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2009 Times Square Commemoration

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  • 2009 Times Square Commemoration
    April 27, 2009

    2009 Times Square Commemoration
    By Taleen Babayan

    For the 24th consecutive year, Armenians converged in Times Square to
    commemorate the 94th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Under a
    bright sky and record-breaking temperatures, the enthusiastic audience
    listened attentively to an assemblage of prominent speakers urging
    them to carry on the fight for Armenian Genocide recognition. As a
    timid prospect of a rapprochement between Armenian and Turkey lingers
    on the horizon, Armenians here pledge to observe and pay homage to the
    victims of the first Genocide of the 20th Century. The gathering in
    Times Square, on Sunday afternoon, April 26th, with an unprecedented
    crowd, was a reconfirmation of that solemn commitment.

    This unique event, held in the heart of Manhattan, serves an
    appropriate public forum where American public leaders and high
    ranking elected officials demand justice for the victims of the
    Armenian Genocide in the hands of the Ottoman Turks. Thus, their
    demand for justice resonates far beyond the wide avenues crisscrossing
    Times Square.

    As in years past, an array of high-profile elected officials were on
    stage to protest Turkey's denial of any responsibility for the
    Armenian massacres and to express solidarity with the
    Armenian-American community. "We will continue to light the torch of
    truth until Turkey recognizes the Genocide," proclaimed the Democratic
    senior senator from New York, Senator Chuck Schumer, a true friend and
    a tireless champion of Armenian causes.

    Another staunch supporter of Armenian causes in Congress, Congressman
    Frank Pallone Jr. (D-NJ), co-chairman of the Armenian Caucus, said
    that it is important for everyone to be involved in Genocide
    recognition and to do everything to bring the republics of Armenia and
    Nagorno Karabagh closer to the United States. Although the resolution
    passed in 1975 and 1984, Congressman Pallone said, "I apologize that
    we have not passed the Genocide resolution so far this season. We will
    get there!"

    Some members of the Armenian-American community were bitterly
    disappointed, while others were not, with President Obama for failing
    to use the English word "genocide" in his message on April 24th. One
    of the special guests of the commemorative event, well-known criminal
    trial lawyer Mark Geragos, launched an unabashed criticism of
    President Obama for not using the word "genocide" as he had
    promised. His virulent criticism was well-received by the
    audience. "Shame on you," said Geragos in reference to President
    Obama. He said the politicians should be held accountable for the
    promises they make. "The only way we will get what we want is if we do
    it ourselves. The fundamental right of any victim is restitution. So
    let them fight for restitution. Our fight is over reparations and yes
    we will win that fight," said Geragos.

    Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) stressed the importance of using the
    word "genocide" in reference to the Armenian Genocide. "There is no
    other word for what happened. It was a genocide, plain and simple,"
    said Weiner. "We honor the tradition of this country. We promise we
    won't forget history. We will remember the Genocide," said Weiner.

    Congressman Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI) began his remarks with Adolf
    Hitler's famous words: "Who today speaks of the annihilation of the
    Armenians?" McCotter said that history is happening now and the
    Armenian Genocide should be acknowledged. "The survivor's hearts
    shouldn't wait any longer for their governments to acknowledge that
    the Genocide occurred. All the survivors should find peace," said

    The commemoration began with an invocation by His Eminence Oshagan
    Choloyan, Prelate of the Armenian Apostolic Church of the Eastern
    United States, who said he was disheartened that President Obama did
    not honor his promise to recognize the Armenian Genocide and the
    necessity of acknowledging the Genocide. "To forget this atrocious act
    would be another crime against humanity and a crime against the
    victims," said Archbishop Choloyan.

    Grand Commander of the Knights of Vartan Haig Deranian and Grand
    Matron Anita Arslanian recognized the Knights and Daughters of Vartan
    in their heartwarming addresses and reiterated the theme of the
    commemoration: "we cannot forget and we will not forget." They thanked
    the participating organizations of the Mid-Atlantic lodges, the chair
    and co-chair of the event, Hirant Gulian and Sam Azadian as well as
    Dr. Dennis Papazian as academic advisor.

    Shakeh Kadehjian recognized the survivors of the Armenian Genocide who
    were present at the commemoration including: Adrine Badjyan, birth
    place Adapazar, 100 years old; Arshalouys Dadir, birthplace
    Shabinkarahisar, 96 years old; Onorig Eminyan, birthplace Izmir, 97
    years old; Peruz Kalustyan, birthplace Palu, 101 years old; Charlotte
    Kechejian, birthplace Konya, 97 years old; Sirarpi Sirabian,
    birthplace Adapazar, 97 years old.

