02.02.2009 13:56
Women in the world's least developed countries are 300 times more
likely to die in childbirth or from pregnancy-related complications
than women in developed countries, according to UNICEF's latest State
of the World's Children report, released here today.
At the same time, a child born in a developing country is almost 14
times more likely to die during the first month of life than a child
born in a developed one.
The health and survival of mothers and their newborns are linked, and
many of the interventions that save new mothers' lives also benefit
their infants. The 2009 edition of UNICEF's flagship publication, The
State of the World's Children, highlights the link between maternal
and neonatal survival, and suggests opportunities to close the gap
between rich and poor countries.
"According to The State of the World's Children 2009, in Armenia,
roughly 22 infants per 1,000 live births die before their first
Approximately 80% of these deaths are during the first 28 days of
life - the neonatal period. Most of these deaths could have been
prevented, had timely and proper neonatal care and treatment services
been provided to those children, " UNICEF Representative in Armenia
Laylee Moshiri stressed during the public launch of The State of the
World's Children 2009.
Surveys and studies carried out in recent years by UNICEF and other
international organisations show that infant mortality rates in Armenia
are nearly three times higher in the poorest households than in the
wealthiest households.
The situation with regards to maternal mortality in Armenia also raises
concerns, according to the UNICEF Report. Women in Armenia are 9 times
more likely to die from pregnancy or childbirth complications than
women in developed countries. In particular, a woman in Armenia has a
1 in 980 lifetime risk of maternal death, compared with a probability
of 1 in 8,000 for women in developed countries and the average of 1 in
1,300 in the region of Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth
of Independent States.
Among factors contributing to the problem in Armenia are poor antenatal
and neonatal care, lack of qualified staff and lack of basic equipment.
"Pregnancy and childbirth complications which account for the majority
of maternal deaths are due to lack of quality services, accessibility
of those services for women and also low awareness among women of the
importance of antenatal visits," Ms. Moshiri said, adding that with
the existing level and trends in newborn and maternal mortality,
Armenia will hardly be able to achieve the Millennium Development
Goals 4 and 5 which call for two thirds reduction of child mortality
and three quarters reduction in maternal mortality ratio by 2015.
To lower maternal and infant mortality, the report recommends essential
services be provided through health systems that integrate a continuum
of home, community, outreach and facility-based care.
This continuum of care concept calls for an integrated approach to
maternal, newborn and child health and nutrition issues instead of
the traditional emphasis on single, disease-specific interventions.
"Interventions need not be expensive. Better routine maternal and
newborn care, including the promotion of breast feeding and the
provision of basic equipment will help," UNICEF Representative said,
indicating that currently UNICEF supports the Ministry of Health to
develop a National Strategy on Neonatal Care that will address all
gaps existing in the system, including setting standards of care,
professional development and quality control mechanisms.
02.02.2009 13:56
Women in the world's least developed countries are 300 times more
likely to die in childbirth or from pregnancy-related complications
than women in developed countries, according to UNICEF's latest State
of the World's Children report, released here today.
At the same time, a child born in a developing country is almost 14
times more likely to die during the first month of life than a child
born in a developed one.
The health and survival of mothers and their newborns are linked, and
many of the interventions that save new mothers' lives also benefit
their infants. The 2009 edition of UNICEF's flagship publication, The
State of the World's Children, highlights the link between maternal
and neonatal survival, and suggests opportunities to close the gap
between rich and poor countries.
"According to The State of the World's Children 2009, in Armenia,
roughly 22 infants per 1,000 live births die before their first
Approximately 80% of these deaths are during the first 28 days of
life - the neonatal period. Most of these deaths could have been
prevented, had timely and proper neonatal care and treatment services
been provided to those children, " UNICEF Representative in Armenia
Laylee Moshiri stressed during the public launch of The State of the
World's Children 2009.
Surveys and studies carried out in recent years by UNICEF and other
international organisations show that infant mortality rates in Armenia
are nearly three times higher in the poorest households than in the
wealthiest households.
The situation with regards to maternal mortality in Armenia also raises
concerns, according to the UNICEF Report. Women in Armenia are 9 times
more likely to die from pregnancy or childbirth complications than
women in developed countries. In particular, a woman in Armenia has a
1 in 980 lifetime risk of maternal death, compared with a probability
of 1 in 8,000 for women in developed countries and the average of 1 in
1,300 in the region of Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth
of Independent States.
Among factors contributing to the problem in Armenia are poor antenatal
and neonatal care, lack of qualified staff and lack of basic equipment.
"Pregnancy and childbirth complications which account for the majority
of maternal deaths are due to lack of quality services, accessibility
of those services for women and also low awareness among women of the
importance of antenatal visits," Ms. Moshiri said, adding that with
the existing level and trends in newborn and maternal mortality,
Armenia will hardly be able to achieve the Millennium Development
Goals 4 and 5 which call for two thirds reduction of child mortality
and three quarters reduction in maternal mortality ratio by 2015.
To lower maternal and infant mortality, the report recommends essential
services be provided through health systems that integrate a continuum
of home, community, outreach and facility-based care.
This continuum of care concept calls for an integrated approach to
maternal, newborn and child health and nutrition issues instead of
the traditional emphasis on single, disease-specific interventions.
"Interventions need not be expensive. Better routine maternal and
newborn care, including the promotion of breast feeding and the
provision of basic equipment will help," UNICEF Representative said,
indicating that currently UNICEF supports the Ministry of Health to
develop a National Strategy on Neonatal Care that will address all
gaps existing in the system, including setting standards of care,
professional development and quality control mechanisms.