deaths
    of those who died on March 1-2.43 On April 7, the Day of Motherhood and
    Beauty, a group of Armenian women gathered in front of the Prosecutor
    General's office demanding the release of all political prisoners. When
    the Prosecutor General sent flowers to the picketing women, they refused
    to accept his gift.

    The first officially sanctioned demonstration following the lifting of
    the SOE was organized by the Women for Peace NGO. This demonstration
    took place on April 19 near the Myasnikyan statue and was attended by an
    estimated 10,000 people. Although the official theme of the gathering
    was to review Armenian-Russian relations in the context of peace
    building in Karabakh, the demonstration rapidly became a platform for
    the opposition, which until then had not had any opportunity to gather

    Another active group of women is comprised of the wives of political
    prisoners, who have organized actions including writing letters to
    international organizations and organizing pickets in front of embassies
    and the offices of international organizations. In the open letter dated
    May 16, they claimed that their group, which was initially comprised of
    the family members of the prisoners, has now grown `into a democratic
    force that includes many thousands of supporters throughout the country
    engaged in a mounting campaign of lawful demonstrations and other
    political and human rights actions' (Tzitzernak web `B').

    Box 3. The Role of Women in Other Countries

    It is not uncommon for women to embrace more public roles during times
    of crisis and turmoil. One of the first women's movements was the Black
    Sash non-violent white women's resistance organization that was founded
    in 1955 and continued to function until the end of the apartheid regime.
    Wearing black sashes as a mark of mourning, members demonstrated against
    the oppressive legislation, the erosion of human rights, and provided
    visible proof of white resistance toward the apartheid system. In
    Argentina, it was the mothers and grandmothers who were active in
    publicizing the disappearances of their loved ones through their weekly
    silent marches in the Plaza de Mayo.

    In Russia, following the Beslan school tragedy, the Beslan Mothers'
    Committee was formed in order to challenge what they perceived as the
    government's mishandling of the crisis. Another well-known international
    women's group is Women in Black which was inspired by earlier "women
    wearing black" like the Black Sash in South Africa. Women in Black
    groups around the world use non-violent and non-aggressive forms of
    direct action including sit-ins and vigils. The Israeli/Palestinian
    Women in Black for instance, hold regular vigils in the same place and
    same time each week. The women wear black and remain silent even when
    they are heckled and abused by passers-by who call them as 'whores' and
    'traitors'. Their policy has been not to shout back but to maintain
    silence and dignity (Women in Black web).

    After the suppression of the protests in Tiananmen Square in 1989, a
    group of women, led by Nobel Peace Prize nominee Ding Zilin, created the
    Tiananmen Mothers. Among their five demands are the full, public
    accounting of the shootings and the release of all people still in
    prison for their role in the 1989 protests. The Tiananmen Mothers face
    repression from the Chinese government, which has accused them of
    engaging in illegal activities and of being in the service of foreign

    Another group known as the Armenian Women's Movement (Hay Kananc
    Sharzhum) sent an announcement calling upon women in Armenia and the
    Diaspora to take a more active role in political life to protect the
    rights of people of Armenia. They argued that women, as the pillars of
    the home and hearth, are duty bound to fight tyranny and dictatorship.
    One of their aims is to encourage women to be more actively engaged in
    the political process and to protect their rights.

    Virtual Civil Society: the Armenian Blogosphere

    During the election campaign and in the post-election standoff, Armenian
    television coverage was greatly skewed in favor of Serge Sargsyan;
    opposition candidates were either ignored or portrayed negatively (e.g.,
    Ter-Petrossian). The absence of independent television channels and the
    strict loyalty to the regime of the channels that survive'a situation
    that has lasted since the closure of the independent television channel
    A1+ in 2002'meant that the reporting of the opposition protests in
    February was scarce to non-existent. The broadcasts did not reflect the
    reality of what was happening in the streets and squares.

    People responded to this information blockade by transmitting news in a
    familiar, more trusted and legitimate source: word of mouth. But in
    addition, individuals began using new forms of communication technology
    including camera equipped mobile phones and Web 2.0 technologies such
    blogs, wikis44 as well as social networking (e.g., Facebook) and
    video-sharing (e.g., YouTube) websites to share and exchange
    information, opinions, photographs, and videos about the latest
    political developments. During the SOE, the use of these technologies
    allowed for the circumvention of the official information blockade. The
    official information blockade did not stop discussion of politics; if
    anything, the flow of information, at least for those who had access to
    the Internet, went from a trickle to a tidal wave as news, comments,
    photos, and videos were shared on a number of blogs that were constantly
    updated. Some of the opposition sites, such as (Struggle),
    referred to their publications as `samizdat'45 especially during the SOE
    when access to the site was done via proxy server.

    The number of posts and comments on the blogs dramatically increased
    during the SOE when there was a dearth of information. A few blogs, in
    particular Armenian Ditord (web) and Oneworld Media (web), have
    reflected on the vibrancy and growing popularity of Armenian blogs. The
    Armenian blogosphere is also discussed on a weekly Podcast from Radio
    Hay. Frequently updated blogs include the Armenian Ditord, Bekaisa,
    Caucasus Knot, Nazarian, Pigh, Seetizen, Tzitzernak, Unzipped, and
    Uzogh.46 The popularity of these blogs has been so strong that even
    Serge Sargsyan created his own blog on Live Journal and encouraged
    people to write to him with questions and comments (Serge Sargsyan web).
    It is reasonable to assume we will see more presidential blogs in coming
    years since they are beginning to figure more prominently in national
    elections around the world.47

    YouTube in particular has added a new dimension by hosting videos
    showing segments of demonstrations, fraud at polling stations, and
    discussions with people on the street. Having its license continually
    denied, A1+ created its own YouTube channel which has consistently been
    among the most watched over the past few months since the election. The
    most widely circulated video during this period was a clip which appears
    to show masked gunmen firing live rounds in the direction of
    demonstrators. The scenes of the shooting are juxtaposed with excerpts
    from a spokeswoman from the Prosecutor General's office stating that
    government forces did not shoot at demonstrators. Following the global
    circulation of the video, on March 14, the government issued reports on
    public television that the video was a fake. This demonstrates how
    events in cyberspace can have real life consequences.

    In sum, regardless of the low rates of Internet access in Armenia
    (estimated at around 6 percent) it is clear that a politically engaged
    group of individuals is participating in the online debates and this
    trend will grow as Internet becomes more accessible and affordable.


