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BAKU: American Expert: "The Jewish Lobby Cannot Easily Blot Out Turk

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  • BAKU: American Expert: "The Jewish Lobby Cannot Easily Blot Out Turk


    Feb 9 2009

    Washington. Zaur Hasanov - APA. Expert of US-based Jamestown Foundation
    on Turkey studies Emrullah Uslu interviewed by APA's US bureau

    - Mr. Uslu, what are the main motives of Turkish Prime Minister Recep
    Tayyip Erdogan's demarche in Davos?

    -There are two principal issues behind Prime Minister Erdogan's
    behavior and statements. From the aspect of domestic policy, when
    Israeli President Shimon Peres said to Erdogan: "What would you do if
    Istanbul underwent air strikes?", Prime Minister presumably thought it
    would not suit his image as a leader in Turkey. After AKP came to power
    in Turkey opposition began to accuse Prime Minister of behaving as
    US and Israel say. Opposition often spoke about AKP's close relations
    with Washington and Tel Aviv in the rallies and on television. These
    accusations worried Prime Minister. Shimon Peres' speech in Davos
    would give extra grounds to the opposition in Turkey. That's why Prime
    Minister reacted so vigorously. The second reason that made Erdogan
    angry was David Ignatius' attempts to cut him off. It made him angry.

    - Up to then Turkey had been known as a U.S. ally pro-western country
    and a state established basing on the principles of market economy. But
    after AKP came to power nonstandard directions were observed in
    Turkey's foreign policy: Turkey began to establish good relations
    with HAMAS, Iran, Sudan and other countries. Is Turkey changing its
    foreign policy?

    -Turkey is in the transition phase now - it is realizing the concept
    of its role in the region. Why was Turkey considered as a strategic
    country in the period of Soviet Union? It was so, because Turkey
    was playing an important role in the anti-communist struggle as a
    border country with USSR. Turkey has lost its significance from this
    perspective since the collapse of USSR. Therefore a new concept was
    elaborated. According to this, Turkey must play an active role, as
    possible, in the Middle East, Balkans and the Caucasus to increase its
    significance as an irreplaceable mediator in Europe, the East and the
    Caucasus as well. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has started to
    realize this concept aggressively since taking power. The main question
    now is how the Turkish-Israeli relations will develop. Recently Arab
    countries stated at the meeting of the Arab League foreign ministers
    that non-Arab countries couldn't interfere in the domestic affairs
    of the Arab countries. It was a message to Turkey. Davos statement
    of the Turkish Prime Minister made him popular among the Arab
    peoples like Gamal Abdel Nasser. It makes the Arab leaders anxious,
    because most of them, in the eyes of their peoples, are incapable and
    corrupted leaders, who are under the US influence and incompetent in
    the Palestinian problem. Therefore Prime Minister Erdogan's demarche
    in Davos cooled his relations with both Israel and Arab leaders. The
    question is that can Turkey turn its image of leader among the Ararb
    peoples into the political capital or not, which is very difficult
    issue. As distinct from Turkey, there is no need to contend with the
    public opinion in the Arabic world, because there are not a democracy,
    free elections and press there.

    - How will cooling of the Turkey-Israel relations impact on the
    Turkey's position in the United States?

    -Turkish-US relations have a strategic character. Turkey supports
    US-led operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. There is a role of its
    military base in Injirlik. However there is an Armenian issue in
    the United States. The local Jewish lobby supported Turkey in this
    issue. US Congress has more information about this issue as against the
    previous years. Last discussions in the Congress showed that Americans
    are dissatisfied with the attempts of congressmen to re-write the
    history. The New York Times, The Washington Post and other newspapers
    also published articles about it. Probably Turkey will need in the
    Jewish lobby this year too. The Jewish lobby, which is a network led
    by the wise and intelligent people, cannot blot out Turkey.