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Armenian-American group accused of lobbying violations

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  • Armenian-American group accused of lobbying violations

    Armenian-American group accused of lobbying violations

    The Miami Herald
    February 19, 2009

    McClatchy Newspapers

    WASHINGTON -- A high-profile ethics organization on Wednesday asked
    federal agencies to investigate the Armenian National Committee of
    America for alleged campaign-finance and lobbying violations.In a
    seven-page complaint, the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in
    Washington asserts that the Armenian-American group failed to register
    either as a domestic lobbying group or as a foreign agent despite its
    political work and its close ties to an Armenian political party. The
    Armenian National Committee of America is one of the country's most
    prominent ethnic organizations and has worked closely with members of
    Congress on Armenian genocide commemorative resolutions. "We're not
    saying they should be out of business," said Melanie Sloan, a former
    federal prosecutor who's now the head of the private Citizens for
    Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. "We're saying there are laws
    and they should be following them." Sloan attached 161 pages worth of
    exhibits in support of the allegations. Armenian National Committee of
    America officials denounced the charges as unfounded. "We've taken a
    preliminary look at (the) allegations, and they are without merit and
    full of inaccuracies and misrepresentations," said Elizabeth
    Chouldjian, the Armenian National Committee's communications director.
    Chouldjian declined to undertake a point-by-point rebuttal of the
    complaint, but she said that "the real story is why this is being
    brought up now." She noted that the complaint was filed about two
    months before the annual Armenian genocide commemoration on April 24;
    she didn't elaborate on a potential motive for the complaint's timing.
    The Armenian National Committee of America describes itself on its Web
    site as "the largest and most influential Armenian-American
    grass-roots political organization." It's active in regions with large
    Armenian-American populations, including New Jersey, Florida and

    Its allies are rallying renewed support for an Armenian genocide
    resolution that collapsed in the last Congress. Under presidents of
    both political parties, the Pentagon and State Department have opposed
    the resolution as an insult to Turkey, which denies that mass deaths
    from 1915 to 1923 amounted to genocide.

    The genocide commemoration will pose a dilemma for President Barack

    As a candidate, he voiced support for the resolution. As president, he
    called Turkish President Abdullah Gul on Monday for what the White
    House called a "warm and productive" chat. The genocide resolution is
    also at the heart of the new complaint. "Circumstantial evidence
    indicates that ANCA and its current or former executive directors
    ... have lobbied Congress and the executive branch heavily with regard
    to perennial congressional Armenian genocide resolutions," the
    complaint says. The complaint cites interviews and news releases in
    which Armenian National Committee of America leaders tout their
    efforts to sway Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., among others. The committee
    hasn't registered as a lobbyist with either the House of
    Representatives or the Senate. Failure to register can be a felony
    offense, though Sloan said potential problems often were resolved
    simply by registering after the fact. The Armenian Assembly of
    America, the nation's other prominent Armenian-American organization,
    is registered and reported spending $182,000 on lobbying last year.
    "These are the rules, and everybody has to follow them," Sloan said.
    The multi-pronged complaint asks the Internal Revenue Service to
    review potential tax violations and asks the Justice Department to
    open a criminal probe. It also asks the House and Senate to open
    "companion inquiries" into the lobbying allegations. Citing news
    accounts, a U.S. Embassy study and the research of Heather Gregg, an
    assistant professor at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey,
    Calif., the complaint contends that the Armenian National Committee of
    America is "an arm" of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, a
    political party that's part of Armenia's ruling coalition. Agents of
    foreign political parties are required to register with the Justice
    Department. The Armenian National Committee of America can endorse
    political candidates, as a 501(c)(4) organization. The affiliated
    Armenian National Committee of America Western Region, based in
    Glendale, Calif., cannot because it's a 501(c)(3) organization. The
    complaint alleges that the Western office nonetheless participated in
    the national organization's candidate endorsements, in part by sharing
    a Web site.

    Sloan said the complaint arose from "a tip" received late last year.

    Sloan's nonprofit, six-year-old ethics group claims no partisan
    affiliation, and it previously has filed ethics complaints about
    lawmakers of both parties.

    Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington:
    Arme nian National Committee of America:

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress