Aug 25 2009
Small and mid enterprises (SME) comprise 41.7 % or 1110323.5 million
drams in the Gross Internal Outcome in 2008, compared with 41.0% or
926188.1 million drams in 2007, i.e. 0.7 % or 184135.4 drams more. The
analysis of these numbers states that the increase in Gross Internal
Outcome recorded for the past years is stable.
The SME results for 2009 will be fixed next year. Karen Gevorgyan, head
of the Information Department of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship
Development National Center of the Republic of Armenia, informed
the reporter of Aysor.am that if this year there were no crisis,
it would have been possible "to investigate the results of the past
5 years and to make predictions".
According to the reference book "SME in Armenia 2006-2008", which
was published lately, on January 1, 2009, the number of registered
commercial juridical persons and individual entrepreneurs comprised
133405, i.e. 124.2% more as compared with the same period in 2008. The
increase is due to the official registration of those trading in
markets and fairs.
In UNO SME investigations "The index of SME development" comprises
544.0, in 2008, as compared with 398.6 in 2007 and 237.2 in 2006.
K. Gevorgyan stated that by 2009 among the most active functioning
SME in Armenia are registered in the areas of trade, industry,
cultivation of farming goods, service and construction.
Aug 25 2009
Small and mid enterprises (SME) comprise 41.7 % or 1110323.5 million
drams in the Gross Internal Outcome in 2008, compared with 41.0% or
926188.1 million drams in 2007, i.e. 0.7 % or 184135.4 drams more. The
analysis of these numbers states that the increase in Gross Internal
Outcome recorded for the past years is stable.
The SME results for 2009 will be fixed next year. Karen Gevorgyan, head
of the Information Department of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship
Development National Center of the Republic of Armenia, informed
the reporter of Aysor.am that if this year there were no crisis,
it would have been possible "to investigate the results of the past
5 years and to make predictions".
According to the reference book "SME in Armenia 2006-2008", which
was published lately, on January 1, 2009, the number of registered
commercial juridical persons and individual entrepreneurs comprised
133405, i.e. 124.2% more as compared with the same period in 2008. The
increase is due to the official registration of those trading in
markets and fairs.
In UNO SME investigations "The index of SME development" comprises
544.0, in 2008, as compared with 398.6 in 2007 and 237.2 in 2006.
K. Gevorgyan stated that by 2009 among the most active functioning
SME in Armenia are registered in the areas of trade, industry,
cultivation of farming goods, service and construction.