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Turkey Is More And More Hastily Leaving The Influence Zone Of EU And

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  • Turkey Is More And More Hastily Leaving The Influence Zone Of EU And

    Karine Ter-Sahakyan

    14.02.2009 GMT+04:00

    Any initiative by Ankara, if it is out of the scope of Azeri interests,
    is treated rather painfully by Baku.

    Last week's central event was the historical visit of the Turkish
    President to Moscow. The visit was expected still back in August 2008,
    when because of the 'feats' of Georgia and South Ossetia Caucasus
    hardly avoided a war that threatened to spread into Russia and the
    Near East. The Russian-Turkish relations have never been strained,
    even at the time of the USSR when Turkey, being a NATO member, was
    on active trading terms with the Soviet Union.

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ And now when Turkey is trying to carry out
    an independent foreign policy, not turning back to look at the
    USA, it is fairly justified that Ankara and Moscow should sign a
    contract on strategic cooperation. Moreover, it would be mutually
    beneficial. During the talks there was even expressed an idea that
    in mutual calculations Russia and Turkey should apply to ruble and
    lira. It is rather difficult to estimate how realistic an offer it
    is, but it's a fact that Turkey is more and more hastily leaving the
    influence zone of the EU and the USA. As Russian Premier Vladimir Putin
    put it, Turkey is among their priorities in Russian foreign policy.

    What consequences can this intimacy have for Armenia? Among the
    possible scenarios is the opening of the Armenian-Turkish border and
    Turkey's indirect participation in the process of regulation of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Though, the latter can hardly be realized
    until Ankara refuses to lend support to Azerbaijan in this issue. By
    the way, any initiative by Ankara, if it is out of the scope of Azeri
    interests, is treated rather painfully by Baku. But how long is Turkey
    going to listen to Baku's opinion if there are more powerful and more
    reasonable players that can help to get out of the crisis and of the
    200-billion outer debt. In the words of Azeri political scientist
    Rasim Musabekov, the current promotion of Russian-Turkish relations
    will drive Moscow to the idea of getting rid of the Â"splinterÂ" -
    the political position of Armenia in the region. It is quite natural,
    because if the word "Armenia" sounds in any corner of the world,
    Baku considers it her duty to respond to it, sometimes failing to
    understand that all those comments and refutations are no more taken
    seriously, be it in Moscow or Ankara, let alone Europe and the USA.

    The second event of the week was the arrival of OSCE PA Special
    Representative on Nagorno Karabakh and Special Envoy for Georgia
    Goran Lennmarker. "The right of nations to self-determination and
    the principle of territorial integrity fixed in the Helsinki Final
    Act are equal for the OSCE. Neither dominates the international
    law and resolution of the Karabakh conflict should base on this
    postulate. The sides should strike a compromise. I would like to
    repeat that the conflict has no military solution. The deplorable
    outcome of the August war in South Ossetia proved inadmissibility of
    the use of force. A peace agreement forms the basis of the fundamental
    principles. It means that solution should be found with respect for
    fundamental principles both in Armenia and Azerbaijan, through the
    mediation of the OSCE Minsk Group," Mr. Lennmarker said in Yerevan and,
    what is pretty important, repeated his words in Baku.

    As usual, Mathew Bryza holds opposite views. In an interview with the
    "Voice of America" Ambassador Bryza said resolution of the Karabakh
    conflict is not far away and that it's based on the principle of
    territorial integrity. "The right of nations to self-determination and
    inadmissibility of use of force should also be fixed in the agreement,"
    he said.

    The Israeli Parliamentary Elections are finally over, but it is
    still indistinct who will be the country's next premier - Netanyahu
    or Livni. There is still a squabble going on, trying to make it more
    precise who the murderer is - Turkey or Israel. As usual, the reference
    point is the Armenian Genocide. The closer we are to the month of
    April the oftener the Genocide of 1915 will be mentioned; it is a
    yearly necessity. The US Armenian Community believes that this year
    on April 24 Barack Obama will utter the word "genocide", thus putting
    a full stop to the 35-year-old voting in the US Congress... Hardly
    anything might change in the world, which could bring about a change
    in the Turkish-Armenian relations. Turkey knows best that Armenia is
    right in her insistence. And Armenians on their part realize that no
    Turkish government would ever voluntarily recognize itself a criminal
    administration. And recurring to Turkish President Abdullah Gul's
    visit to Moscow, let us once again mention that no one can press on
    Turkey in this issue: neither Russia nor the United States.