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Turkey Defrauds The Maximum: And We?

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  • Turkey Defrauds The Maximum: And We?

    James Hakobyan
    13:37:39 - 25/02/2009

    The Turkish and Azerbaijani authorities keep announcing that Turkey
    did not change its stance on the conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh when
    establishing the Armenian and Turkish relations. The stance of
    Turkey on the conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh is clear to everyone:
    Turkey demands the Armenian army's withdrawal from the region and
    considers that the conflict should be settled in the framework of
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan considering it as a ground for
    resumption of the Armenian and Turkish relations. Consequently, if
    Turkey does not change its stance on the conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh
    the establishment of our relations is not to Armenia's interests. It
    might seem that in this case Armenia should reject further development
    of our relations with Turkey if Turkey and Azerbaijan do not change
    their stance on the conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    However, Armenia not only does not reject it but also continues
    the Armenian and Turkish meetings and even expresses optimism on
    the perspectives of the normalization of the Armenian and Turkish
    relations. It turns out, that either the Armenian authorities are
    not honest in their public announcements on the Armenian and Turkish
    relation or Azerbaijan and Turkey are not honest when announcing no
    change of their stance. Of course, for the societies it is difficult
    to guess who is honest20or not but it should not be a secret for the
    sides. In other words it should be clear to Armenia whether Turkey
    has changed it stance continues demanding the withdrawal of the
    Armenian army.

    On the other hand, in case of invariability of the stance of Turkey the
    Armenian and Turkish dialogue must not be considered unnecessary. Maybe
    the aim of the Armenian government is just to make Turkey change
    its stance through dialogues and to establish relations with Armenia
    without a precondition. So, it is not ruled out, that none of the sides
    is dishonest: Turkey's stance is unchangeable but Armenia continues
    the negotiations in order to change its stance. From this point of
    view, the settlement of the Armenian and Turkish relations which was
    launched or activated with the help of so called football diplomacy
    may not contradict Armenia's interests at all.

    Perhaps, the problem is that the Armenian and Turkish relations have
    two layers: bilateral and geopolitical while the importance of the
    second layer maybe bigger. However, it is obvious that the problem
    must be examined in this context too. And when it is considered in
    this context it becomes clear that if Armenia does not lose almost
    anything from bilateral point of view it can even win something if
    Armenia is able to persuade Turkey and as for the geopolitical point
    of view till Armenia does not persuade Turkey it loses. Armenia loses
    because Turkey =0 D under the veil of settlement the Armenian and
    Turkish relations liberates itself from international pressure. And
    in this case without this pressure afterwards more confident tries
    to defraud the maximum for its geopolitical and regional purposes.

    The Armenian and Turkish relations are not profitable for Armenia from
    geopolitical and regional points of view, as even if the borders are
    open it will not enhance Armenia's geopolitical and regional weight
    and its role though. Moreover, it may seem a paradox but Armenia can
    be more valuable as a geopolitical factor in case of closed borders.

    Consequently, undertaking this process of settlement of the Armenian
    and Turkish relations and considering it as a possibility for its
    development Armenia should gain a very tangible success through
    enhancing its official potential and competitiveness in order to
    justify the nutrition of the Turkish success by this process started
    by Armenia. No prospect for such a success seems to have been outlined
    for Armenia so far which means that Armenia is charging the Turkish
    interests unilaterally.