    As of June 30 there has only been one officially sanctioned
    demonstration (on April 19); all other petitions were denied by the
    municipality. There is a great desire among civil society to hold public
    gatherings, demonstrations, mass meetings and processions, which is
    their constitutional right. This desire was evident by the turnout for
    the April 19 demonstration. A similar event occurred on April 24 when
    the commemoration of the 1915 Genocide was co-opted by opposition
    supporters, rallying more than 10,000 people in downtown Yerevan despite
    heavy police presence. The participants chanted anti-government slogans
    as they marched to the Tsitsernakabert monument where they were met by
    Ter-Petrossian who had come there from his nearby home. To signal the
    nearing of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)
    hearings on Armenia (a procedural follow-up to the Resolution 160948),
    the opposition held another demonstration on June 20th. Initially
    unsanctioned, the police later allowed the well-attended demonstration
    to continue. As this Report goes to press, the opposition is planning an
    unsanctioned demonstration on July 4th.

    An important question is how civil society will respond to post-February
    19 developments: will it flourish or lose momentum under the legal
    restrictions and arrests? While the government has attempted to label
    the recent elections as a failed Western-funded color revolution, it is
    an unlikely connection to draw given the absence of vocal support from
    the West for the opposition or condemnations of the authorities, both of
    which featured prominently in previous color revolutions. In fact, one
    of the issues the Armenian opposition laments is the perceived `double
    standards' and silence from the West regarding the restrictions on free
    speech and freedom of assembly in the post-election period (US Helsinki
    Commission, 2008; ICG, 2008: 5). Speaking on behalf of Ter-Petrossian at
    the US Helsinki Commission Hearings, Arman Grigorian said the following
    with regards to the role of Western governments: `At the very least they
    should be cognizant of the weight of their assessments and words. At the
    very best, they should unequivocally side with freedom against tyranny.'

    The situation remains quite tense and dynamic and many questions remain
    about the significance, role and implications of this renewed civil
    society activism. If nothing else, one thing is absolutely clear: apathy
    has dissolved in Armenia and a very interested population demands to be
    heard. The impacts of this revitalized civil society in Armenia will be
    seen in months and years to come.

    Post-election Developments'The Way Out
    On Post-Election Political Dynamics

    Thegovernment's initial position following February 19 was to ignore the
    demonstrations. This position could have been encouraged by the fact
    that Serge Sargsyan received support from the international community in
    the form of early election monitoring reports as well as congratulatory
    messages from certain foreign and Diaspora leaders.49More importantly,
    however, Sargsyan managed to win the support of some local opposition
    figures to be able to go forward. Specifically, he struck a deal with
    Arthur Bagdasaryan, a former Speaker of the House, who had earlier
    broken ranks with Sargsyan to run for president himself. Many analysts
    have argued that Bagdasaryan had always been Sargsyan's protégé and
    Bagdasaryan's attempt at the presidency was actually orchestrated by
    Sargsyan in order to detract votes from Ter-Petrossian. A day before
    riot police and internal security forces violently dispersed
    demonstrators in Yerevan, Bagdasaryan met with Sargsyan and announced
    that he recognized Sargsyan legitimacy and would be willing to cooperate
    with him to handle `domestic and external challenges.'

    The local news media then focused on a statement made by Bagdasaryan in
    which he mentioned that he had been offered and accepted the position of
    the Secretary of Armenia's National Security Council. Meanwhile, Vahan
    Hovannisyan (ARF-D) resigning as the deputy speaker of the National
    Assembly, expressed concerns that the elections were rigged and flawed
    announcing, `[o]nce again, the people's right to express their political
    will freely and the dignity of our citizens [have been] trampled
    underfoot.'50However, he fell short of criticizing the government and
    instead criticized Ter-Petrossian for `blatantly falsifying the 1996
    presidential elections and setting in motion a vote-rigging machine
    which we cannot stop to this day.'51

    A week after the election, ARF-D produced a statement recognizing
    Sargsyan's victory with an offer to withdraw from the cabinet in which
    they occupied three ministerial positions. The offer to withdraw,
    however, was soon overshadowed by press reports that ARF-D was
    considering Sargsyan's coalition government proposition. On March 21,
    Sargsyan announced the restoration and revival of the pre-election
    government coalition where the Republican Party along with Prosperous
    Armenia, ARF-D, and Country of Law parties developed a power sharing
    agreement to `deepen democratic reform and speed economic development in
    the country.'52The new coalition government was formed a month later (on
    April 21) under the leadership of Tigran Sargsyan, with 11 out of 17
    ministers retaining their posts.53This cabinet was then ratified by the
    parliament with only the opposition Heritage party voting against it.54

    While the new government was taking shape, the opposition pushed for a
    release of detainees as a precondition for negotiations.55These demands,
    however, were dismissed instantly by the new coalition government which
    has until now resisted referring to the detainees as political
    prisoners, choosing instead to refer to them as coup plotters or as
    common criminals. This is not simply a semantic debate; the definition
    has legal and political ramifications. In a very odd twist, Armenia's
    Prosecutor General continues to maintain that the opposition used
    `psychological tricks' or `mass hypnosis' to gather support and that he
    has evidence from the criminal proceedings to show that some of the
    detainees were `delusional.'56 This is reminiscent of Soviet era tactics
    of discrediting critics by questioning their mental fitness and

    Meanwhile, the leader of the Heritage party, Raffi Hovannisian'who had
    supported Ter-Petrossian during the election'tried unsuccessfully to
    mediate between the government and the opposition. Amid this atmosphere,
    on May 2, Ter-Petrossian made a public appearance and expressed his
    willingness to negotiate with Sargsyan,57although his more recent
    statements have been tougher, pledging to continue street protests,
    `seeking to achieve a maximum mobilization of the public.' 58By
    end-June, the pro-government parties were functioning within the
    parameters of shared power. Calls by Ter-Petrossian to unite the
    opposition into a single larger entity'the Armenian National Congress
    (ANC)'were welcomed hesitantly by some opposition leaders, and the
    opposition is yet to give more specifics about the design and the
    functionality of the ANC.59Beyond setting the political prisoners free,
    the opposition's demands are currently focused around getting early
    parliamentary elections. If done properly, this in their view will allow
    the formation of a parliament that better reflects the political reality
    on the ground and allows a non-trivial representation of the opposition
    in the country's legislative process. This is also likely to give the
    opposition a say in the formation of the new government.

