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Obama/Biden And Turkey

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  • Obama/Biden And Turkey

    By Gene Rossides

    Hellenic News of America newsid=9767&lang=US
    Feb 25 2009

    The recent anti-Israel and anti-Semitic outburst by Turkey's Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in his attack on Israel and Israeli
    President Simon Peres at the World Economic Forum in Davos,
    Switzerland, calls for a thorough review by the Obama/Biden
    administration of U.S.-Turkey relations.

    At Davos, Erdogan engaged in a verbal assault on Perez regarding
    Israel's response to Hamas' rocket attacks on Israel and then
    walked out of the meeting. On his return to Turkey he was greeted
    enthusiastically. Turkish elections are scheduled for the end of March.

    Erdogan's theatrics demonstrate vividly that U.S. and Turkish views on
    important matters do not coincide and that Turkey is an unreliable
    ally. Turkey's apologists in the State Department, the NSC and
    elsewhere should take note.

    Turkey--a disloyal ally

    In past administrations officials would refer to Turkey as "our
    long-time loyal ally" during the Cold War and thereafter. Such
    comments, routinely made were and are blatantly false and misleading. I
    have documented that during the Cold War decades Turkey on several
    occasions, actively aided the Soviet Union's military to the detriment
    of U.S. interests. Examples include:

    During the Arab-Israeli war of 1973, Moscow's overflights of
    Turkish airspace were tolerated while Turkey refused to allow the
    U.S. refueling and reconnaissance facilities during the American
    airlift to Israel.

    In the 1977-78 conflict in Ethiopia, Turkey granted the Soviets
    military overflight rights to supply the pro-Soviet Ethiopian
    communists under Colonel Mengistu, who eventually prevailed.

    Over U.S. and NATO objections, Turkey allowed three Soviet aircraft
    carriers, the Kiev on July 18, 1976, the Minsk on February 25,
    1979 and the Novorosiisk on May 16, 1983, passage rights through
    the Bosphorous and Dardanelles Straits into the Mediterranean in
    violation of the Montreux Convention of 1936. The Soviet ships posed
    a formidable threat to the U.S. Sixth Fleet.

    Dr. Ted Galen Carpenter

    Dr. Ted Galen Carpenter, Vice president for defense and foreign policy
    studies at the respected CATO Institute stated it clearly when he said:
    "The conventional wisdom in American foreign policy circles regarding
    Turkey asserts a number of propositions:

    First, that Turkey has been a loyal ally of the United States since
    the earliest days of the Cold War and remains a loyal ally.

    Second, that Turkey is a force for stability in the Middle East and
    Central Asia in addition to its role within NATO and European affairs.

    Third, that Turkey is basically a Western secular country.

    Fourth, Turkey is a good candidate that should be admitted to the
    European Union in the near future.

    I'm going to argue that every one of those assumptions is either
    partially false or totally false.

    First, is Turkey a loyal ally of the United States? Well if that was
    ever true, it's not true any longer. It is certainly not true with
    regard to the Iraq mission in 2003.

    Second, is Turkey a force for stability in the Middle East? I don't
    think that has ever been true. You have fairly obvious things like the
    invasion of Cyprus in 1974... the ongoing claims to Greek territory
    in the Aegean and the provocative overflights by Turkish planes....the
    economic blockade of Armenia.

    Third, is Turkey a Westernized, secular country? If anything the
    trend appears to be in the opposite direction under the guidance of
    the governing Justice and Development Party.

    Fourth, is Turkey a good candidate that should be admitted to the EU in
    the near future? Turkey shows signs of becoming an increasingly bizarre
    and intolerant cauldron of populist nationalism. It's difficult to
    reconcile that Turkey with a worthy candidate for admission to the
    European Union...To be very polite about it, Turkey's bid to join
    the E.U. is decidedly premature...."

    "Extortion in the name of alliance"

    On March 1, 2003, Turkey's parliament voted not to allow the
    U.S. to use Incerlik Air Force base and Turkish territory to open a
    second front against the Saddam Hussein dictatorship. The U.S. had
    irresponsibly offered 26 billion dollars to Turkey to allow use of its
    territory to open a second front. Turkey's prime minister then asked
    for $6 billion more to change the vote! A U.S. Treasury Department
    negotiator called it "extortion in the name of alliance." The
    U.S. refused and the U.S. 4th mechanized division which had been on
    ships in the Eastern Mediterranean had to be sent to Kuwait to enter
    Iraq from the south.

