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Peter Semneby: European Union Will Assist Normalization Of Armenian-

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  • Peter Semneby: European Union Will Assist Normalization Of Armenian-


    Noyan Tapan
    Feb 19, 2009

    YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 19, NOYAN TAPAN. On February 19, RA Prime Minister
    Tigran Sargsian met with EU Special Representative for the South
    Caucasus Peter Semneby. During the meeting they touched upon the
    consequences of the world financial and economic crisis, its impact
    on the RA economy and government's coming programs, as well as
    on country's home political situation in consideration that social
    tension usually considerably increases as a result of the crisis. The
    interlocutors also spoke about the process aimed at normalization
    of relations between Turkey and RA, about relations with the other
    regional neighbors.

    T. Sargsian presented RA government's anticrisis strategy under the
    formed situation, the results of the negotiations with international
    financial organizations, including WB and IMF. He expressed the hope
    that cooperation with European structures will help to overcome the
    negative impacts of the world financial-economic crisis.

    P. Semneby emphasized that RA like other countries involved in the
    European Neighborhood Policy remains in the focus of EU attention. As
    to the home political situation in RA, he said that EU is interested
    in Armenia's having a stable situation, in overcoming of the March
    1 events' consequences, in the steps taken in that direction being
    open and transparent. In connection with the relations with Turkey
    P. Semneby said that for EU both Turkey and Armenia are important
    partners, and today and in the future EU will assist normalization
    of those relations.

    According to the RA government Information and Public Relations
    Department, Raul de Luzenberger, the head of the European Commission
    delegation in Armenia, Tomasz Knothe, the Ambassador Extraordinary
    and Plenipotentiary of Poland to RA, Serge Smessow, the Ambassador
    Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to RA, advisors of the EU
    Special Representative for the South Caucasus took part in the meeting.