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43 Extra Detainees At "Vardashen"

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  • 43 Extra Detainees At "Vardashen"


    [04:47 pm] 19 February, 2009

    With the assignment of the RA Ombudsman, Ombudsman's office officials
    paid a visit to the RA Justice Ministry's "Nubarashen" penitentiary
    and met with prisoners M. H., V. S. and also visited the "Vardashen"
    penitentiary to meet with prisoners and investigate the conditions.

    Prisoner of the RA Justice Ministry's "Nubarashen" penitentiary
    M. H. had already ended his hunger strike at the start of the visit.

    M. H. informed Ombudsman's officials that he has been at the
    penitentiary for five months and he has never left the building, has
    not ate breakfast for two months and his food is less than usual. He
    also said that he is in poor health conditions. The officials met with
    the penitentiary's doctor Hrant Muradyan who informed that the prisoner
    is diagnosed with heart illness and is receiving the needed medicine.

    Another prisoner V.A. who had declared a hunger strike at the
    "Nubarashen" penitentiary also ended his hunger strike when the
    officials stopped by.

    V.A. informed officials that he has no complaints against the
    penitentiary and had declared a hunger strike because they had
    sentenced him from a period of a year and a half for committing an
    act foreseen by the 1st part of article 362 of the RA Criminal Code
    without taking into account the motives for that. He also said that
    he has no demands.

    During the visit to the RA Justice Ministry's "Vardashen" penitentiary
    the Ombudsman's representatives studied the conditions of the doctor's
    room, the kitchen, laundry home, library and the cells.

    The doctor's room was equipped with the necessary equipment, medicine
    and there was a dentist's office as well. In general, the conditions
    of the kitchen and laundry room were satisfactory.

    The Ombudsman's representatives expressed serious concern about the
    fact that there are 67 detainees and 130 sentenced prisoners instead
    of the foreseen 154, meaning that there are 43 more people and as a
    result, there are more prisoners in a number of cells. Officials say
    that they were forced to turn the hospital rooms into cells.

    After studying the general conditions, the officials met with the
    people who wanted to visit the detainees and sentenced. Sentenced
    prisoner, Russian citizen R.V. told officials that the preliminary
    and current investigation officials have violated his judicial and
    material rights. He also said that he has not been able to contact
    his wife and son living in Russia for the past three weeks. He asked
    the officials to call them and tell them about him.

    Detainee S. H. informed that his right to create is being violated
    because police officers are not giving him his laptop computer.

    Detainee V.T. asked for the copies of the RA laws on "Ombudsman" and
    "State and Service confidentiality".

    Detainee A. H. said that he was subjected to a cruel beating on 2008
    August 21 at the moment of his arrest and at the Lori Marz department
    of the RA Police, but his protests have remained unanswered. He also
    informed that he suffers from diabetes. Head of the medical service
    of the penitentiary Manucharyan informed officials that the RA Justice
    Ministry's penitentiary department has appealed to the RA Ministry of
    Healthcare to provide the detainee with necessary medical treatment
    within the framework of the order.

    After having separate talks with all detainees and sentenced, the
    officials registered that the majority of them have not expressed
    complaints and most of the complaints refer to the disproportions of
    charges and period for penalties, according to the press release of
    the Ombudsman's office.