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NKR: For Modern Guest - Respectable Services

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  • NKR: For Modern Guest - Respectable Services

    Srbuhy Vanyan

    Azat Artsakh Newspaper NKR
    December 22, 2009

    Saying development of tourism, first of all is naturally supposed a
    development of substructures, creation and expansion of a hotel net.

    Recently in our republic it has been spoken much about the steps done
    in this sphere. There are many comfortable and nice-looking hotels
    in NKR territory, but today the leading one is "Armenia" hotel.

    Its representatives periodically participate in international
    tourexhibitions, seminars trying to use the international experience
    and last innovations in the work for satisfying their guests'
    taste and whims. What was the current year for "Armenia" hotel,
    how did the financial crisis reflect upon the hotel's employment,
    what interesting services they suggest for their visitors? About all
    this in the interview with the executive director of "Armenia" hotel
    Robert Simonyan. - Mr Simonyan, how do you estimate last year's
    work of "Armenia" hotel in the context of 3 years of its existance.

    - "Armenia" hotel began its activity in 2007 and now in the end of
    the third year we remain dynamic developing organization, which moves
    parallel with the market's demands. Estimating the situation, we've
    come to the conclusion, that hotel business is the most important spur
    for development of tourism. There are some active players in hotel
    market of Karabakh, but they don't always offer gusts a respectable
    service, naturally, they can't meet the demands of modern visitors
    ( representatives of business world, high-ranking officials, merely
    foreign guests). Presence of all this is the basis of policy being
    realized by us: to manage the level of provision of services to
    the level of Europian coutries' service - suggesting comparatively
    not expensive, but high-quality services. Such approach let us put
    before us exalted aims and try to reach them. As practice shows, the
    strategy chosen just from the beginning proves its value. - What
    is the situation of hotel market in NKR by your estimation? How did
    the financial crisis reflect upon this busienss? - Before financial
    crisis for development of tourism, naturally, also hotel business here
    there were all preconditions. Alluring investment sphere was incentive
    for realization of great projects in NKR by foreign investors, which
    promoted the process of hotel market's formation and development. A
    number of active workers appeared in the business. This phenomenon
    brought with it positive and negative influence. It laudable on
    the one hand, that hotel market began to become active, but on the
    other hand the inconformity of quality of suggested services with
    international standards is fraught for the country,which just trys
    to form as a tourist's centre. This situation can repel visitors,
    but we should make all efforts for increasing their number.

    This is the first law of business world. The situation formed in
    NKR should be used: in conditions of competition's absence it was
    necessary to build a "Lux" hotel. What about the second question,
    so the current financial crisis became more serious, than it was
    expected. Proceeding from it, many companies made changes in their
    established budgets, reduced the expances of business trips. As, for
    example, american tourists being important for us, this year couldn't
    visit us because of the crisis. As it's known, Armenia and the NKR are
    expensive countries in tourist's market, and especially in conditions
    of financial crisis it's difficult for us to seduce visitors. But
    the crisis can have positive consequences: some representatives of
    the market can make their work active on account of competition's
    increasing. Generally, it will be easy to overcome the crisis for
    those, who last favourable years amassed a great number of material
    human resources, on account of which they would be able to keep the
    business stable. - As a well versed man in inner life and problems of
    this sphere, how do you estimate the situation of other hotels in NKR?
    - In regard to the last year some NKR hotel owners for existing in
    conditions of the crisis were obliged to review their price policy. A
    situation was created, which would give a chance to satisfy increase
    of quality of rendered services in the market.

    Consequently, the price of rendered service should correspond to
    the quality. - What is the last year for you? - During last 11
    months, in comparison with the previous year's same period of time,
    41 percent increase of employment was fixed. The quantity of sold
    beds crossed the line of 10 thousand, which is by 52 percent more
    than previous year's indexes. - What measures do you use for being
    competitive in the market? As it's the sphere which needs continuous
    changes and innovations. - We realize strong advertizing policy -
    printing and spreading of booklets, participation in tourexhibitions,
    we have a website, which is periodically refreshed and works in online
    regime. It's necessary to note, that our advertisment is placed in all
    armenian tour magazines. Various actions are periodically organized
    for providing employment of the hotel's rooms and restaurant, we
    have a number of long-term and short-term programs, with the help
    of which we try to keep our first palce in the market. - And what
    levers of collaboration you have? - We closely collaborate with RA
    and foreign tourism organizations, embassies, business and diplomatic
    organizations and institutions.In all this I'd like to emphasize one
    of our basic partners - NKR government. As I'm the representative of
    hotel business, I'd like to underline, that development of tourism,
    which is the main source of incomes of many countries and can also
    bring huge sums for our country's budget is a team work and it's
    necessary to direct all able powers to it. - And in the end your
    best wishes in connection with the coming Ner Year's holidays. -
    Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. Let 2010 give all the Armenians
    health and well-off life, peace - in coming year, friendship and love
    to all you. Let the God give us power and patience.