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  • =?x-unknown?q?ANKARA=3A_Erdo=C4~=5Fan=E2~=40~Ys_own_plead_post-Da?==

    Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 14:34:20 -0800 (PST)
    Subject: ANKARA: Erdogan's Own Plead Post-Davos Ammends


    Feb 13 2009

    ANKARA - The U.S.-Jewish lobby may back Armenian efforts to have the
    1915 incidents recognized as "genocide" as a result of the public
    confrontation between the Turkish prime minister and Israeli president
    in Davos, lawmakers have warned the government in a report.

    "Turkey must eliminate the Jewish community's concerns at once,"
    said the report prepared by the deputies, obtained by the Hurriyet
    Daily News & Economic Review.

    The Ruling Justice and Development Party's, or AKP's, Cuneyt Yuksel
    and Suat Kınıklıoglu, and the Nationalist Movement Party's, or MHP,
    Mithat Melen, were in the United States between Jan. 29 and Feb. 6
    to lobby against any genocide resolutions.

    Following their talks with U.S. officials, as well as a roundtable
    meeting with representatives from 10 Jewish organizations, the AKP
    deputies drafted a report emphasizing the "Jewish lobby-Armenian
    alliance" and submitted it to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    The report included a host of other topics relating to Turkey,
    ranging from Turkish-Armenian relations to the Israeli offensive
    in Gaza and the Davos summit, as well as Turkey's bid to join the
    European Union, and further reaching topics such as terrorism and
    international security.

    The deputies warned that the heated panel debate with Israeli President
    Shimon Peres in Davos, which ended when Erdogan walked off stage
    after being interrupted by the moderator, drew the Jewish lobby in
    the United States closer to Armenian lobby groups.

    At the meeting in Washington, Jewish organizations raised concerns over
    rising anti-Semitism in Turkey, the damage to Turkey's mediator role in
    the region and the situation of Turkish Jews connected to the strong
    condemnation by Turkish leaders of the Israeli operation in Gaza. In
    defense, the Turkish lawmakers clearly expressed that anti-Semitism was
    a crime against humanity and that the Jewish citizens were under state
    protection just like each and every citizen of Turkey, read the report.

    The deputies highlighted a campaign prepared to be launched by four
    congressmen in the U.S. House of Representative in support of the
    Armenian thesis and warned, "Armenians believe an opportunity to pass
    the draft resolution has emerged after Davos."

    Lobby in Washington, report urges deputies The report called for
    lobbying activities and encouraged deputies to visit Washington
    more frequently.

    Referring to the new process in Turkish-Armenian ties, the report
    said a solid stage reached after efforts for normalization of ties
    with Yerevan would be the most important advantage for Turkey, urging
    the government to make public its will to improve neighborly relations.

    "It must clearly be expressed that the passage of the genocide
    resolution will be an untimely act not only for Turkey but also in
    terms of positive developments in Turkish-Armenian ties," it read. The
    report also suggested that the government meet with American Jewish
    organizations to demonstrate it takes their concerns into account.

    The deputies also drew attention to the beginning of a new process in
    Turkish-U.S. relations with new President Barack Obama taking office
    in Washington, stressing Obama's vision, especially toward the Middle
    East, overlapped with Turkish interests.

    The deputies also noted they had invited Obama to a meeting of the
    Alliance of Civilizations set for Istanbul on April 6-7.