    However, the opposition's achievements have so far been largely in the
    realm of moral victories. Since April 2008, it has unsuccessfully tried
    to challenge the government within Armenia's legal and constitutional
    framework regarding the wrongful imprisonment of demonstrators and the
    ban on assembly. This was done simultaneously with legal pressure from
    various international agencies that have criticized Armenian
    government's handling of the post-election developments and its human
    rights record. The latest in these was a ruling by European Court of
    Human Rights criticizing the Armenian government for holding back
    freedom of expression by refusing to grant an opposition TV station a
    license for broadcasting.60In an apparent failure to properly contain
    these external developments, the ruling was dismissed by the Armenian
    government as a technicality rather than a freedom of speech violation
    on the part of media regulatory authority.61

    Moving Forward

    As of early-July, rapprochement between the government and the
    opposition looks unlikely. Political polarization remains strong and the
    new government has not addressed the election-related issues, focusing
    instead on economic reforms. Here too the future is uncertain. The
    coalition cabinet, led by a reform-minded prime minister, is comprised
    of individuals lacking shared vision, common convictions, professional
    record, and political experience. Some of the far-reaching proposals put
    forth by the prime minister arguably remain hostages to Armenia's
    oligarchic economy (where to a large extent old government and
    government-connected individuals still call the shots), serious human
    rights and civil liberties' shortcomings, as well as daunting social
    problems. Unless genuinely acknowledged and addressed, these factors are
    likely to critically undercut support for any economic reform effort.
    But the pressure from the opposition since February 19 has already begun
    to bear fruit in this regard. Recent measures to cut down on corruption
    and reduce barriers to doing business undertaken by the new government
    would have been a stretch during Kocharyan's 10-year tenure when
    corruption in Armenia instead grew becoming more institutionalized and
    entrenched in everyday life.

    While seen as necessary steps toward reconciliation, measures to improve
    business environment, however, may not be sufficient to get the process
    moving from a standstill.62Despite international legal setbacks, the
    authorities are taking a `business as usual' approach in the area of
    civil liberties and political freedoms. The reality on the ground,
    however, is very different. A recent Gallup Survey conducted in Armenia
    showed that 70 percent of the respondents were afraid to express their
    political views.63An atmosphere of fear and resentment toward the
    government could have serious repercussions for the Sargsyan
    administration for the months ahead.

    Nearly six months after the elections there is a sense that the country
    is at an impasse. Although the situation remains quite fluid and
    dynamic, the prospects of negotiations remain distant. Small-scale
    street protests continue and a number of larger organized demonstrations
    have also been held. The latter drew large crowds and served as a
    platform for the opposition to lay out its positions and set forth its
    demands. This was an important factor in getting the opposition-minded
    public opinion informed given that the official media still is not
    accessible to them. In the background to these internal political
    developments, there have been efforts by some international actors to
    resolve both the internal crisis as well as to move ahead on the
    solution on the NK conflict. The negotiations around the latter will
    continue to have ramifications on local political developments including
    raising the question of suitability of a particular candidate to lead
    the country in a period of potential external treat.

    While arguably not very effective in terms of directly influencing the
    course of political action in Armenia,64the external pressure may have
    changed some of the authorities' tactics. A recent announcement by Serge
    Sargsyan about his willingness to allow a panel of Armenian and Turkish
    historians to determine whether the mass killings of Armenians during
    the 1915-18 constituted a genocide was seen by some as a signal of
    willingness to go along on issues of importance for the West but also an
    attempt to take the world's attention away from the domestic political
    crisis and the NK issue, which he is ultimately associated with.
    However, there are already signs that this may have implications on
    domestic political developments. In a clear sign of warning to Sargsyan,
    ARF-D's world-wide governing body, the Bureau, stated at a recent
    session that `the fact of the Armenian genocide is not a subject of
    discussion, and no high-ranking official representing Armenia may have a
    different approach.' 65

    Moreover, these political challenges are complicated by a growing social
    discontent over the rising prices, appreciating exchange rate, as well
    as high levels of inequality and corruption. These are serious
    challenges for any leader, but more so for one who appears to lack
    strong popular support, who came to power as a result of a fraudulent
    election, and who continues to rule by force. As we stated above, a
    serious change in action'one that encompasses wide-reaching political
    reforms and measures beyond those aimed at improving the business
    environment'is necessary to move from a standstill and toward

    Such a change, however, will not come about of its own accord. It will
    take continued civil society pressure, efforts of Armenia-based
    institutional players (e.g., the Ombudsman's office and the Heritage
    party's parliamentary fraction), as well as involvement of international
    stakeholders to make it happen. Unless the authorities undertake
    credible confidence-building measures and genuinely attempt a dialogue
    with the opposition, the current government is doomed to become the
    government of some Armenians rather than of Armenia as a whole. In the
    meantime, the tensions are likely to intensify and existing political
    polarization is likely to widen. The challenge for Serge Sargsyan is to
    reverse the polarizing policies of his predecessor. If successful, he
    may have an opportunity to unite the otherwise hugely divided country.

    Chief among those confidence-building measures should be an independent
    inquiry into the February 19 and March 1-2 affairs. This should result
    in credible and transparent legal cases against the perpetrators of the
    election fraud'including at the higher levels of the political pyramid'
    and subsequent crimes. This process should be preceded by the release of
    all political prisoners as a confidence-building measure to allow the
    society to heal. Once this is under way, a task force could be formed to
    look into the conduct of early parliamentary elections and into the
    design of measures to prevent any large-scale fraud from repeating
    itself. This process could perhaps be overseen by a credible joint body
    of local and Diaspora individuals with high social standing. To the
    extent that managing this process would require executive powers and
    ability to legislate (on a limited basis, to do away with any loopholes
    in the current election-related legislation that effectively allowed the
    fraud to take root), this joint body may be given status of provisional
    (election) administrators, with a clear mandate of securing a free and
    fair election within a fixed timetable.66 These administrators will then
    be certainly well advised to reverse the ban on the voting at the
    embassies abroad, allowing Armenia's sizable yet largely disenfranchised
    non-resident citizenry to participate in country's governance.

    * * *

    The rhetoric of hate and the deepening of political polarization that
    followed March 1-2 continue to stunt democracy in Armenia and cast a
    pall over the current reality and prospects for future development. The
    reality is that election fraud'in the various forms it took throughout
    the modern history of Armenia, and particularly on February 19, 2008'is
    largely to blame for March 1-2. One important lesson from history is
    that refusing peoples' free will and replacing it with elusive benefits
    of short-term `stability' or, much worse, with personal gains for a
    well-connected few will backfire, as it did on March 1-2. Failing to
    understand this and take actions to address the underlying problems will
    have grave consequences for the country and the nation as a whole.


