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New NATO Chief Not To Change Caucasus Policy

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  • New NATO Chief Not To Change Caucasus Policy


    Asbarez new-nato-chief-not-to-change-caucasus-policy/
    Aug 5, 2009

    BAKU-NATO policy regarding the South Caucasus countries will not change
    dramatically after the new Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen,
    said an official representative of NATO, James Appathurai.

    "Rasmussen certainly has not announced any major changes," Appathurai
    said by telephone from Brussels on August 4.

    "I don't think that you should expect to see any great changes."

    The new Secretary General has expressed his strong commitment to
    fundamental principles of NATO with regard to its partnerships,
    mentioning specifically the South Caucasus, Appathurai said.

    "He demonstrated commitment to partnership and to autonomy and
    independence of sovereign states in that region [South Caucasus],"
    Appathurai said.

    NATO cooperation with the South Caucasus countries - Azerbaijan,
    Georgia and Armenia - is mainly carried out within Partnership
    for Peace Program, Individual Partnership Action Plan, as well as
    Process of Analysis and Planning Program. These documents define
    the objectives and intentions of the partner countries to hold
    consultations with NATO regarding reforms in the spheres of defense,
    security and military policy.

    Cooperation of the South Caucasus countries with NATO is regarded
    as a step towards European integration and security and stability in
    the region.

    New Secretary General's commitment to fundamental principles of NATO
    includes the rejection the idea of the spheres of influence, when the
    big countries imposing their will on smaller countries that might be
    in the neighborhood, Appathurai said.

    Dane Anders Fogh Rasmussen came to the post of NATO Secretary General
    on August 1, replacing in this post Dutch Jaap de Hoop Scheffer,
    who spent five years in office.

    As to NATO co-operation with Muslim countries, Appathurai said that
    NATO has strong history with Muslim countries in two ways.

    "One way is the operational way: we have as an alliance defended
    Kosovo population, which is principally Muslim. Of course, we are
    defending Afghans from the extremists in Afghanistan," he said.

    In terms of partnership with many Muslim countries in the Mediterranean
    dialog, the Istanbul cooperation initiative, NATO has very good
    partnerships, Appathurai said.

    "Rasmussen wants to build on that. And he made as a priority for
    himself, demonstrating his respect for and commitment to deeper
    partnership with Muslim countries," Appathurai said.

    Rasmussen was elected head of the North Atlantic Alliance at the
    anniversary summit of NATO in April. Whether he would come to the
    post was unclear by the last moment.