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Kiro Manoyan: "Neither Side Wants To Be The First To Say - No"

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  • Kiro Manoyan: "Neither Side Wants To Be The First To Say - No"

    Natasha Harutyunyan an-6/
    2009/08/19 | 15:15


    Kiro Manoyan, who heads the ARF Political Affairs Bureau in Yerevan,
    today stated that any talk regarding a possible settlement of the
    Karabakh conflict would be pure speculation since there are no specific
    indications as to what developments to expect in the near furure.

    "The only thing that is clear is that the Minsk Group Co-Chairs
    are pulling out all stops to reach an agreement between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan on so-called "fundamental principles" by October 14. But the
    final draft of these principles will only be ready for submittal to the
    parties involved by the end of September. The fact that official Baku
    has not once stated that it would abide by the will of the people if
    it chose to remain outside the territorial jurisdiction of Azerbaijan,
    is enough basis to declare that the sides will not agree on these
    fundamental principles. I'd say that neither side wishes to say 'yes'
    to the principles but that neither side wants to be the first to say

    October 14 is the date of the next football match between the
    national teams of Armenia and Turkey, scheduled to take place
    in Turkey. Mr. Manoyan believes that the mediators are trying to
    satisfy Turkey's precondition that it will not normalize relations
    with Yerevan until a deal is reached on Karabakh. The ARF official
    stated that Ankara effectively froze any progress on normalizing
    relations with Yerevan after the April 22 "Joint Statement".

    "We can expect a fairly heated political atmosphere in the coming
    weeks. In the end, Yerevan must formulate a final position regarding
    the fundamental principles. I think that the sides will not come to
    an agreement by October 14. However, we must wait and see who will
    be the first to say 'no'," Mr. Manoyan said.

    Mr. Manoyan added that that he finds it realistic for Armenia to
    declare that it is Turkey that has scuttled the talks by placing
    this Karabakh precondition and that Ankara has altered the rules
    in mid-stream.

    "Armenia must declare this to be the case because it is equally
    important for Turkey to show the world that there is a process
    underway, that it is talking to Armenia and that there is no need for
    others to intervene. Armenia must declare that this is not the case,"
    he said, adding that he didn't think President Sargsyan would make
    the trip to Turkey in October.

    Regarding the recent statement by U.S. Minsk Group Co-Chair Matthew
    Bryza that the bargaining position of Armenia was stronger ten years
    ago, Mr. Manoyan commented that Bryza often makes false statements
    in an effort to impact on Armenian politics.

    "I'd agree that Bryza is a skilled diplomat but his statement is
    incorrect. There is a clause in these principle that didn't exist back
    when Levon Ter-Petrosyan was president; namely that the final status
    of Karabakh will be based on the will of the people," he concluded.