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    Election Day Violations Reported by Hetq Online 67

    13:10 - A few minutes ago Levon Ter-Petrossian's (LTP) HQ in
    Yeghegnadzor reported that bribes were being handed out from a silver
    Honda vehicle in the village of Malishka. The only numbers legible on
    the official license plate were - 004 and 80. Some of the village
    residents stated that the bribes were being handed out in the name of
    Ara Abrahamyan, President of the Russian-Armenian Union. Others believed
    that Levon Sargsyan, brother of presidential candidate Serzh Sargsyan,
    was behind the bribe giving.

    13:00 - A Car Chase in Gyumri

    Passengers in a black BMW with no license plate parked outside the
    Gegham Saryan School in Gyumri have been reported to be slipping money
    into the passports of prospective voters and directing them to vote for
    Serzh Sargsyan. Mikayel Hayrapetyan, President of the Conservative
    Party, was able to videotape the incident and his car is now being
    followed by a group of `skinheads'. Hayrapetyan has notified the police
    but they haven't yet responded to the call.

    All Is Not Well in Nor Hadjin

    `Fatherland and Honor'» political party President Garnik Margaryan
    reports that in the town of Nor Hadjin in Kotayk Marz two polling
    stations aren't properly furnished and that election committee staffers
    are seated right beside the ballot booths. Widespread election
    infractions are taking place.

    12:47 - Artashes Avoyan, from Artur Baghdasaryan's Campaign HQ, reports
    that they've already registered violation both in marzes and in the
    capital. Fighting and scuffles were reported from the 11/04 polling
    station in Shengavit. 5 cases of double voting have been registered at
    the 8/08 polling station in the Malatia-Sebastia district where the
    situation is described as ungovernable. Violations have also been
    registered in the Martuni villages of Nerkin Getashen, Tzovinar and

    12:45- Nelly Khosrovyan, from Artur Baghdasaryan's HQ, reports that
    around 11 A.M. in the southwestern B1 neighborhood (Bangladesh) voter
    registration violations have occurred. Some voters have attempted to
    cast a second ballot with already stamped passports.

    Some 30-40 individuals were forced to cast `open' ballots at the
    Kindergarten #255 in Shengavit. Pressure was brought to bear on election
    committee staffers and appointed observers.

    A fight broke out at Polling Station 8/8. Members of the Republican
    Party were reported to have instigated the melee.

    12:44 - Voter Roll Violations

    Hovhannes Igityan, who heads Levon Ter-Petrossian's HQ in Avan, states
    that voter rolls are being used to ferry people to polling stations free
    of charge. Two voter rolls had been obtained by HQ staffers. Upon
    hearing the news, supporters of Serzh Sargsyan raided the Avan HQ. The
    LTP headquarters notified the police who are presently keeping the HQ
    under watch. According to H. Igityan, one of the lists included
    information as to how to best use it. In the list were the names of the
    residents of Building #41 on Narekatsi Street in Avan.

    Reports from Dilijan state that buses displaying the `Araj
    Hayastan' (Forward Armenia) banners of Serzh Sargsyan's campaign have
    been ferrying students registered in Tavush but studying in Yerevan to
    their homes throughout the Marz to vote since early this morning. The
    same source reports that 5,000-dram election bribes are being handed out
    in Dilijan, but that it isn't widespread.

    12:40 - School Under Siege

    The campaign headquarters of presidential candidate Levon Ter-Petrossian
    reports that the passports of those voting at the 13/08 and 13/09
    polling stations at Public School #120 in the Erebuni district aren't
    being stamped. They also report that individuals are standing right
    besides the ballot boxes and directing voters who to cast their ballot
    for. Some 30-40 unidentified individuals are mulling about outside.

    12:30 - 11.2 % of Voters Have Already Cast Ballots

    The Central Election Committee has announced that as of 11 A.M. a total
    of 265,533 ballots have been cast throughout the Republic of Armenia's
    1923 polling stations. This constitutes 11.2 % of all eligible voters.

    12:00 - `Hetq' reporter Shushan Stepanyan reports that groups of people
    are assembling in front of the Davitashen 5/6 polling station and that a
    group of youths are taking notes regarding the people entering to vote.
    When our reporter informed the group that they can only assemble at a
    spot 50 meters from the polls one of the youths threatened him saying
    that he should find something else to do or else.

    Artur Martirosyan, an observer from Levon Ter-Petrossian's team at the
    5/5 polling station in Davitashen, notified our reporter that he was
    denied access to the site despite the fact that Tamara Nurijanyan, an
    observer from Serzh Sargsyan's team, was seen standing right next to the
    ballot boxes. According to Artur Martirosyan, the passports of those
    voting weren't being stamped on the paper pages but rather on the
    poly-laminated covers.

    11:50 - `A1+' reports that at 11:20 AM, at #6 Zavaryan Street, a group
    of `thick-necked' inebriated youth dressed in black and wearing black
    caps attempted to break the news channel's video camera. They approached
    the `A1+' cameraman as he was getting out of his car. They proceeded to
    beat the cameraman, grabbing the cassette and destroying it. They tried
    to break the video camera as well but failed.

    One of the youth started to curse the `A1+' cameraman and
    `Zhamanak-Yerevan' newspaper reporter Heghineh Manukyan when he saw
    candidate Levon Ter-Petrossian's campaign booklet in the car. When `A1+'
    telephoned the office of the OSCE/ODIHR to report the incident they were
    told that there were no available observers to send out.

    12:13 - A resident of Avan informed Levon Ter-Petrossian's central
    headquarters that passport covers were being stamped in the 1/09 polling
    station in Avan. This is an election violation.

    Citizen Armen Sahradyan reports that a group of guys loyal to Samvel
    Aleksanyan (Lfik Samo), a businessman and deputy of the National
    Assembly, had converged on the 8/09 polling station.

    In the village of Rya Taza (former district of Aparan) located in the
    Aragatzotn Marz, Mesrob Adamyan, an observer from Levon Ter-Petrossian's
    team, was forcibly removed from the polling station and a ferocious dog
    was unleashed upon him. During the melee 132 ballots were stuffed into
    the ballot box. Rya Taza Village Mayor Broyan was responsible for
    staging the incident.

    In the village of Yrnjatap (former district of Aparan) located in the
    Aragatzotn Marz, appointed observers from Levon Ter-Petrossian's team at
    the polling station requested the presence of international monitors
    since some 30 voters cast `open' ballots and local election committee
    staffers refused to register the infraction. National Assembly Deputy
    Lyova Khachatryan who has declared that the victory of Serzh Sargsyan is
    a matter of personal pride for him controls the district.

    11:50 - Mariam Poghosyan, from the headquarters of Artashes Geghamyan,
    reports no election violations have been registered.

