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Armenia Accused Of 'Police Abuses'

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  • Armenia Accused Of 'Police Abuses'

    ARMENIA ACCUSED OF 'POLICE ABUSES' t/news/europe/2009/02/2009225133622142762.html
    Feb 25 2009

    Two police officers and eight civilians were killed in the clashes

    A human rights group has called on Armenia to investigate the use
    of "excessive force" by police during clashes with anti-government
    protesters a year ago that left 10 people dead.

    New York-based Human Rights Watch said it had also documented cases of
    police abuse of those detained during the clashes, including beatings,
    threats and refusals to provide legal representation.

    The group urged Armenian authorities to prosecute both individual
    police officers and those who allegedly ordered the use of excessive

    In a statement, the group said: "While the Armenian authorities have
    investigated, prosecuted and convicted dozens of opposition members,
    sometimes in flawed and politically motivated trials ... they have
    not prosecuted a single representative of the law enforcement agencies
    for excessive use of force."

    Gunshot wounds

    Thousands of supporters of Levon Ter-Petrosian, Armenia's former
    president, rallied for 11 days to denounce the victory of Serzh
    Sarkisian in last February's presidential election, before street
    battles broke out with riot police.

    Ter-Petrosian finished second in the vote and authorities accused
    the opposition of trying to overthrow the government.

    Two police officers and eight civilians were killed in the clashes
    and dozens more were injured, many from gunshot wounds.

    Western election monitors said the vote was broadly in line with the
    country's international commitments, but that further improvements
    were necessary.

    More than 50 people received jail sentences over the unrest.

    A number have since been pardoned by Sarkisian, going some way to
    placating European human rights bodies.

    Impartial investigation

    Human Rights Watch said Armenia's public prosecutor should step
    up efforts to conduct an independent, impartial investigation into
    the events.

    It urged the country to address shortcomings in the electoral process
    and pervasive public distrust that have left Armenia "stuck in a
    cycle of uneven contests, fraud, and disputes that more often than
    not spill onto the streets".

    "To the extent that it exists, real political competition is volatile
    with a permanent risk of violence," the report said.

    Armenia has seen repeated political violence and post-election protests
    since gaining independence with the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991.