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Sponsor's Update From Kotayk, Armenia

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  • Sponsor's Update From Kotayk, Armenia


    SOS Children arity-news/kotayk-2008-update.htm
    Feb 25 2009

    Child sponsorship update from the SOS Children's Village Kotayk,
    Armenia from Summer 2008.

    The bright sun outside urges us to finish all our main jobs before
    the summer holidays and keeping our promise to you we are writing
    about your sponsored SOS Children's Village Kotayk in Armenia, as
    it has become a kind tradition to be in contact with you this period
    of the year. And every time when we sit down to share with you about
    the recent events and developments in our Village, we know how much
    you have been looking forward to getting this news. With pleasure we
    send you information on recent events and developments in the village
    Kotayk as well as our warmest greetings and great feelings for your
    help during this time.

    You may already know that SOS Children's Village Kotayk is 18 years old
    since its inception and it enjoys great popularity in our country. It
    is our continuous endeavour here to create an atmosphere very near to a
    normal family for the lonely child who has been a victim of severe and
    unfortunate circumstances. One very detailed article was published in
    National newspapers about the SOS. The article covered one full page
    and 1/3 of another page. Another popular TV channel twice highlighted
    the work of SOS, first inviting the National Director for a detailed
    Questions & Answers about the activities of the SOS Children's Village,
    and for the second time inviting for a podium.

    The year was full of events, celebrations, visits and many other
    entertainments organised in the village, as it mostly coincided with
    New Year, Christmas, Day of Army, Women's Day, the Day of Maternity
    and Beauty, the Victory together with many birthdays which were
    all celebrated in very joyful atmosphere giving a lot of energy and
    enthusiasm for children. And correspondingly many excursions have been
    organized connected with the above mentioned events. As you may know
    Armenian Christmas is on 06 January and this is one of the beloved
    events for the children of our Village. It is the day when many,
    many people visit the Village, perform concerts for the children and
    together with the Santa give presents to all the children.

    Additionally the period was a good start for the second part of
    the academic year. In this aspect a lot of our children were very
    progressive and showed significant results in their studies. Various
    hobby groups of the village remain active and go on functioning
    productively with the attendance of most of the village children;
    almost all of them express their interests and abilities in the above
    mentioned groups and various exhibition-competition activities take
    place in the Village regularly. The comparatively newly opened Young
    Journalists' hobby group was surprisingly well admitted, and in the
    result in April an orientation visit had been organised to the printing
    house where they witnessed interesting processes of printing. It was
    really exciting! Children of this group with the help of their hobby
    group leader have established and regularly publish newspaper called
    "Hrashamanuk" which means "wonder kid". Children publish their poems,
    fairy-tales, and stories about village activities in it as well as
    interviews with SOS staff. In March there was a regular exhibition of
    needlework hobby group and some of the village children had really
    nice works and got memorable presents from the jury. By the way,
    it has been a long time since SOS children painted batic pictures,
    which are, surely, the visiting-card of our Village. Unlike paintings
    of the first generation, which used to hang on SOS nursery school
    walls, the new ones are decorating their home walls.

    Children's out of school activities One of our girls named Ani
    has been attending dancing school for already a few years where
    she has been learning both Armenian and Latino dances. She has
    quite serious achievements in it and most probably will get soon
    a qualification verified by the certificate. Her dancing group has
    even got an invitation to visit Bulgaria with concerts which is not
    decided finally. Besides, she shows good progress at school and,
    in general, she is very much interested in studying and is actively
    involved in activities both at school and SOS-Village. Moreover, she
    attends almost all the hobby groups in the Village and is very good at
    painting, embroidery, sewing as well as role playing. One of her batik
    paintings the SOS village have recently presented to the best friend
    of the SOS children famous Armenian singer Christine Pepelian who
    visited to the SOS-Children's Village on the occasion of her birthday.

    We have told you many times about sport activities in the Village,
    and we are proud to inform you that our SOS football team is a
    serious one and is known as one of the best junior football teams in
    Armenia. There are 10-11 boys in this team. They are trained 5-6 days
    weekly for 2-3 hours by their coach. The SOS-team has had many matches
    within last years and it mainly ended up the winner. Recently there
    has taken place a competition in the capital city of Yerevan between
    the junior football teams representing all the orphanages of Armenia,
    which was initiated by the joint cooperation of the Brazilian and
    Argentinean Embassies in Armenia. Unfortunately our team didn't take
    the first prize; instead it played a very good game full of nice
    goals. All the participants got presents form the above-mentioned
    embassies. It is worth mentioning that some of the boys have a good
    potential for becoming professional football players by the words of
    experts, however, they have to make it their big wish and dream to
    reach this goal.

    The health issue of the SOS children has been under the constant
    control of the organisation. Some of the children needed psychological
    assistance and the association has provided that, and thanks to them
    many children who had psychological problems now are fully relaxed from
    the emotional instability. So the year was smooth and quiet without
    any significant events and occasions, and to our great happiness only
    joyful facts were by the SOS Children Armenia. It is worth mentioning
    that we make every effort to create conditions for psychological
    rehabilitation and social integration of the children into the village
    life at present and into the society in the future. Whenever facing
    difficulties, SOS-mothers ask for additional support by professional
    psychologists. It is a matter of common understanding that children
    get their positive energy in the families as family is the heart of
    society, and in this sense, the role of the SOS mothers is of high
    importance. The implementation of case discussions that started in
    the beginning of January has become a very welcoming support towards
    the work of the SOS mothers. All this becomes possible because of the
    sincere and affectionate care given by the mother and surely your
    valuable sponsorship. Your support is not only financial but helps
    the child in a unique way too.