    11:50- Heghineh Bisharyan from the election headquarters of candidate
    Artur Baghdasaryan, reports than 3 violations have already been noted in
    the Malatia district. Fake ballots are being handed to voters still in
    buses. Fake ballots have been handed out in Zeytun as well. Voters in
    the Nerkin Getashen have been forced to cast `open' ballots. A
    representative form Levon Ter-Petrossian's campaign, observing
    developments in Abovyan's 28/6 polling station, was physically beaten. A
    reporter from Radio Liberty who witnessed the incident informed the
    headquarters of the news.

    11:35 - Election Bribes in Malishka

    Starting at 10 P.M on February 18th, supporters of presidential
    candidate Serzh Sargsyan began handing out election bribes in the
    village of Malishka, Vayots Dzor Marz, from a `Jeep' SUV parked across
    from the Mayor's Office. Members from Levon Ter-Petrossian's campaign
    headquarters in Yeghegnadzor were able to videotape the incident. The
    headquarters reported the news to foreign observers who formally
    registered the complaint. Edvard Asatryan, a member of the headquarters'
    staff, confirmed the incident.

    11:30 - Reporting from the 9/25 Election District in Dzoragyugh, S.
    Vardumyan, an appointed representative from candidate Levon
    Ter-Petrossian's campaign team, stated that recently 6 public route vans
    were taking groups of people to vote. These vehicles carried the
    following government plates: 0513s, 0514s; Route #4 van - 1074s; Route
    #27 van - 2874s; and 0503s, 0505s. The vans' official plate numbers
    weren't concealed. S. Vardumyan confirms that the observers and video
    cameras registered this development.

    11:25 - A voter in the neighborhood of Davtashen, Yerevan, stated that a
    Route 28 public minivan was ferrying groups of voters to the 5/10 and
    5/11 polling stations located in the kindergarten of Davtashen's 2nd
    district. The van in question was a Ford.

    11:20 - According to reports from Vahan Hovannisyan's headquarters no
    election infractions have yet to be registered. 3199 people have already
    cast ballots in the Aragatzotn Marz.

    11:19 - Dustrik Mkhitaryan, from the headquarters of Vazgen Manukyan,
    reports that 50-60 individuals entered the 3/29 polling station in the
    Zeytun district and cast ballots based on extra voter rolls.

    11:10 - Ballots Already Checked-Off

    Reports from the headquarters of candidate Levon Ter-Petrossian in
    Malatia-Sebastia (Yerevan) state that paper ballots already checked off
    for Serzh Sargsyan are being handed to voters showing up at the 8/08 and
    8/09 polling stations located at the Tekeyan School in the 7/21 Election
    District. A fake passport was observed at the 7/19 Election District.
    The police took the observer who reported the incident away. Reports
    from the Malatia-Sebastia campaign headquarters state that members of
    the Police are actively working for the benefit of the government's

    Election Bribes

    Levon Ter-Petrossian's Malatia-Sebastia campaign headquarters reports
    that election bribes are being handed out in the backyard of the
    Andranik School in the southwestern B3 district. Voters taking the
    bribes are then herded into vans and taken to the polling stations.

    9:30 - Minivans outside the Republican Party of Armenia Headquarters

    Since this morning minivans have been parking by the Yerevan Cinema
    House that is located by the headquarters of the Republican Party of
    Armenia. Four vans had a 99 in their license plate number and three the
    number 104. One of the drivers stated that they wouldn't be going out on
    their routes today and were awaiting directions from the headquarters.

    08:00 - According to the statement of the Central Election Committee all
    1923 polling stations across Armenia were opened as of 8 A.M. Votes can
    be cast until 8 P.M.

    The complete list of violations reported on Hetq Online (in Armenian) is
    available from: and


    Legal Initiative: Elections-2008

    Summary of Calls Received on Election Day 68

    On February 19 the office of `Legal Initiative: Elections-2008' received
    around 475 alerts on different transgressions. Almost 70 calls out of
    the overall number sought on spot legal assistance and the Hotline
    Ambulances were sent accordingly. The remaining calls of approximately
    405 involved legal consultations over the phone. During the day of
    Elections the following complaints were registered.


    * A voter reported that at the polling stations 5/28 the voting
    ballots were marked by only two signatures instead of three.
    According to Article 53, point 1 of the RA Electoral Code, the
    voting ballots should have three signatures of the electoral
    commission members. According to the Decision #15N of the RA
    Central Electoral Commission of 09.02.2008 the ballot voting is
    regarded as invalid if it is not signed by three members of the
    electoral commissions.


    * A caller, who called himself Mher, reported that during his
    voting at the polling station 7/12 he observed a massive ballot
    stuffing, some proxies were sitting in the station, with torn
    clothes, some of them crying.


    * More than a dozen inhabitants of Ashtarak city reported that
    they saw strange names registered in the voting lists as
    registered at the addresses of their apartments.

    * Some commission members of the polling station 1/10 of Yerevan
    threaten the observers.

    * At the polling stations located in the schools #114, #71 and in
    the library of Khnko Aper, groups of people were noticed, who
    instead of voting with passports were voting with the Form No.


    * Bribes were distributed at the shop in front of polling stations
    29/12 and 29/11 of Vanadzor city.

    * In Artashat polling station 17/10 a voter Karine Ivanyan saw
    ballot stuffing and when she made a loud notice of it, the
    commission members beat her.

    * The head of the `Liberalism and democracy' observation mission
    Nouneh Vartuni made photos on how people were brought by cars
    and microbuses to the central market `GUM', and are given
    documents proving their right to vote by the address of their
    living. Around 17:00, Nouneh Vartuni made photos near the
    building of the Union of Writers of cars which were traveling
    from one to another polling station, after which she was
    approached by young people who came out from the white car Niva
    with 01 SS 907 license numbers and took by force, the camera
    from her.


    * An uncontrolled situation is reported about polling station
    13/16 in Erebuni district of Yerevan, where ballot stuffing and
    open voting was observed. At the polling station many observers
    and the NA deputy of Zharangutyun party Zaruhi Postanjian were
    present, though this does not stop illegal practice. The rapid
    response car's command of the Legal Initiative 2008 witnesses
    that the police used physical against Zaruhi Postanjian.

    * A black car PRADO with 99SS888 license number was located next
    to the polling station 3/20, and people before voting were
    approaching this car.

    * In the school #174, of the Malatia Sebastia region, Polling
    station 7/12, one of the members of the `Legal Initiative
    Elections 2008' rapid response cars - journalist Elmira
    Martirosyan took a photo on the fact of ballot stuffing. The
    present police, using force, took the photo camera from the
    journalist and pulled the memory chip out of the camera.

