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Turkish army furious over IDF officer's comments

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  • Turkish army furious over IDF officer's comments

    Ha'aretz, Israel
    Feb 15 2009

    Turkish army furious over IDF officer's comments

    By Zvi Bar'el

    The Turkish military warned yesterday that relations between Jerusalem
    and Ankara are in a state that "could compromise the national
    interests of both Israel and Turkey." The rare statement on foreign
    policy follows the diplomatic row due to Israel's three-week offensive
    in Gaza.

    Maj. Gen. Avi Mizrahi - the recently appointed head of Israel's ground
    forces - has questioned Turkish policies toward Kurds and
    Cyprus. Turkey yesterday called on Israel's ambassador to Ankara, Gabi
    Levy, to explain Mizrahi's remarks. Mizrahi, who previously served as
    a military attache to the United States, also accused Turkey of
    oppressing its Kurdish minority and massacring Armenians during World
    War I. Advertisement

    The Turkish Armed Forces keep around 30,000 troops in northern Cyprus
    after having invaded the island in 1974. Turkey is the only country to
    recognize a Turkish Cypriot administration there. Turkey has also
    fought a 25-year war against Kurdish separatists, and denies
    accusations that it committed genocide against 1.5 million Armenians
    during World War I.

    Mizrahi has said Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan should
    have "looked in the mirror" before slamming President Shimon Peres
    last month at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. During
    the forum, Erdogan became enraged over being cut off by a panel
    moderator after listening to Peres defend Operation Cast Lead. Peres'
    defense was prompted by harsh criticism of Israel by Erdogan, who said
    to Peres: "You are killing people."

    An official in Turkey's Justice and Development Party told Haaretz
    that "the statements of an Israeli general against Turkey and its
    prime minister are an unacceptable insult, and we hope that Israel's
    government will publicly distance itself from these remarks."

    Mizrahi's remarks made front-page news in Turkey and were given
    prominence in Turkish-language news sites, which described them as

    The Turkish prime minister opted for some unusual statements himself
    yesterday, when he was pessimistic about the results of the Israeli

    "Unfortunately we have seen that the [Israeli] people have voted for
    these [rightist] parties, and that makes me a bit sad," Erdogan told
    Reuters and two Turkish newspapers in an interview. "Unfortunately the
    election has painted a very dark picture."

    Anshel Pfeffer and Barak Ravid contributed to this article.