    Turkey--an anti-Christian country

    Turkey is an anti-Christian nation. In the twentieth century
    Turkey committed genocides against its Armenian and Greek Christian
    populations killing over 1.5 million Armenian Christians and 350,000
    Pontian Greek Christians from 1915-1923. An exchange of populations
    with Greece resulted in one million Greeks being removed from Turkey
    to Greece and 400,000 Turks from Greece to Turkey.

    One hundred thousand Greek Orthodox Christians were allowed to
    remain in Istanbul under the agreement. However in September 1955
    Turkey initiated a massive program against the Greek Christians in
    Istanbul which resulted in most of them leaving Turkey. Today only
    a few thousand elderly Greek Christians remain in Istanbul.

    Turkey's anti-Christian actions against the Ecumenical Patriarchate,
    the world-wide head of the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church, are
    well-known and have been documented in many places including before
    the Helsinki Commission of the U.S. Congress by Archbishop Demetrios
    and others.

    Turkey's U.S. lobbyists/foreign agents

    Turkey has relied for decades on U.S. lobbyists particularly former
    members of Congress, as paid foreign agents of Turkey registered
    with the Department of Justice. Currently former Democratic Majority
    Leader Dick Gephardt and former Republican Majority Leader Dick Armey
    are paid U.S. foreign agents for Turkey. They are paid over a million
    dollars each.

    In accordance with the Obama/Biden campaign statements on lobbyists,
    the Obama/Biden administration should refuse to see, talk or deal
    with Gephardt, Armey or their colleagues in any way.

    Obama/Biden national security team needs to critically review and
    revise the U.S. policy of appeasement towards Turkey

    In October 2008 the Obama/Biden campaign issued a disappointing
    campaign statement regarding Turkey which reads as if it had been
    written by Turkey's lobbyists. See

    Prime Minister Erdogan's actions these past few years culminating in
    his anti Israel and anti -Semitic actions at the Davos World Economic
    Forum call for an end to the present appeasement policy towards Turkey.

    The Turkish military and the Turkish political leaders are responsible
    for Turkey's aggression and occupation in Cyprus, for Turkey's threats
    in the Aegean, for threats against the Ecumenical Patriarchate and
    for the horrendous treatment of it's Kurdish minority.

    The U.S. in its own interests should call for:

    1.the withdrawal of the aggressor's military forces on Cyprus; the
    demilitarization of Cyprus and return of the 180,000 illegal settlers
    in Cyprus in violation of the Geneva Convention;

    2.autonomy for the 20% Kurdish minority--between 15 and 20 million

    3.the immediate return to the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church of the
    several thousand properties illegally take from it and the immediate
    opening of the Halki Theological School illegally closed in 1971.

    4.a halt to Turkey's provocations in the Aegean Sea; and

    5.the Congress to pass a resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide
    and the Pontian Genocide and compensation for the victims.

    The need to use diplomatic, economic and political pressure including
    sanctions and the withdrawal of benefits if Turkey does not cooperate
    To get Turkey to act as a responsible member of the international
    community will require more than words. Unless the Obama/Biden
    administration is willing to apply adequate diplomatic, economic
    and political pressure on Turkey to cooperate, there is little hope
    of progress. The pressure should include sanctions, withdrawal of
    benefits and no high level visits to Turkey or from Turkey until
    there is specific progress on the several issues with Turkey.

    Dr. Carpenter urged the following in his remarks on July 16, 2008,
    commemorating the 34th year of Turkey's aggression and occupation
    in Cyprus:

    "Now what specifically should Washington do? First of all, there should
    be a very blunt statement from the highest Ankara that a
    close relationship between Turkey and the United States is impossible
    without major Turkish concessions on the Cyprus issue. Without that, we
    can have only an arms' length correct and rather frosty relationship.

    Second, U.S. leaders should make it clear that the United States will
    do nothing to encourage the European Union to proceed with Turkey's
    desire for membership unless and until Ankara's policy regarding
    Cyprus undergoes a radical, constructive change."

    President Obama has spoken eloquently regarding the application of
    the rule of law and human rights in international affairs. Call on
    him to demonstrate his sincerity by ending the decades of appeasement
    of Turkey and by applying the rule of law to Turkey.

    Gene Rossides, founder of the American Hellenic Institute and former
    Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress