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Chill settles into Turkey-Israel relations

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  • Chill settles into Turkey-Israel relations

    Los Angeles Times
    Feb 15 2009

    Chill settles into Turkey-Israel relations

    By Laura King
    February 15, 2009

    Reporting from Istanbul, Turkey -- When Turkish Prime Minister Recep
    Tayyip Erdogan had a very public set-to with Israeli President Shimon
    Peres last month in the normally genteel setting of the World Economic
    Forum in Davos, he earned himself a tumultuous welcome back home.

    Thousands of cheering supporters turned out to greet him at the
    airport upon his return from Switzerland. Adoring crowds mobbed his
    public appearances the following day. Newspaper editorials across the
    Muslim world hailed him as a hero for taking Israel to task for its
    offensive in the Gaza Strip. "Turkey is proud of you!" one headline

    In the wake of Israel's 22-day military operation, which left hundreds
    of Palestinian civilians dead, a distinct chill has settled into its
    long-cordial relations with Turkey, by far the Jewish state's closest
    ally in the Muslim world.

    In the latest sign of continuing tensions, Turkey on Saturday summoned
    Israel's envoy for a dressing-down at the Foreign Ministry over
    remarks made by a senior Israeli commander about Turkish policies
    toward its Kurdish and Armenian ethnic minorities -- both hot-button
    topics here.

    Turkey's powerful military weighed in as well, saying that published
    remarks by Maj. Gen. Avi Mizrahi suggesting that repressive Turkish
    policies left its government in no position to criticize the Gaza
    offensive could even call the two countries' military relationship
    into question.

    "The comments have been assessed to be at the extent that the national
    interests between the two countries could be damaged," the army's
    general staff said in a statement carried by the state-run Anatolia
    news agency.

    Turkey's unusually close military alliance with Israel, including
    regular joint training exercises and rare privileges such as the use
    of Turkish airspace for training exercises, has yielded solid
    strategic gains for the government in Ankara, helping cement its
    status as a trusted NATO ally and a moderate Muslim state with
    aspirations to join the European Union.

    Commercial ties, too, are robust; trade between the two countries
    amounts to nearly $3.5 billion a year. But the close inter-government
    links sometimes seem to run counter to popular sentiment, particularly
    in recent weeks.

    A Turkish soccer star won rousing cheers when he planted the
    Palestinian flag on the pitch during a match. An Israeli basketball
    team in the country for a friendly match was heckled by a
    shoe-throwing crowd, prompting the game's cancellation. An anti-Israel
    rally last month in Istanbul drew 200,000 people, and some
    participants burned Israeli and U.S. flags.

    Turkey is the most popular foreign destination for Israeli tourists,
    who flock to its Mediterranean coast for inexpensive package
    holidays. But in the immediate aftermath of the Gaza confrontation,
    reservations plunged by half, according to year-on-year figures.

    An Israeli couple who visited Istanbul's historic main synagogue on a
    recent rainy Jewish Sabbath said they had sensed a chilly reserve
    rather than the usual warm welcome they customarily receive from

    "Around people we don't know, we are definitely trying to avoid
    mentioning our nationality," said the husband, a doctor who has
    traveled to Turkey many times for medical conferences and didn't want
    his name used.

    Turkish authorities have acknowledged that the country's Jewish
    community, badly shaken after two synagogues were among a string of
    Istanbul targets bombed by Al Qaeda militants in 2003, could face new
    dangers. Police this month detained some suspected Al Qaeda members
    who they said were planning to try to assassinate a Jewish religious

    In the wake of the Davos dust-up, Erdogan, who has carefully
    cultivated a Western-friendly image, has sought in interviews and
    speeches to make a distinction between criticism of Israeli policy and
    the whipping up of anti-Jewish sentiment.

    "I did not target in any way the Israeli people or the Jewish
    people. . . . We are against anti-Semitism," he said. But he added:
    "Criticism against Israel is not an anti-Semitic act. People living in
    the Middle East are tired of war, tension, bloodshed and tears."

    Many commentators believe domestic politics are playing a role in the
    government's current hard line toward Israel. Erdogan's Justice and
    Development Party is facing bellwether local elections next month,
    which coincide with rising discontent over economic hardship. At local
    campaign events, criticism of Israel is a proven crowd-pleaser.

    Commentators including Mehmet Kamis, a columnist for the nationally
    circulated Zaman daily, have argued that even if some of the harsh
    language about Israel is a matter of political expediency, Turkey may
    have far less to lose from a diplomatic rupture than Israel.

    He and others have pointed out that Turkey is one of the very few
    states in a position to mediate between Israel and harder-line Muslim
    countries in a variety of regional disputes.

    "Israel," he said, "should think twice before offending Turkey." orld/world/la-fg-turkey-israel15-2009feb15,0,24736 6.story

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress