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President Serzh Sargsyan Conducted A Working Meeting At The Yerevan

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  • President Serzh Sargsyan Conducted A Working Meeting At The Yerevan

    25.02.2009 10:32

    President Serzh Sargsyan conducted a working meeting at the City
    Hall. At the meeting discussed were issues related to the activities
    of the community and municipal authorities in the social and economic
    area in 2008 and programs for the capital's development in 2009,
    President's Press Office reported.

    Before launching the discussions, the President of Armenia invited
    the participants to the meeting to consider two important matters.

    Noting, that very soon, only three months after the adoption of the
    law on the "Local self-governance in the city of Yerevan" the logic,
    principles and the methods of governing the capital would change,
    President Sargsyan said that in that period of time his demands toward
    the work of the City Hall and the communities would increase. "You
    and us should be able to properly carry out our duties, insuring at
    the same time a smooth transition to the new system of governance,"
    - the President of Armenia stressed.

    According to Serzh Sargsyan, it would apparently require doubled
    efforts since in the process the normal life in Yerevan must not be
    interrupted for even one minute. "On the one hand it will be necessary
    to maintain business as usual in Yerevan, on the other hand - to
    work to preserve the continuity," he underline d in his remarks. The
    President directed the Mayor and the Heads of the communities to
    prepare the total inventory of the city's problems, property, debts,
    and liabilities to insure the unremitting and continual work on
    all directions.

    The instructions of the President of Armenia were strict and clear -
    the forthcoming changes must not create an additional hurdle for the
    residents of Yerevan.

    Speaking about the second matter, President Sargsyan said, "As I
    have said before, during this global financial and economic crisis
    the state structures and officials must assist the businesses and
    support any business initiative. To assist with comprehension and,
    which is probably even more important, not to hold back on one hand,
    and on the other hand to monitor the implementation of the assumed
    responsibilities. With this regard, taking into consideration the
    peculiarities of the municipal and community administration it would
    appropriate to focus attention on the programs and implementation
    of the obligations assumed by the developers at the state priority
    areas. This is very important."

    Mayor Zakharian presented the report on the results of the social
    and economic activities of the City Hall and Yerevan communities for
    2008. He spoke in particular about the programs implemented in the
    areas of transportation, construction and trimming, urban development,
    trade and services, education, culture, social and health affairs as
    well as the existing problems. He also presented the capital's social
    and economic development plan for 2009.

    Ervand Zakharian spoke also about the fulfillment of the tasks
    assigned by President Sargsyan during the July 9, 2008 working
    meeting at the City Hall, noting that the construction works for
    the underground parking spaces were in progress and according to
    the preliminary agreement the works were to be completed in 2012. In
    addition, relevant programs have been developed to relieve the center
    of heavy traffic and to plant more greenery in Yerevan.

    The President of Armenia inquired also about the process of the
    re-installment of the property rights for the citizens who miss the
    documents on the legal possession of the apartments built before
    May 15, 2001 and, noting that it was one of his pre-election pledges
    said that it would be "quite interesting to know what has been done,
    what the problems are, and what's to be done so that the promise can
    be fulfilled as soon as possible." Regarding this issue the Mayor of
    Yerevan said that since the adoption of the law on the "Status of the
    individual private homes in Yerevan with missing legal documents on
    possession" up to now over two thousand two hundred units of property
    have been given the proper legal status. Serzh Sargsyan directed to
    speed up the process.

    The problems of administration of the multiapartment buil dings
    in Yerevan were also discussed in detail at the meeting. Regarding
    this matter the President of Armenia assigned with concrete tasks
    the Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Territorial Administration,
    Armen Gevorkian.

    The Minister of Economy Nerses Yeritsian presented the program of
    waste management in Yerevan noting that with the assistance of the
    World Bank, the German Fichtner company provides consulting aimed at
    the comprehensive study of the entire package of Yerevan's sanitary
    cleaning, garbage removal, waste sites, and ecological problems.

    Concluding the meeting, President Sargsyan stressed once again that
    in 2009 the utmost attention must be paid to the projects implemented
    by the developers in the state priority areas and to the fulfillment
    of their obligations.