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Vigen Hakobyan: Crisis Is In Shore Of Russia: Death Of Multi-Vector

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  • Vigen Hakobyan: Crisis Is In Shore Of Russia: Death Of Multi-Vector


    Feb 6 2009

    Global economic crisis, which began with the crash of American model
    of "capitalization air bubble ", make corrections in the global
    political landscape. Brownian movement is observed in the zone of
    Russia's direct influence. While new US power tries to erect again
    the global architecture, the post-soviet republics already lost any
    possibility of balance in foreign policy and foreign economy.

    The temporal withdraw of the USA from the post-soviet area, like
    an outflow, allowed to look over the deep problems of neighboring
    with Russia countries, including Baltic States. Majority from them
    showed a total absence of (sovereign) immunity and a little bit well
    coordinated mechanisms of crisis resistance.

    It is possible to certify that only Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan,
    Azerbaijan and Belarus, among all posts-soviet republics had gained
    chances on relative stability since their independence. If the
    first three countries can bless nature which provided them with
    hydrocarbon resources, then Belarus had very sufficiently used its
    soviet industrial potential, and also the location as a transit
    country. Only Ukraine could compete with Belarus in these fields,
    but irresponsibility of the Ukrainian leadership destroyed the
    country's future.

    Due to a crisis, Russia can strengthen its influence in near
    abroad. Instinct of state self-protection compel the post-soviet
    republics to leave ambitions, fed by the American granting injections
    into export-import elites, and return to the primary source of wealth
    and security, to (strong) Russia. Fast of all it was done by Belarus,
    Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, which hardly managed to overdo in the popular
    "multi-vector policy quiz".

    Georgia and Ukraine are in the most difficult situation. They entered
    a crisis without political and economic sovereignty. Georgia, in
    addition, faced a power shock and territorial division. Today, the
    future of these two countries depends on the rehabilitation speed of
    policy planning center, in other words the USA. Taking into account
    the deepness of crisis into American economy itself, Kiev and Tbilisi
    could hardly wait for the magic.

    Meantime, Europe, facing lack of distinct signals from Washington
    concerning long-term strategy of relations development with the
    post-soviet states, would act with caution to Moscow and concentrate
    on own security issues, in other words to distance itself from the
    third countries' problems.

    As for energy, the deficit of political investments, the industry and
    prices on hydrocarbons slack period will relegate to the background
    such expensive and risky projects as NABUCCO. The direct and more
    clear project of gas transit to Europe form Iran via Turkey could
    appear, instead of difficult and combined gas pipelines system through
    concerned "multi-vector" post-soviet republics. Recent action taken by
    the Turkish authorities testify the intention to move closer to Iran,
    till the USA is facing a deep knock-down (and there is a risk of two
    mores in Iraq and Afghanistan).

    Kyrgyzstan declared intention concerning the termination the term
    of US airbase Manas in consideration of credit tranche from Russia
    is a clear example of republic's foreign policy co-ordinates system
    upset. It seems that deal-making process with Americans round the
    fate of Manas airbase did not take place, but it does not mean that
    the deal would not start at any appropriate for Washington moment
    and on conditions, offered by the United States.

    A demarche of Tajik president Emomali Rakhmon, cancelling his
    visit to Moscow is fixing the start of new game between Russia
    and Iran. Tajikistan had made this choice due to awareness of his
    competition position weakness in comparison with Uzbekistan.

    The foreign policy of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, like oil and gas,
    is flowing in the same direction, where is situated functioning
    pipe. Retargeting these countries requires huge expenses, comparable
    with the total political and economic cost of pipe lying on the Caspian
    seafloor. At the moment these expenses are intolerable for the Western
    countries. Harsh activation of China is also impossible here, because
    China prefers to take an occasion and develop its strategic advantage
    on higher circle -- directly inside American economy.

    An economic crisis will lead to growth of radicalism in the Azerbaijan
    policy. Public disappointment concerning the pledged, but frustrated
    economic wonder could be reoriented into patriotic track, that fraught
    the resumption of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. It should be noted, that
    the beginning of 1990th was the active phase of military operations
    in this region, in other words it was a time of socio-economic
    catastrophe. Today, the foreign policy of Azerbaijan would be aimed
    at creation and withholding of balance between Russia and Turkey
    by overwhelming economic advantage of the Turkish side. Supporting
    activity towards Russian direction has just one goal - to maximally
    neutralize Russian influence in Armenia. Herewith, Baku will increase
    its economic predomination in Georgia. Moreover, Baku and Ankara will
    work simultaneously concerning Georgia.

    Moldavia also is verging towards serious shocks. The crisis reached
    this country at the pre-election stage. President Voronin shows
    activity towards Russia, because he does not see the perspectives of
    sovereign coexistence with Romania. Victory of nationalists in Moldavia
    will lead to smooth absorption of the country by the Romanian "big
    brother". The communist regime regeneration gives chances to maintain
    the status quo in Transdnestr conflict and preventive degradation of
    Moldavia as a state. It is possible to "deceive" those in Russia,
    who wants to be mistaken about Voronin's negotiability. But, it is
    impossible to deceive a crisis.

    This scenario around Russia will develop according described
    logic only in case if Russia would hold control over its domestic
    situation, not complicating a global crisis by showing its weakness or
    inefficiency. The crisis "outflow" is unavoidable fact, but Russia's
    returning is only a possibility. By the global decrease of Russian
    weight, the political scales in post-soviet area will turn in the
    benefit of Russia.

    They in Washington could not fail to worry concerning the scenario
    of complete evacuation of the USA from Eurasia. This scenario does
    not seem to be utopia, taking into account the withdraw of Americans
    from Iraq, which entails Turkish-Iranian rapprochement against Israel,
    increasing problems in Pakistan, decentralization of US influence in
    Europe and CIS countries, economic dictate of China.

    In case of rapid rehabilitation of the American economy and renewal
    of the traditional regime of ambitious foreign policy, the return of
    the USA to Eurasia could be very quick and powerful. In this case
    traditionally slow "concentrating" Russia would be tipped from the
    new high. Taking into account this fact, now Moscow hardly should fill
    in vacuum from Middle Asia to Baltic states in a hurry, uncomplaining
    subsidize numerous bankrupts by spending its own immunity here.