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Meetings Of The Delegation Headed By Goran Lennmarker In The Nationa

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  • Meetings Of The Delegation Headed By Goran Lennmarker In The Nationa


    National Assembly of RA
    Feb 10 2009

    On February 9 the President of the National Assembly of the Republic
    of Armenia Mr Hovik Abrahamyan received the delegation headed by
    the President Emeritus of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, OSCE
    PA President's Special Representative on Nagorno Karabakh Mr Goran

    Welcoming the guests RA NA President Mr Hovik Abrahamyan highlighted
    the activity of the OSCE Minsk Group in the process of peaceful
    settlement of Karabakh conflict, highly assessing in this context
    the unbiased and objective report. Mr Abrahamyan reaffirmed the
    position of the Armenian authorities that the peaceful settlement
    of the problem has no alternative, and drew attention once again
    to bellicose announcements of Azaerbaijan, which proved that
    in the neighbouring country they didn't want to see the problem
    resolved, otherwise they would try to prepare the society for the
    peaceful settlement of the problem. Coming to the negotiations as
    supporter of the peaceful settlement of the Azerbaijani authorities
    they continue the war threats and appeals, hatred campaign in the
    country. The RA NA President considered important the steps directed
    to the peaceful settlement of the problem, the agreement achieved
    in Saint Petersburg during the meeting of the Presidents of Armenia
    and Azerbaijan: accepting as a basis for negotiations the 'Madrid
    principles,' signing of the Declaration on Nagorno Karabakh conflict,
    the declaration adopted by the Foreign Ministers of OSCE 56 member
    countries in Helsinki, within the World Economic Forum of Davos the
    meeting of the RA President Mr Serzh Sargsyan and the President of
    Azerbaijan Mr Ilham Aliyev in the city of Zurich, Switzerland.

    Mr Abrahamyan stressed that declaring the Euro Integration as
    political priority Armenia was interested in the rapid and peaceful
    settlement of the problem based on concessions, which would promote
    the implementation of the reforms directed to the strengthening
    of democracy in the country more deeply. To the RA NA President's
    conviction, Armenia should have good neighbourly relations with all
    the neighbours, and the initiative of RA President Mr Serzh Sargsyan
    of inviting the President of Turkey Mr Abdullah Gul to Armenia
    was its best example. Mr Abrahamyan noted that Armenia repeatedly
    announced about its willingness of cooperation without preconditions,
    considering impermissible that Turkey having intention to become EU
    member would have close borders with its neighbouring country. In the
    respect of regional development, highlighting the peace and stability,
    Mr Abrahamyan noted that because of the events, which occurred in
    South Ossetia the economy of Armenia had loss of 650 m USD.

    In the settlement of Karabakh problem Mr Abrahamyan highlighted the
    role of the parliament, noting that the National Assembly should be
    the tribune, where discussions could be held with the participation
    of political forces, NGOs over the peaceful resolution of Karabakh
    problem. In this context the development of parliamentary diplomacy
    was also highlighted.

    Agreeing with the approaches of the RA NA President on the settlement
    of the problem Mr Lennmarker welcomed the efforts of Armenia directed
    to the peaceful settlement of the problem, noting that the events over
    South Ossetia in August showed that problems should be resolved only
    through peace, ensuring the regional security. To the conviction of
    OSCE PA President Emeritus, the Karabakh problem should be settled
    within the framework of OSCE Minsk Group.

    Regarding the resolution of Nagorno Karabakh problem Mr Göran
    Lennmarker noted with optimism that "golden opportunity" was created
    for the settlement of Karabakh conflict this year, which would be
    based on the compromises. To his conviction, the settlement of the
    Nagorno Karabakh conflict would have an enormous impact on the whole
    region of the Southern Caucasus. He also highlighted the expansion
    of the parliamentary cooperation in Southern Caucasus countries,
    noting that the existing relations should be strengthened through
    parliamentary diplomacy and dialogue, to which greatly promoted also
    the European Union Eastern Neighbourhood programme. In the context
    of regional integration and cooperation Mr Lennmarker considered as
    progress the initiative of inviting the President of Turkey to Armenia,
    which in his opinion, would have positive continuation. Considering
    impermissible the existence of close borders Mr Göran Lennmarker
    noted that the European Union decided its external borders.

    At the meeting other issues were also discussed.

    The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Mr Armen
    Rustamyan had a meeting with the delegation headed by the President
    Emeritus of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, OSCE PA President's
    Special Representative on Nagorno Karabakh Mr Göran Lennmarker.

    During the talk Mr Armen Rustamyan emphasized the important role
    of the European Union, assessing it as a reliable structure for
    all countries. In the region in ensuring stability and peace,
    in Mr Rustamyan's opinion, the EU can have important contribution
    with its adopted values. To the Committee Chairman's observation,
    this structure uniting the European countries has things to do
    in the region for having united system of security in the region,
    where there won't be separating lines, and every country will have
    higher level of security. Both Mr Lennmarker and Mr Rustamyan spoke
    about impermissibility of resolving the conflicts through military
    means noting as a precedent the regional last Russian-Georgian
    clash. According To Mr Armen Rustamyan, we should learn a lesson; the
    negotiation process of the conflicts' resolution has no alternative,
    especially the interest of different countries is great in the region,
    and any clash can develop to a bigger one.

    The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations said
    that in the previous year he noticed positive changes in the settlement
    of the Karabakh problem: the Moscow Declaration on the solution of the
    conflict exclusively through peaceful means was signed. According to
    the speaker, the negotiations on Karabakh problem should be continued
    only within the framework of OSCE Minsk Group, and the resolution
    of the problem in other structures or formats is not realistic. In
    order ro activate the regional cooperation Mr Rustamyan considered
    important and necessary the participation of the European Union.

    In this context Mr Göran Lennmarker spoke about the implementation of
    the Eastern Neighbourhood or Partnership programme, which proposes a
    new quality of relations of the South Caucasus countries with EU. The
    President Emeritus of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly noticed that he
    repeatedly criticized not very active policy pursued by the European
    Union in this region. According to the European guest, the regional
    cooperation will also promote the resolution of the conflicts. Speaking
    about the Karabakh conflict Mr Lennmarker underlined the importance of
    mutual compromises. Referring to the consultation held at the end of
    the year by the President of the republic on Karabakh with political
    forces and NGOs, Mr Armen Rustamyan noticed that the resolution
    will be not only by the consent of the authorities but also by the
    people. As Mr Armen Rustamyan characterized, the conscience of the
    settlement of the problem through peaceful means and negotiations,
    coming to an agreement through compromises existed in our society,
    which, however, we couldn't say about the Azerbaijani side. As Mr
    Armen Rustamyan assessed, in sowing trust between conflicting sides the
    EU has an important role. In response Mr Göran Lennmarker expressed
    willingness for support.