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New Book Digs Deep Into History Of West Bengal's Armenians

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  • New Book Digs Deep Into History Of West Bengal's Armenians

    by Nyree Abrahamian

    AZG Armenian Daily


    Celebrating the 300th anniversary of the Indian-Armenian community

    Since the 300th anniversary celebration of Holy Nazareth Armenian
    Church in Kolkata just a few weeks ago, Armenians all over the world
    have been reading, learning, and talking about the fascinating history
    of Armenians in India.

    Armenians arrived in the region now known as West Bengal in the early
    1600s, some 60 years before the British became established traders
    there. Despite their small numbers, Armenians thrived in colonial
    India well into the 19th century, undertaking construction projects
    and running trading companies, shipping lines, coal mines, and hotels.

    Their rich and relatively unknown history is now coming to light
    as a result of the recent festivities. In addition to the 300th
    anniversary celebration, Armenian churches in India have undergone
    major renovations, and Catholicos Karekin II reconsecrated the church
    in Chennai (formerly Madras), which had fallen into disrepair and
    was all but abandoned. Hundreds of pilgrims from around the world
    came to be a part of the historic event.

    Whereas the recent revitalization of Armenian churches in India has
    sparked renewed interest in the country's Armenian community, Deacon
    Tigran Baghumian has been poring over the history of Indian-Armenians
    for years.

    In 2005, Baghumian was appointed by Karekin II as the administrator
    of the Armenian Philanthropic Academy of Kolkata and the deacon in
    charge of all Armenian churches in India. The deacon spent three years
    in India trying to revive the school and the community. In addition
    to performing his administrative duties, Baghumian managed to pursue
    a project that was near and dear to his heart, a true labor of love:
    he researched and wrote a book about Armenian religious and community
    leaders who served and were buried in India. His study, published in
    Armenian, is titled Armenian Clergymen Buried in West Bengal.

    Baghumian spent a great deal of his time in India in the graveyards of
    Armenian churches, painstakingly cleaning gravestones and photographing
    them, going through church registries, and researching the lives he
    uncovered, one by one.

    It may strike one as odd that someone would dedicate so much time
    (and an entire book) to the study of long-forgotten gravestones and
    documents, but Baghumian's work is truly commendable when we consider
    the instrumental role that the Armenian church and its clergy have
    played in the creation and burgeoning of India's Armenian community.

    "It was with great pity that I noticed that neither Indian-Armenians
    nor the students of the Philanthropic Academy - who walk over these
    gravestones every time they go to church - know who are buried in the
    Armenian cemeteries," says the young deacon. "Many of them don't even
    know the history of the Indian-Armenian community. So, as a young
    member of the Brotherhood of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin,
    I considered it my sacred duty to photograph, catalog, and decode
    the records inscribed on the gravestones of our clergymen, while
    also trying to find additional information about them and their
    service. . . . The aim of my study is to save the names of those
    brave pastors from falling into oblivion."

    Baghumian did not limit his research to clergymen. He also uncovered
    graves of other members of the Indian-Armenian community, resurrecting
    their stories, shedding light on the way of life of Indian-Armenians
    through the centuries and their role in Indian society. For example,
    one of the graves he highlights in the book belongs to an Armenian
    woman named Rezabeebeh. Dating back to 1630, it's the oldest Christian
    grave in West Bengal. "We have to understand that the Armenian
    historical graves are not only a part of our national history, but
    also an inseparable part of Indian history," the deacon says.

    Baghumian's dedication to his work and his passion for rediscovering,
    acknowledging, and respecting the Armenian past is apparent in his
    writing. He says he is sad to see that of the few Indian-Armenians
    who remain in India, most don't speak Armenian and are disconnected
    from their heritage. It is against this backdrop that Baghumian has
    carried out his work. As a result, he has succeeded, in his own way,
    to bring many of the Indian-Armenian community's stories back to life.

    "When, in the last century, the famous Indian-Armenian historian
    Mesrovb Jacob Seth was writing about the Armenians of India, many
    people were laughing at him," he says. "However, today it is impossible
    to imagine Indian-Armenian history without his vital work." Baghumian
    hopes that his research, too, will be valued in the future as a key
    unlocking some of the treasures of the Armenian past.