    Developing young lives and the community Here we must tell you some
    details about the Youth Facilities as a substructure of SOS Children
    and in general life in Youth Facilities has been very active during
    these months, and their Individual Development Plans are mostly vividly
    coming into life. The bright examples are stated below which made
    the of our youth very hopeful and our youngsters smoothly build up
    their internal culture and a such they demonstrate excellent example
    of a well organised community as a whole. Andrey and Paylak from the
    Youth Facility I have graduated their High Schools recently, Andrey-the
    State Academy of Arts and Paylak-the State Teaching Institute and are
    getting ready to take their mandatory military service. Some of our
    youngsters study at secondary or vocational schools, while the others
    are at higher educational institutions. Luckily, our youngsters having
    acquired enough life and professional skills can make achievements
    in real life. As we have stated in our previous reports, a young
    lady named Nelly is enjoying great successes in the Circus art. She
    is already receiving serious roles in the circus performances, and
    thus sees her future in that filed.

    The year was very fruitful for the implementation of other SOS
    projects aiming to strengthen families and prevent the abandonment
    of children. The forthcoming of the Family Strengthening Programme in
    Yerevan, the programme of Support to the Quality Development of Public
    Schools in Kotayk and Nor Gyugh villages, greatly increased the public
    awareness on the organisation. The start of the Family Strengthening
    Programme in Yerevan became a kick-off for the process of awareness
    building in Yerevan as well. The SOS Armenia was thrilled to cooperate
    with the City Hall, which was really a great pride for SOS Armenia. In
    the result after a year of its operation the Family Strengthening
    programme was awarded by a letter of commendation by the beneficiaries
    themselves and an official one by the City Hall. Another fact that
    surely must be highlighted in our report the establishment of the
    second Children's Village in Idjevan, one of the wonderful and green
    places in Armenia. We greatly hope that soon it will become a safe
    shelter for a lot of children in need of normal family atmosphere. Thus
    the year was very important and significant in this aspect too.

    The period for the initiative of SOS Armenia to support the development
    of public schools of the adjacent to Children's Village Kotayk
    villages of Nor Gyugh and Kotayk was marked by the opening ceremony
    of a training and resource centre in Kotayk school where mostly our
    SOS children study. New child centered methodologies have been well
    practiced by the trained teachers. It can be proudly stated that
    the school has so far managed to be awarded grants from the Catholic
    Church, as they have written projects proposal together with children
    for music centre and theatrical curtains for the hall. Another donation
    by an Armenian from Iran was conducted; desks for 11 classrooms have
    been presented to the school. Toilets outside the school have been
    reconstructed by the godfather of a SOS child another Armenian from
    Italy. They called it just a miracle.

    June 01 is the International Day of Protection of Children and we
    are very much pleased to see the number of people and organisations
    offering special programmes to our children.

    An education and a future The work of the SOS Nursery School as an
    inseparable part of the Children's Village, was fully integrated into
    the village life. Moreover, almost all the events of the village were
    organised in the premises of the Nursery School. Needless to speak
    about the close cooperation of the kindergarten staff and those SOS
    mothers whose children attend the nursery school. It remained to be
    the only pre-school age child care service provider in the vicinity
    of the four neighbouring communities in the result of the close
    cooperation. The "Ararat Climbing Hold" German company has built and
    set up a child-friendly "climbing wall" in the Nursery School, which
    the children enjoyed very much and it was the first one in Armenia.

    Here also a very notable event related to the physical capacity of
    the village; after 14 years, the village was fully gazified which
    promotes to obvious savings for the CV. Another important and long
    pending event was the set-up of Internet connection in the CV. It
    was of great help for the village as today it is difficult to imagine
    life without this kind of connection.

    So this year the SOS Children's Village Kotayk has been a safe and
    comfortable home for 79 children in need who found warm families
    and loving mothers here with the help and thanks to your precious
    support. Since the beginning of the year only one child has been
    admitted in the village, and thus the total number of children
    is 252 children in SOS-Armenia together with Youth Facilities and
    Semi-Independent Living.

    Last but not least, as usual for this period organisation of summer
    holidays for our dear children and youngsters is under way about
    which you will be reported on their holiday experience in detail in
    our-end-of-year report. Finally, we want to express our gratefulness
    personally to you and to all our sponsors, friends and donors who
    provide us with continuous support and devotional care. We highly
    appreciate your charity and wish to help our SOS children to have
    a better future tomorrow. In our days such kind of support is most
    noble and praiseworthy.

    On behalf of our SOS children, SOS mothers and the staff, I want to
    express my gratefulness to your sincere support and devotion to our
    children. It's true that without your generosity and thoughtfulness
    it would be impossible to make these events come true and to make our
    children's life happier and brighter. We keep praying for all of you
    and may you be happy and healthy throughout your life. We feel happy
    to be friends with you and also feel proud that the long distance is
    not an obstacle for our friendship, and we sincerely look forward
    to enlarging the circle of friends. We do hope that our feelings
    are mutual.

    Wishing you good luck, all the best and memorable summer vacations,

    Yours sincerely, Hovhannes Kostanyan, Village director