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Medvedev says no going back on South Ossetian recognition

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  • Medvedev says no going back on South Ossetian recognition

    Medvedev says no going back on South Ossetian recognition

    VLADIKAVKAZ, August 8 (RIA Novosti) - President Dmitry Medvedev said
    on Saturday that Russia would not revise its decision to recognize the
    former Georgian republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent
    "I stress this decision will not be reviewed," Medvedev said in the
    southern Russian city of Vladikavkaz, during an award ceremony for
    service personnel, who fought in the five-day war that started a year
    Some 162 civilians and 67 Russian service personnel, including
    peacekeepers, were killed when Georgia attacked the former Georgian
    republic of South Ossetia last August. Russia reacted swiftly
    expelling Georgian troops from the region and subsequently recognized
    both South Ossetia and Abkhazia, another former Georgian republic.
    The president said that the decision to recognize the former republics
    had been the only option following Georgia's attack on South Ossetia
    last August.
    "This was the only way we could guarantee people's security and
    stability in the Caucasus region," he said.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress