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Gov. Perry Ceremonially Signs SB 482: Texas Holocaust, Genocide Com.

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  • Gov. Perry Ceremonially Signs SB 482: Texas Holocaust, Genocide Com.

    Targeted News Service
    August 18, 2009 Tuesday 12:29 AM EST

    Gov. Perry Ceremonially Signs SB 482 Creating Texas Holocaust and
    Genocide Commission

    AUSTIN, Texas

    Gov. Rick Perry,R-Texas, issued the following news release:

    Gov. Rick Perry today ceremonially signed Senate Bill (SB) 482, which
    creates the Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission to help preserve
    information and experiences of the Holocaust and other genocide
    events. The commission will work with organizations, agencies,
    museums, survivors and liberators to provide information and
    experiences and to coordinate memorial events in the state.

    "As a state and nation, we are compelled to prevent future episodes of
    genocide and oppression by casting the light of truth on their history
    and educating our citizens on the circumstances that allow their
    occurrence," Gov. Perry said. "Ultimately, that truth, and the
    willingness to defend the vulnerable among us will lead to greater
    justice. I believe this bill is an important statement of the values
    we hold dear in this state- those of respecting human life and valuing
    freedom for all men and women."

    The creation of this commission will give schools and organizations in
    smaller communities access to resources and information about the
    Holocaust and genocide that they would otherwise have little access
    to. The commission will consist of 18 members- 15 appointed by the
    governor, lieutenant governor and House speaker, with the commissioner
    of education, commissioner of higher education and executive director
    of the Texas Veterans Commission acting as ex-officio members.

    "As a child of Holocaust survivors, I have lived the lessons of that
    horrific event all my life, but there are generations of people who
    have no access to the lessons and teachings of this historic tragedy,"
    Sen. Florence Shapiro said. "The intolerance of that period remains a
    contemporary issue today that young people need to learn about. It is
    my hope that this legislation will help provide the information
    necessary to ensure that we never forget."

    In addition to the Holocaust, there have been five major genocide
    events in the 20th century, including the Armenian, Cambodian,
    Rwandan, Bosnian and Herzegovinian, and Sudanese genocides. Survivors,
    liberators and others who witnessed these atrocities have died without
    leaving their lessons of survival and humanity. According to the
    Holocaust Museum Houston, six Holocaust survivors have died within the
    last six months in Houston alone.

    "I am very proud to have authored this bill with my good friend
    Senator Shapiro. We must all stand up and recognize that genocide
    continues to take place all over the world. 64 years ago it was
    Eastern Europe. Today, it is Darfur," Sen. Rodney Ellis said. "The
    Holocaust and Genocide Commission is Texas' effort to ensure that our
    schools and communities have the resources they need to teach our kids
    and neighbors to do what is morally right when faced with such

    "This bill means that all communities and particularly rural areas
    across Texas will have the opportunity to learn about what can happen
    if good people do not stand up to be counted," Rep. Ellen Cohen
    said. "It will help educate young people, who will be the future
    leaders of their chamber of commerce, school board or Girl Scout
    troop, that while we may take exception to the views of others we can
    and must do so in a respectful and civil manner."

    Gov. Perry continues to advocate for the human rights of oppressed
    people around the world. The governor has signed legislation calling
    for divestment of state funds that have a direct relationship to the
    atrocities happening in Sudan. The governor has also called for
    divestment of state funds from Iran, a main opponent of Israeli