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American Armenians Complain About Bryza

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  • American Armenians Complain About Bryza

    20:40 / 08/21/2009

    Armenian Americans community representatives sent a letter to
    U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, expressing their concern
    about OSCE MG CO-Chair Matthew Bryza's behavior.

    Ken Hachikian, the Chairman of Armenian National Committee of America
    (ANCA) sent a 4-page letter to Hillary Clinton, presenting Armenian
    community's concern regarding "counter-productive statements by the
    U.S. Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, Matthew Bryza".

    According to Hachikian, Bryza has repeatedly made "unfair and
    inaccurate" statements. "Today, seven months after the start of the
    Obama-Biden Administration, we are seriously concerned that this
    Administration has abdicated its responsibilities by effectively
    outsourcing our nation's foreign policy with respect to Armenian
    issues to the Republic of Turkey, as every single policy dealing with
    Armenia has been made along the lines that Turkey has dictated, rather
    than along the sound principles of morality and democracy that you,
    President Obama and Vice President Biden unambiguously articulated
    during your presidential campaigns last year," the letter reads.

    Hachikian also underlined Bryza's "pro-Azerbaijani bias." "In his
    remarks in Tsakhkadzor, Mr. Bryza, once again, made a number of
    statements that directly contradict the President's pledge to work
    toward a 'lasting and durable settlement Nagorno Karabagh conflict
    that is agreeable to all parties, and based upon America's founding
    commitment to the principles of democracy and self determination,'
    Hachikian said, adding that "In his remarks, Mr. Bryza compounded his
    biased defense of these flawed principles by falsely claiming that
    the Azerbaijani side has made a 'concession' by agreeing to merely
    discuss the matter of Nagorno Karabagh's self-determination."