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New Library In Khachen

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  • New Library In Khachen


    NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
    October 11, 2008

    Today, a solemn opening of a newly constructed library in the village
    Khachen of Askeran region has taken place. The NKR Prime Minister Ara
    Haroutyunyan, Jack Hoshtetern and Shack Matosyan, representatives of
    French organizations S.P.A.F. and "Armenianos" fund of Liechtenstein
    financing the construction, were present at the ceremony. Material
    assistance to construction of this hearth of culture was rendered
    by the NKR Government too. The library is situated in the complex
    of constructions, where a new kindergarten, a club and a first-aid
    post are located. Construction of this convenient complex was mainly
    carried out at the expense of the abovementioned benefactors.

    At the opening ceremony words of gratitude were addressed to all
    participants of construction. In response to proposal of Khachen
    community representatives the Prime Minister A.Haroutyunyan expressed
    readiness to assist in opening of computer center.

    Tomorrow, an opening of new water line in the village Khnapat in
    Askeran region, which also were constructed owing to charity of the
    same benefactors, will take place.