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Tumbleweed "Political Thought"

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  • Tumbleweed "Political Thought"

    Hakob Badalyan mments&pid=14988
    13:07:19 - 26/08/2009

    The Karabakh issue has become something like litmus for the political
    forces and figures of Armenia, although many of them do not know
    what litmus is. But it does not matter. Most of them do not know
    more important things but they know that they must always approve
    the government's wishes for their wishes or at least part of their
    wishes to come true too. In this respect, the Karabakh issue is very
    illustrative for the political sphere of Armenia.

    As one listens to judgments on the settlement of the Karabakh
    conflict, the judgments of political figures, political experts,
    various analysts, one can give the precise definition or diagnosis
    of the Armenian political sphere: tumbleweedomania. The tumbleweed
    is a plant which has such weak roots that the wind easily blows it
    from one place to another.

    In Karabakh, the Armenian political and the adjacent thoughts are
    in a tumbleweed state. They say one thing one day, then they think
    that what they said does not match with what the government wants,
    they say something else, then they doubt that they did not explain it
    clearly to the government and they say it again. Perhaps the government
    starts doubting why they say the same thing twice, and whether they
    think the government is dumb or whether they say it for someone else.

    The opposition forces and figures say the opposite but with the same
    meaning. In other words, they say that the territories should be ceded
    but not the way the government wants and not to the extent and not
    those territories which the government wants to cede, and particularly
    not, although generally yes. And so tumbles the 21st century Armenian
    political thought with its politico-analytical accessories, acting
    as a staunch negotiator one day, as a stock broker the other day,
    and constantly threatening the society that otherwise there will
    be war. And it turns out that if what the government wants and says
    does not come true in Karabakh, the end will be war, and if what the
    opposition wants and says happens, the end will be war. Here are two
    fears, and two fears are one death, the saying runs. That is why the
    Armenian political thought, especially with regard to the Karabakh
    issue, is dead. Two fears, pro-government and opposition, would not
    lead elsewhere.

    Elsewhere would be a multi-layered political debate on the Karabakh
    issue, the parties having equal freedom to express. This debate should
    shape public opinion although prior to that it should shape idea,
    perception of the real essence of the Karabakh issue, explain to the
    society that the Karabakh issue is not a burden to rid of but an issue
    of security which must be solved. It seems that all these are primitive
    judgments, trivial truths, which sound naive. But the problem is that
    in the current situation in Armenia regarding the Karabakh issue it
    seems necessary to begin with the primitive and the trivial not to let
    the worry about concession of territories sound as a "provincial fear"
    or not to explain the absence of likelihood to surrender in Azerbaijan
    by "our victory", that "we won" so we speak about concession whereas
    the Azerbaijanis lost so they do not want to cede.

    This judgment would be true for street football when the score is
    15 to 2 and it is meaningless to score twice more because the score
    would be 15 to 5, not more. However, it is not only unacceptable but
    also dangerous to judge about official, public stances on Armenia in
    terms of street football.

    I have already written, and I repeat that the approach of keeping
    the land is not always determined by the national romanticism "not a
    patch of land". The territories are a geographic, political, economic,
    military, strategic factor. Therefore, even if the issue of ceding them
    is to be discussed publicly, it must get a profound and comprehensive
    discussion based on adequate research on all the mentioned spheres.

    Otherwise, the entire state may be threatened by tumbleweedomania,
    if of course the threat is still a little far.