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Caucasian Region's Stability And Security Also Conditioned By Armeni

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  • Caucasian Region's Stability And Security Also Conditioned By Armeni


    Noyan Tapan
    F eb 25, 2009

    YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 25, NOYAN TAPAN. The delegation led by Georgian
    parliament Speaker David Bakradze that arrived in Yerevan on February
    24 on a two-day official visit met with RA National Assembly Speaker
    Hovik Abrahamian the same day.

    H. Abrahamian highly assessing the current level of Armenian-Georgian
    friendly relations gave assurance that Georgian parliament Speaker's
    official visit to Armenia will contribute to further development and
    strengthening of the two countries' interparliamentary relations. D.

    Bakradze, in his turn, expressed confidence that his first official
    visit to Armenia will be an important step in the issue of partnership
    development between the two friendly countries' parliaments.

    Touching upon the regional problems, H. Abrahamian said that Armenia
    keeps a neutral position in the issue of settlement of Abkhazian and
    South Ossetian conflicts expecting the same balanced approach in the
    issue of NKR from the Georgian side. He emphasized the necessity to
    implement programs aimed at strengthening transport infrastructures in
    the region in this context attaching importance to the construction of
    the Yerevan-Gyumri-Ninotsminda-Akhaltskha-Batumi motorway being part
    of the North-South transport corridor. Touching upon the problem of
    churches belonging to the Armenian Apostolic Church working for many
    centuries in Georgia, H. Abrahamian expressed the hope that issues
    regarding return of churches will be also settled after solving the
    issue of legal status of Armenian Apostolic Church Georgian Armenian

    D. Bakradze also attached importance to development of
    interparliamentary cooperation in all directions, activation of
    economic contacts, development of transport infrastructures. He said
    that the number of Armenian tourists visiting Georgia increased
    50-fold within five years. D. Bakradze highly assessed Armenian
    side's position in the issues of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. In his
    affirmation, Caucasian region's development, stability, and security
    is also conditioned by the Armenian-Georgian relations. Touching
    upon the problem of Armenian churches, D. Bakradze assured that the
    Georgian authorities will do their best within their jurisdiction to
    settle the problem.