25.08.2009 13:08 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ By the demand of Osman Kacmaz, Chairman of Turkish
Court dealing with grave crimes, prosecutions against Turkish Premier
Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Abdullah Gul may continue within the frames
of the "lost trillion" case.
The case was filed after the loss of money from the deposits of
Prosperity Party (PP), a ruling political force at that time. In May
2009, the criminal court in Sinjan, Turkey, demanded that the case
be resumed. Being one of the leaders of ruling party which was later
resolved by Constitutional Court decision for attempts to Islamize
Turkey and accused of forging financial documents, Gul had political
immunity and avoided court prosecution which ended about 6 years
ago. Gul still enjoys political immunity. Under Turkish Constitution,
Turkish Preisdent may face trial only for treason.
25.08.2009 13:08 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ By the demand of Osman Kacmaz, Chairman of Turkish
Court dealing with grave crimes, prosecutions against Turkish Premier
Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Abdullah Gul may continue within the frames
of the "lost trillion" case.
The case was filed after the loss of money from the deposits of
Prosperity Party (PP), a ruling political force at that time. In May
2009, the criminal court in Sinjan, Turkey, demanded that the case
be resumed. Being one of the leaders of ruling party which was later
resolved by Constitutional Court decision for attempts to Islamize
Turkey and accused of forging financial documents, Gul had political
immunity and avoided court prosecution which ended about 6 years
ago. Gul still enjoys political immunity. Under Turkish Constitution,
Turkish Preisdent may face trial only for treason.