    * Numerous calls report that the chairmen of the electoral
    commission do not let the opposition candidates' proxies to
    check the passports of voters.


    * The son of Iskhan Manukyan, inhabitant of Vanadzor city, has
    returned home after finishing his military service, and seeing
    that his name is not in the voters' list went to the Court. The
    Court refused to receive his application for legal proceeding on
    restoring his right to vote. According to other callers, courts
    of Vanadzor, Gyumri, Shengavit and Kentron-Nork-Marash districts
    of Yerevan also refused to proceed on applications on restoring
    voters' rights.

    * Voters of the 13/13 polling station are led to voting by people
    who have flags with slogans `Forward Armenia' (the slogan of the
    current Prime Minister, Presidential candidate Serzh

    * Next to 3/27 polling station some people sitting in a red car
    OPEL have voters' lists and part of voters before entering the
    polling stations approach the car and then go to vote.

    * Observers at the polling station 5/21, located in the school
    named after Shirvanzade, noticed that a number of young people
    voted for several times. The observers demanded of the
    commission members that they follow the provision on putting
    special marks in the passports of the voted persons (according
    to the new provision, the commission members are obliged to put
    special marks in the last page of the passport of each voted
    person). The commission members threatened observers to take
    physical actions against those who complain.

    * In 14/7 district of Ashtarak town, a candidate proxy Sona
    Malkhasyan is threatened by some of commission members, who push
    her to leave the polling station. By 15:30 Sona Malkhasyan is
    still in the polling station.

    * A case of fighting in the polling station located in School #162
    was reported at approximately 15:30.

    * A mass ballot stuffing in polling station 27/25 `in Aramus
    village- was reported.


    * Voters are brought to the polling stations 34/24, 34/25, 34/26
    by microbuses and are given bribes to vote for Serzh Sargsyan.
    One citizen saw how a car-BMW `is located next to one of the
    stations- and people sitting there distribute election bribes.

    * Polling station 16/44 `in Nizami village of Masis region- the
    chairman of the electoral commission - does not allow the proxy
    of Levon Ter-Petrossian to become familiar with protocols.

    * The voters' list of the hospital of the Sevan town was increased
    by 40 persons.

    * One of voters of the polling station 6/29 complaint that he saw
    in the voter list an unknown name registered as inhabitant of
    his apartment.

    * A fight was reported to take place in 4/24 polling station.

    * In the polling station located in the Yerevan school #100, a
    practice of `carousel' was noted. Observers composed an official
    statement on this.

    * In the polling station 13/11 of Erebuni community an open voting
    and ballot stuffing was registered.


    * In the center of Yerevan a bus full of 25 people circulates from
    a district to district. In the district #11/03 in the building
    of a kindergarten #255 there is a gathering of voters.

    * In Artashat a gathering of people is noticed in the district
    #11/17, mass stuffing of ballots has been recorded; the reports
    have been drawn up. The staff of the `Legal Initiative:
    Elections-2008' Legal Emergency car was threatened.

    * In the districts #24/15 and #24/14 of the city of Martuni there
    was an open voting. The report has been drawn up.

    * In the district #7/18 located in the school #162 one of the
    observers was arrested.

    * In the district #13/28 there were cases of mass stuffing of
    ballots. A 14-year-old child has voted, an appropriate report is
    being drawn up.

    * In the electoral district #8/21 of Malatia-Sebastia mass
    stuffing of ballots has been recorded, there were people beaten,
    one of the victims, Pargev Mnatsakanyan, was taken to the
    hospital. A statement addressed to the Office of Public
    Prosecutor is be being prepared.

    * In the student dormitories of Yerevan Nor-Nork district some
    people were forcing to take money and vote in favor of Serzh

    * In Yerevan electoral districts #4/28 and #4/27 one citizen
    recorded the `carousel-voting'. A protest report has been drawn

    1 Petitions by two opposition leaders, Tigran Karapetyan and Levon
    Ter-Petrossian, were turned down by the Constitutional Court on March 8,
    during which time Armenia was under an SOE.

    2 See Section II for a background on this case.

    3 In a television interview, outgoing President Kocharyan mentioned the
    possibility of using force against demonstrators.

    4 Independent media have covered these proceedings extensively.

    5 As reported by Hetq web `b'. AFAJA's full report (in French) can be
    accessed via (Library section)

    6 According to the country's Election Code a presidential candidate has
    the right to file a motion for postponing an election if `insurmountable
    obstacles' are claimed to be met in his or her own campaign.

    7 A consistently negative attitude toward Levon Ter-Petrossian in the
    coverage of the state-controlled television stations was flagged among
    others by Yerevan Press Club, an independent media monitoring
    ( ex.php?go=newsletter/2008/february_eng/22_28).

    8 `High Court Refuses to Delay Armenian Vote,' RFE/RL, February 11,

    9 There were extensive speculations in the media that the two opposition
    candidates would join forces against Serge Sargsyan.

    10 In addition to observations made by PFA members, information provided
    in this section is drawn from `Presidential Elections in Armenia: Report
    by Local Observers,' prepared by Helsinki Committee of Armenia and Urban
    Foundation for Sustainable Development (hereafter HCA&UFSD, 2008),
    RFE/RL reports, as well as articles in AGBU Magazine, Aravot, Haykakan
    Zhamanak, and other newspapers. In the interest of readability the
    specific references are mostly omitted. They are on file and will be
    provided upon request.

    11 It is our understanding that an extensive list of violations
    (possibly containing some of the information reported in Appendixes I
    and II) was presented to the Constitutional Court as part of the appeal
    process initiated by two opposition candidates (see footnote 1 in the
    current Report).

    12 Considering that the overwhelming majority of cases listed in
    Appendixes I and II indicated violations committed in order to benefit
    the Republican Party candidate, PFA attempted to search for other
    sources containing claims of wrongdoings to benefit any of the
    opposition candidates. The Republican Party website and other sources
    searched did not reveal any systematized information in this regard. The
    Central Election Commission's website offers no information on electoral

    13 `Armenian Opposition Cries Foul Amid Reports of Violence, Fraud,'
    RFE/RL, February 19, 2008.

    14 Ibid.

    15 Anecdotal evidence of both types of fraudulent activities is ample in
    the context of the February 2008 election. See, for example, ICR (2008)
    or Section III in the current Report.

    16 Hereafter, turnout (T) is defined as share of voters (S) who showed
    up at the polling station within the total number of eligible (E) voters
    registered at the same polling station.

