19:48 01/09/2008
Winner of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Literature Orhan Pamuk has published
another book called "The Museum of Innocence". The novel containing
592 pages, tells about the love of a rich man towards the sunset of
modern Istanbul.
The author is working at the English version of the book at the moment
and german-speaking readers will have the novel in September.
Pamuk had to leave his apartement in Istanbul because of eternal
threats from Turkish society and government and went to live in
the USA.
Note that Pamuks' books admitting Armenian Genocide and representing
the facts of Qurdish people's massacre were burnt in the streets
of Istanbul. Moreover, Turkish government had opened a court trial
against Pamuk accusing him of "hurting Turkish peoples' feelings".
By the way, Orhan Pamuks' books have been translated in more than
40 languages.
19:48 01/09/2008
Winner of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Literature Orhan Pamuk has published
another book called "The Museum of Innocence". The novel containing
592 pages, tells about the love of a rich man towards the sunset of
modern Istanbul.
The author is working at the English version of the book at the moment
and german-speaking readers will have the novel in September.
Pamuk had to leave his apartement in Istanbul because of eternal
threats from Turkish society and government and went to live in
the USA.
Note that Pamuks' books admitting Armenian Genocide and representing
the facts of Qurdish people's massacre were burnt in the streets
of Istanbul. Moreover, Turkish government had opened a court trial
against Pamuk accusing him of "hurting Turkish peoples' feelings".
By the way, Orhan Pamuks' books have been translated in more than
40 languages.