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Armenians Celebrate Tiarn'daraj Today

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  • Armenians Celebrate Tiarn'daraj Today

    [07:50 pm] 13 February, 2009

    On February 14, the Armenian Church celebrates the Feast of the Lord's
    Presentation to the Temple. Tiarn'daraj, or Candlemas as it is known
    in the West, symbolizes the presentation of the 40 day-old Christ
    Child to the Temple in Jerusalem.

    In accordance with the Law of Moses, the infant Christ was brought to
    the Temple by Mary and Joseph and presented to God.

    In the tradition of the Church, Evening Services (Nakhatonak) are
    conducted on the night preceding the Feast Day. At the conclusion of
    the service, the priest lights a candle from the Holy Altar, and
    distributes the flame to all present. With great care, the faithful
    take the lit candles home to their families.

    The morning of the Feast Day, Divine Liturgy is celebrated in Armenian
    Churches throughout the world. Many additional customs have been
    inherited from the past, including the blessing of the four corners of
    the world in the Andastan Service, the blessing of newlywed couples,
    as well as offering prayers for the crops and fertility of the fields.