    17 More formally, a normality of distribution for any large number of
    variables is followed from Lyapunov's central limit theorem. The latter
    requires that the random variables in question be independent for their
    sum/average to be normally distributed.

    18 It is conceivable that the turnout in some polling stations is
    different from the rest for cultural, demographic, or professional
    reasons. In the Armenian context, however, it is difficult to come up
    with factors that would offer a credible explanation for the highly
    noticeable fat tail depicted on Figure 1.

    19 `Arman Melikyan is Ready to Dispute with Three Political Powers,' A1
    +, February 5, 2008.

    20 See

    21 Melikyan himself argued (citing the official data from the Department
    of Migration on the existence of over 500,000 migrants with Armenian
    citizenship working/residing abroad) that officially reported voter
    numbers would suggest turnouts in the 90 percent range, if measured
    against people who were physically in Armenia and therefore able to cast
    their votes.

    22 Even if the relatively smaller size of the polling stations in areas
    outside of Yerevan would have anything to do with this outcome, the
    difference (63 percent; on average 1,094 registered voters outside of
    Yerevan vs. 1,739 on average in polling stations in Yerevan) would
    hardly explain twice between the turnout pattern in and outside of

    23 Interestingly enough, in 13 electoral precincts in the capital
    Yerevan, where the extent of falsifications is believed to have been
    lower, Serge Sargsyan received an average of 45 percent of votes.

    24 The described regression for the jth candidate and ith polling
    station can be written in the following way (ignoring the constant term
    for presentational simplicity): , where, as defined in footnote 16, V is
    the number of votes received by the candidate, T is turnout (defined as
    S divided by E), S is the number of eligible voters who showed up at the
    polling station to vote, and E is the total number of eligible voters.
    is the error term. It can be shown that the following estimator(which is
    the share of votes collected by the jth candidate across all polling
    stations) has an expected value equal to that of the OLS estimator
    (i.e., where) plus a (small) term.

    25 As indicated above, Vahan Hovannisyan on average retained his `fair'
    share of votes.

    26 Doing the same in the case of Vahan Hovannisyan reduces the slope
    coefficient in the respective regression in a much smaller fashion (from
    0.067 to 0.059) indicating smaller region-wide differences among his
    voters compared to that of Serge Sargsyan. The results based on
    regressions with precinct dummy variables for all other candidates are
    available upon request.

    27 It would also have been possible to correct some of the observed
    irregularities during the recount process. However, the latter itself
    had some inherent procedural weaknesses and was marred by serious
    violations. For example, the law allows as little as 3 days after the
    election for formal complaints to be filed and for those complaints to
    be investigated. Thus, with a capacity to recount only 2-3 polling
    stations per day (as estimated by an election commission member,
    interviewed by PFA), an average precinct election commission could not
    recount ballots in more than ten polling stations within a precinct
    during those 3 days. Given that in some precincts more than 20 polling
    stations had registered complains, the allocated time was inadequate to
    handle all complaints. In addition, anecdotal evidence revealed that
    some election officials in precincts (1) refused to register candidates'
    complaints (e.g., because they had to be somewhere else or being just
    plain tired at the time the complaint was filed, etc.) and (2) exercised
    discretion as to which complaint to consider and which to ignore.
    Needless to say, actions/inactions such as these are likely to render
    the overall re-count process not very effective in revealing/correcting
    manipulations and fraud. Nevertheless, at least in some instances
    re-counts were useful in revealing certain anomalies. For example, as
    reported by Hetq Online (Hetq web), a recount of the ballots based on
    the protest filed by Artur Bagdasaryan in the polling station 9/31 in
    Yerevan showed that Serge Sargsyan `received' votes from all other
    candidates (i.e., votes that were counted as received by Serge Sargsyan
    actually belonging to other candidates).

    28 `Flawed elections' in this context refer to flaws and problems which
    occurred during the pre- and post-election periods including, inter
    alia, unequal access to media outlets, vote buying, vote rigging,
    violence toward local election observers.

    29 The secular nationalism of nineteenth century Armenian
    revolutionaries symbolized the emergence of a new national
    consciousness, often referred to as an awakening and marked a
    fundamental shift in Armenian thinking. As Ronald Suny maintains, it
    emphasized a break with the Church, the importance of the ethnic culture
    of the common folk, the vernacular languages of ordinary speech, and the
    need to engage the modern world politically (Suny 1993: 9). The break
    with the Church was intended to create a new identity around the idea of
    an independent national polity and not as a religious community.

    30 Following independence, Theatre Square was renamed Liberty Square
    (Azatutyan Hraparak).

    31 Of the over 4,000 registered NGOs, only approximately 200-250,
    including both service delivery as well as advocacy groups, are actively
    engaged in projects (Ishkanian, 2008).

    32 Grantakerutyun (`grant-eating') is another form of corruption.

    33 The Ombudsman, Armen Harutyunyan, was subsequently criticized by the
    Prosecutor General and the Justice Minister of writing a `political'
    report. Prior to that, following the Ombudsman's first pubic report
    (HRD, 2008a), president Kocharyan described Harutyunyan was one of his
    worst appointments ever. He accused Harutyunyan of tarnishing Armenia's
    image abroad and that he `does not understand what he is talking
    about.' (Armenia Liberty, 2008b).

    34 Transparency International Anti-corruption Center; Helsinki Citizens'
    Assembly Vanadzor Office; "Huys" NGO; Helsinki Citizens' Assembly
    Armenian Committee; Lawyers for Human Rights; Rights and Freedom Center;
    "Asparez" Journalists' Club; "Zartonk-89" NGO; "The Soldier's Protection
    Committee" Initiative Group; National Citizens' Initiative; Youth for
    Democracy; "Mijnaberd" NGO; and Foundation against Violation of Law

    35 The IEOM was a joint undertaking of the Organization for Security and
    Cooperation in Europe Office for Democratic Institutions and Human
    Rights (OSCE/ODIHR), the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary
    Assembly of the Council of Europe and the European Parliament.

    36 `Asparez' Journalists' Club; Committee to Protect Freedom of
    Expression; Helsinki Committee of Armenia; Helsinki Citizens Assembly
    Vanadzor Branch; `Internews-Armenia' Media Support NGO; Media Diversity
    Institute; Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation-Armenia;
    Transparency International Anti-corruption Center; and Yerevan Press

    37 The final IEOM report was issued in late May and embraced a more
    critical stance on the election results and post-election developments.

    38 "Youth for Democracy" NGO; Transparency International Anti-corruption
    Center NGO; "Asparez" Journalists' Club; "Krtutyan Asparez" NGO;
    Helsinki Citizens' Assembly Armenian Committee NGO; Helsinki Citizens'
    Assembly Vanadzor Office; "Huys" NGO; "We Plus" NGO; "Victims of State
    Needs" NGO and Sksela Youth Movement.