    Dr. Dennis Papazian, a prominent member of the Knights of Vartan
    leadership opened his address underlying the fact that there is a
    struggle for Turkey's soul. "There is a change in Turkey, yet very
    slow," said Papazian. Armed with two recent publications from Turkey,
    one depicting the notes personally kept by Taalat Pasha one of the
    principal architects of the Genocide, who kept meticulous notes of the
    number of Armenians sent to their death marches. The other
    publication, recently published in Turkey, is the complete trial
    records of the leadership of Ottoman Turks who orchestrated the

    Dr. Papazian reminded his audience that indeed there was a trial in
    Turkey and the perpetrators of the Armenian massacres where found
    guilty by the Turkish government. "Those books could not have been
    published even a decade ago," declared Dr. Papazian, adding that times
    are changing in Turkey. Dr. Papazian also noted that President Obama
    did call the expulsion and murder of 1.5 million Armenian by the Young
    Turk dictators, a genocide, except that he used the Armenian term.
    "Use English, next time Mr. President," he challenged, "so as to make
    your position crystal clear!"

    Proclamations by New York Governor Paterson and by Mayor Bloomberg of
    Armenian Genocide Day were announced. Clergy in attendance were also
    recognized, including Very Rev. Haigazoun Najarian, Vicar General of
    the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), His Eminence
    Oshagan Choloyan, Prelate of the Armenian Apostolic Church of the
    Eastern United States, and Bishop Anoushavan Tanielian, also of the
    Prelacy. Andrew Torigian was in attendance representing the Armenian
    Missionary Association of America. Mr. David Krikorian, who is running
    for congress in Ohio's second district, was also presented.

    City councilmen of Queens John Liu and Peter Vallone Jr. were also in
    attendance to commemorate the 94th anniversary of the Armenian
    Genocide. Vallone spoke about the importance of commemorating the
    Genocide every year and of having elected officials who stand up for
    Armenian causes. "We see survivors sitting here today who witnessed
    the horrors that took place," said Liu, noting that the Turkish people
    did not succeed in their plans to exterminate the Armenians. "This is
    where we have gathered for many years and will continue to do so until
    the truth is told."

    In his remarks, Very Rev. Fr. Haigazoun Najarian, Vicar General of the
    Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, said he did not want to
    dwell on the past or to seek revenge. "I'm here today to ask for
    justice, peace and co-existence," said Najarian. He spoke about the
    contributions Armenians made to Ottoman culture and how Turks and
    Armenians had once lived side by side. "We have a lot in common. Let
    us build upon this common entity. Let Turkey, as a gesture, open the
    doors to Armenians so we can understand each other," concluded

    Representatives from co-sponsoring organizations offered greetings;
    AGBU, Natalie Gabrelian; Armenian Assembly of America, Van Krikorian;
    Antranig Kasbarian, of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation who spoke
    for the Armenian National Committee of America; Hilda Haroutunian,
    Armenian Democratic League and Dikran Nalbandian; Hunchagian Party.

    Able Masters of Ceremonies were Dr. Mary Papazian, Senior
    Vice-President and Provost at Lehman College, a part of City
    University NY, and Armen McOmber, Esq., of NJ. Talar Aydian and
    Markrete Krikorian sang the Armenian national anthem in English and

    The program concluded with a benediction from Bishop Anoushavan
    Tanielian, Vicar of the Armenian Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic
    Church of America (Eastern United States) and the singing of God Bless
    America by Ani Djirdjirian.

    Live coverage of the event was broadcast by the Armenian Radio Hour of
    New Jersey.

    Winners of this year's Knights of Vartan essay contest were present at
    the commemoration and were recognized for their achievements. The
    winners were Shannelle Russell, Carley Weinstein and Sarah
    Torosyan. Aram Balian was awarded a Knights of Vartan silver medal for
    a letter he had written to President Obama in regard to the Armenian

    The 94th commemoration of the Armenian Genocide in Times Square was
    organized by the Mid-Atlantic chapters of the Knights and Daughters of
    Vartan and co-sponsored by Armenian General Benevolent Union, Armenian
    Assembly of America, Armenian National Committee of America, Armenian
    Democratic Liberal Party and Social Democratic Hunchagian Party.
    Participating organizations included: Diocese of the Armenian Church
    of America (Eastern), Prelacy of the Armenian Church, Armenian
    Missionary Association of America, Armenian Presbyterian Church,
    Armenian Evangelical Church, Armenian Catholic Eparchy for US and
    Canada, and Armenian Youth Organizations.