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Jhangiryan To Be Sentenced For Four Years?

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  • Jhangiryan To Be Sentenced For Four Years?


    [06:39 pm] 24 February, 2009

    "The Lent has begun. Government officials, judges, prosecutors, the
    Resurrection is coming. Free yourselves from cruelty, indiscretion
    and injustice. If you are not afraid of the court of law, be afraid
    of God's judgment," said today former Deputy Prosecutor General
    Gagik Jhangiryan in the general court of the Kentron and Nork-Marash

    Judge Zhora Vardanyan denied the refusal of the defendants during
    the previous session after which Gagik Jhangiryan made a statement:

    "They are keeping me locked up for expressing my views at Freedom
    Square. They have not stopped the persecutions, as well as the
    political, economic and legal retribution against my family members
    and followers. What did the administration get out of locking me up
    besides personal revenge? But there is no doubt that the case against
    Jhangiryan raised people's awareness about the devaluation of the
    government," said Jhangiryan.

    According to him, political prisoners did not break down and stayed
    true to their beliefs, the pan-Armenian movement and its ideology. He
    believes that the administration is digging its own hole.

    Attorneys presented a number of arbitration following the
    statement. Attorney Lusine Sahakyan mediated the judge to ask the
    prosecutor general to instigate a case according to which Gagik
    Jhangiryan has been illegally arrested for a day before his case was
    brought up. But the judge was not satisfied with that.

    "If we say that I was arrested on February 23 and my case was
    scheduled for February 27, this means that I was kept longer," said
    Gagik Jhangiryan.

    Accuser Koryun Piloyan also declared arbitration by presenting
    a number of articles by presses stating that Gagik Jhangiryan was
    removed from his post on February 23, 2008. These articles were also
    attached to the case. The attorneys state that the copy of the decree
    was delivered on February 25, thus it was illegal to arrest Jhangiryan
    without the consent of the Prosecutor General.

    Accuser Koryun Piloyan read the indictment by which Piloyan
    found Jhangiryan guilty under the 2nd part of article 316 of the
    Criminal Code and demanded the court to sentence him to four years
    in prison. Piloyan still claims that Gagik Jhangiryan assaulted a
    state representative.

    The attorneys will read their indictments during the next session to
    take place on March 13.