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Azerbaijan-Armenia Agree On Turkey-Led Nagorno-Karabakh Plan

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  • Azerbaijan-Armenia Agree On Turkey-Led Nagorno-Karabakh Plan

    AZERBAIJAN-ARMENIA AGREE ON TURKEY-LED NAGORNO-KARABAKH PLAN 0/azerbaijan_armenia_agree_on_turkey_led_nagorno_k arabakh_plan
    Feb 10, 2009

    Karabakh can now forget 'Self-Determination'; Armenia can forget a
    'Public Debate'; according to this Turkish Hurriyet news report the
    Armenian regime has reached agreement on its 'Karabakh Deal'.

    According to the plan, Armenia will return some of the towns
    (presumably the five regions - possibly all seven?) surrounding the
    Nagorno-Karabakh region to Azerbaijan in a specific timetable and
    repatriate the Azeris who were forced to leave the regions.

    The administration of the Nagorno-Karabakh region will be handed to
    a provisional body and Kelbajar will be returned to Azerbaijan after
    the status of the region is determined. The railroad and highway
    between Azerbaijan and Armenia will be opened, while an international
    peace force will be deployed at the border region between Armenia
    and Nagorno-Karabakh.

    If this article is to be believed, for those in Armenia who still
    doubt the deceitful and secretive methods the regime uses to satisfy
    its own selfish and greedy ambitions, then their true colours are
    now aglow for all to see.

    $800 million from the World Bank, $500 million in cash and a free
    gratis $800 million arms delivery from Russia, a blind eye from
    the Council of Europe, and who knows how many billions of secretive
    dollars from Azerbaijan an d Turkey.

    All Armenia now needs is news of Nalbandian's team of historians
    to study and eradicate Turkeys Genocide of one and a half million

    Have no doubt that will soon be on its way.