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ANKARA: Double Praise For Ankara

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  • ANKARA: Double Praise For Ankara


    Feb 17 2009

    US President Obama made telephone calls to both President Gul and
    Prime Minister Erdogan yesterday.

    TO GUL: "We appreciate the leadership displayed by Turkey in the
    region. You are putting forth important efforts in Afghanistan and
    the Caucasus."

    TO ERDOGAN "I want to express that your personal leadership is vital
    in the Middle East peace process."

    WORDS OF PRAISE At first the phone call Obama paid to President
    seemed to be a routine call between nation leaders, however when
    the conversation continued on for aproximately 25-30 minutes it
    was learned that numerous topics had been discussed. According
    to the information obtained, Obama and Gul touched upon issues
    regarding Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Caucasus, the Middle East and
    the European Union. In addition to Obama's words of praise regarding
    regional leadership he also expressed; "you are also making efforts
    of high importance in Afghanistan and the Caucasas." According to
    an announcement regarding the telephone conversation, published by
    the Presidential Press Center, "Our President received a phone call
    from US President Barack Obama. During the telephone discussion,
    President Obama emphasized the high importance placed on Turkey-USA
    relations. He further expressed that Turkey's leadership on regional
    matters was highly appreciated. During the conversation Obama also
    mentioned that his country desired to continue relations with Turkey,
    and then went on to discuss both regional and international matters.

    HE ALSO CALLED ERDOGAN Obama then later made another phone call
    to Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan. According to the Presidential
    Press Center, Obama emphasized the importance of Turkey's strategic
    cooperation. Obama also told Erdogan, regarding the Gaza issue; "I
    want to express the vital importance of your leadership in the Middle
    East peace process.America wil always approach Turkey's concerns with
    understanding." Obama also expressed that the US administration hopes
    to collaborate with Turkey on numerous issues including achieving
    peace in the Middle East, in bringing an end to the PKK terrorist
    organization, as well as relations with Armenia. Meanwhile, according
    to an announcement released by the White House, Obama also expressed
    that he wanted to offer his support to both Gul and Erdogan regarding
    the developing relations between Turkey and Iraq.