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ANCA Alerts Congress to Emerging Turkey-Sudan Axis of Genocide

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  • ANCA Alerts Congress to Emerging Turkey-Sudan Axis of Genocide

    Armenian National Committee of America
    1711 N Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel. (202) 775-1918
    Fax. (202) 775-5648
    [email protected]

    February 20, 2009
    Contact: Elizabeth S. Chouldjian
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    -- Warns of Turkey's Efforts to Block Decisive
    International Action to Stop Darfur Genocide

    WASHINGTON, DC - The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA)
    alerted Members of Congress this week to the human costs of the
    emerging axis of genocide forming between the governments of Turkey
    and Sudan, warning that Ankara is playing an increasingly dangerous
    role in blocking decisive international action to end the genocide
    in Darfur.

    The genocidal Ankara and Khartoum regimes have grown markedly
    closer over the past two years, driven by Turkey's increasingly
    brazen efforts to undermine the international community's efforts
    to isolate Sudan's genocidal regime. The main three areas of
    cooperation between the two countries have been:

    1) Turkey's sale of lethal weaponry directly to Sudan.

    2) Turkish diplomatic support for the Sudanese government's
    genocide denials.

    3) Turkey's use of its UN Security Council seat to block anti-
    genocide efforts.

    In recent weeks, Turkey came under considerable international
    scrutiny for hosting Sudanese Vice-President Ali Osman Mohammed
    Taha, who, during a meeting with Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan,
    asked Turkey to use its position on the UN Security Council to
    block any possible attempts to arrest Sudanese President Omer al-
    Bashir on charges of genocide. During his visit, Taha and his
    delegation also met with Turkish Parliament Speaker Koksal Toptan
    and signed a cooperation protocol between their two parliaments,
    expanding the number of visits and improving ties between the
    legislative bodies.

    Rep. Pallone Raises Concerns:

    Speaking on the floor of the U.S. House on February 13th, Rep.
    Frank Pallone (D-NJ) sharply criticized Turkey for failing to stand
    up against, or even to recognize, the Darfur Genocide, noting that
    Ankara is actually strengthening its ties to Khartoum. "Last
    year," he noted, "Turkish President Abdullah Gul warmly welcomed
    Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to Ankara. Yet, Al-Bashir
    continues to preside over a genocidal regime responsible for the
    deaths of 300,000 Sudanese people in the Darfur region of the
    country. Today, 2.7 million Darfuris have lost their homes since
    the conflict and now live in internally displaced persons camps.
    While all of this happens, President Gul of Turkey has said that
    the situation in Darfur adds up to a 'humanitarian tragedy' caused
    by economic difficulties."

    The New Jersey legislator, who co-chairs the Armenian Caucus, added
    that, "President Gul greeted the Sudanese leader with a military
    guard of honor only bestowed on Turkey's closest allies. While the
    international community fiercely works to contain al-Bashir's
    government, Turkey embraces it. Both governments have a long
    history of genocide denial."

    "One Would Think Turkey's Leaders Would Be a Little More Careful":

    In commentaries published as far back as last January, foreign
    policy experts have been warning of the dangers of the Turkey-Sudan
    relationship. Writing about Sudanese President Al Bashir's warm
    welcome during a recent trip to Ankara, (Bashir in Turkey: The
    Unanswered Questions, The Century Foundation), former U.S.
    Ambassador to Turkey Morton Abramowitz, traditionally a reliable
    surrogate for Turkey's interests in Washington, wrote in 2008 that,
    "One would think Turkey's leaders would be a little more careful
    before laying down the red carpet for the likes of President Omar
    al Bashir of Sudan." He added that, "Turkey has been trying to
    persuade the world, not very successfully, that there was no
    Armenian genocide in 1915. The picture of President Abdullah Gül
    smiling at a joint press conference is hardly going to convince
    skeptics that Turkey even knows what genocide means, and it will
    certainly raise doubts in supporters of Turkey." amp;pubid=1790

    Additional points along the Axis of Genocide include:

    -- Sudan President al-Bashir's first foreign visit after his
    indictment by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on crimes
    of genocide was to Turkey.

    -- Sudan and Turkey have signed a memorandum of understanding to
    strengthen military relations and are discussing cooperation on
    military technology transfers and training.

    -- Turkey's Minister of Trade projects that Sudan will soon be
    Turkey's largest trading partner in Africa.

    -- Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan has vocally denied a genocide in

    -- Despite calls from human rights groups such as Human Rights
    Watch, Turkish President Gul has not put pressure on Sudan to end
    the atrocities in Darfur, but instead claiming that the hundreds of
    thousands of deaths there were merely a "humanitarian tragedy" that
    "is not only a matter of politics, but also stems from poverty and
    environmental conditions."

    To view the 3-page ANCA memo on the Turkey-Sudan axis of genocide,
    including a comparison of Turkish and Sudanese genocide denials,
    visit: l_notes/021809.pdf


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress