18.09.2008 17:42
President Serzh Sargsyan today introduced the newly appointed President
of the Court of Cassation Arman Mkrtumyan.
The President congratulated Arman Mkrtumyan on his appointment to
that exceptionally responsible position and wished that he serves as
an example for other judges of the Republic with his activity.
In his speech the President noted, in part: "It's obvious that the
quality of justice is assessed exceptionally by public perception,
and if we look from this perspective, then, to put it mildly, the
quality of justice execution in our country strongly limps.
I have said on many occasions and I repeat now that I will do my
best for the courts to be independent and the judges be unbiased in
our country.
All the countries that are considered full-fledged today, have passed
a long way, but they have managed to have really independent courts
and unbiased judges. It's understandable that it's impossible to make
everything ideal in one, ten or hundred years, but if we aspire for
that there can be no doubt here."
President Sargsyan expressed confidence that without losing time the
President of the Court of Cassation will present suggestions on how
the existing problems can be solved.
At the end of his speech Serzh Sargsyan said: "We must be intolerant20
towards corruption, irresponsibility, towards non-critical attitude
of one's own activity. The atmosphere of non-punishment should be
18.09.2008 17:42
President Serzh Sargsyan today introduced the newly appointed President
of the Court of Cassation Arman Mkrtumyan.
The President congratulated Arman Mkrtumyan on his appointment to
that exceptionally responsible position and wished that he serves as
an example for other judges of the Republic with his activity.
In his speech the President noted, in part: "It's obvious that the
quality of justice is assessed exceptionally by public perception,
and if we look from this perspective, then, to put it mildly, the
quality of justice execution in our country strongly limps.
I have said on many occasions and I repeat now that I will do my
best for the courts to be independent and the judges be unbiased in
our country.
All the countries that are considered full-fledged today, have passed
a long way, but they have managed to have really independent courts
and unbiased judges. It's understandable that it's impossible to make
everything ideal in one, ten or hundred years, but if we aspire for
that there can be no doubt here."
President Sargsyan expressed confidence that without losing time the
President of the Court of Cassation will present suggestions on how
the existing problems can be solved.
At the end of his speech Serzh Sargsyan said: "We must be intolerant20
towards corruption, irresponsibility, towards non-critical attitude
of one's own activity. The atmosphere of non-punishment should be