    39 Indeed this lack of meeting space was an obstacle that led the
    opposition to announce that it will organize the second Armenian
    National Congress in Tbilisi, Georgia. Fearing the negative publicity
    that would be generated if the opposition were to hold a meeting in a
    foreign country, the government relented and eventually allowed the
    opposition to hold the congress in Yerevan.

    40 Translation by Armenaker Kamilion web. The Manifest of Free Armenians
    is available at tm.

    41 The statement can be found at Its authors
    also demand the reinstatement of all civil liberties, including the
    removal of obstacles for the return to Armenia of the exiled
    intellectuals. They maintain that their inability to vote and get
    elected into a public office constitutes a violation of human rights and
    express their willingness to nominate a presidential candidate under the
    right circumstances.

    42 The Human Rights Defender's report argues that the `active
    participation of scores of youth' to events organized by Ter-Petrossian
    is because `youth has [sic] a deeper perception of those eternal values
    (e.g., justice, democracy, equality, human rights, etc.) (HRD, 2008b:

    43 A tradition in the Armenian Apostolic Church calls for the 7th and
    40th days following death to be marked.

    44 There is also a Wikipedia page dedicated to the 2008 election with
    updated information on the events. _presidential_election_protests

    45 `Samizdat' is a Russian word indicating a self-made, underground

    46 The Armenian blogs tend to have a predominant language, either
    English or Russian, but also provide information in Armenian, English,
    and Russian. The multilingual blogs demonstrate the global reach of
    these technologies as well as the diversity of the participants. While
    generating debate and discussion, the blogs also provide anonymity to
    the discussants, resulting in freer discussions.

    47 For instance, in the United States, all the presidential candidates
    have blogs which have supported their campaigning and fundraising

    48 Resolution 1609 considered `the possibility of suspending the voting
    rights of the Armenian delegation' unless considerable progress was made
    on a number of issues. These included revoking, in line with Venice
    Commission recommendations, the recently adopted amendments to the Law
    on Conducting Meetings, Assemblies, Rallies and Demonstrations and
    starting an independent, transparent and credible inquiry into the
    events of March 1, 2008, as well as the circumstances leading up to
    them. Other conditions included the release of persons detained on
    seemingly artificial and politically motivated charges and the
    initiation of an open and serious dialogue between the political forces.
    PACE has stated that unless the conditions are met and `if no
    considerable progress has been made on these requirements' then the
    Assembly could consider the possibility of suspending the voting rights
    of the Armenian delegation to the Assembly at the opening of its June
    2008 part-session (PACE web).

    49 The organized Diaspora community too demonstrated a rather lenient
    approach toward the events in Armenia, as evident from a joint statement
    made by five leading U.S. Diaspora groups on March 18. (Signatories
    included the Armenian Assembly of America, Armenian General Benevolent
    Union, Armenian National Committee of America, Diocese of the Armenian
    Church of America (Eastern/Western) and Prelacy of the Armenian
    Apostolic Church of America (Eastern/Western). Statement is available
    from, News and Reports section). Interestingly
    enough, for the Armenian Assembly this was a departure from its
    traditionally stronger focus on human rights and democracy in Armenia,
    including criticism of past elections. Furthermore, Assembly's abrupt
    dismissal in April of its Director of Research and Analysis, who had
    raised concerns with the Assembly's position on the election and
    post-election developments in Armenia urging a more sensible and
    equitable stance, looked like an attempt to quash dissent from the
    corporate line on the subject. (See `Armen Kharazian: Armenia's
    Democratic Development is a Priority,' Zhamanak daily, May 3, 2008,
    available from: Another signatory
    to this letter, however, the Armenian General Benevolent Union,
    subsequently devoted an issue of its AGBU Magazine (April) to
    post-election developments, providing a thorough and unbiased analysis
    of the events and their aftermath.

    50 `Dashnak Leader Resigns from Parliament Post,' RFE/RL, February 22,

    51 Ibid.

    52 `New Armenian Coalition Takes Shape,' RFE/RL, March 21, 2008.

    53 `New Armenian Cabinet Formed,' RFE/RL, April 21, 2008.

    54 `New Armenian Cabinet Wins Vote of Confidence,' RFE/RL, April 30,

    55 `Opposition Makes Demands,' Azg, March 25, 2008.

    56 `Prosecutors Insist On Opposition `Hypnosis' Of Armenians,' RFE/RL,
    July 8, 2008 referring to an interview given by the Prosecutor General
    to Aravot daily on July 8 (in Armenian).

    57 `Ter-Petrossian `Ready' to Talk to Government,' RFE/RL, May 2, 2008.

    58 `Armenian Opposition Resumes Non-Stop Protests,' RFE/RL, July 4,

    59 `Demirchian Cool Towards Opposition Party Merger,' RFE/RL, May 9,

    60 `European Court Judges in Favor of Closed Armenian TV,' RFE/RL, June
    17, 2008.

    61 `Government Official Downplays Legal Defeat in Strasbourg,' RFE/RL,
    June 18, 2008.

    62 It is also not clear yet whether these reforms are here to stay.
    While certainly welcome, it remains to be seen whether these measures
    will lead to substantive changes of the reality on the ground, as
    opposed to simply being window dressing intended to divert the attention
    of citizenry and the outside observers from the more important political

    63 `Gallup Survey: `Atmosphere of Fear' or `Provocation'?', June 13, 2008.

    64 Frustrated by the unwillingness of the PACE to take action against
    the authorities in Yerevan, Raffi Hovannisian, the only opposition
    member of Armenia's delegation at the PACE, walked out of the June 25
    hearings in protest. In criticizing the two co-sponsors of the recent
    PACE resolutions on Armenia, Ter-Petrossian called them `defense
    lawyers' of the administration in Yerevan (`Opposition Leader Adamant In
    Boycotting PACE,' RFE/RL, July 7, 2008).

    65 `Dashnaks Warn Sarkisian Over Armenian Genocide Study,' RFE/RL, July
    8, 2008.

    66 To avoid any conflict of interest and enhance the credibility of the
    effort, members of this provisional administration could announce that
    they will not participate in the upcoming election (which they are
    appointed to administer), or become members of the cabinet that would be
    appointed by the National Assembly (to be elected as a result of those

    67 Available on website for Hetq Online Investigative Journalists of
    Armenia Reprinted with

    68 Available on the website for Human Rights in Armenia 7784. Reprinted with permission.