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NKR: .... And The Nation Has Chosen His Leader

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  • NKR: .... And The Nation Has Chosen His Leader


    Azat Artsakh Daily
    26 Feb 09
    Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

    Anniversary "They - the nation are viable and they are creators only
    in that degree in which they experienced and made sense of their
    past, their history. Garegin Nzdeh The name of Arthur Lazarian is
    closely connected with the creation of the second Armenian Republic
    in the 20th century. He was from those who stood at the beginning
    of the Karabakhian Movement and was in its first ranks, which took
    care of the national values, who realized in full measure that the
    problem of long life and the development of Armenian people were not
    solved without consolidation of the forces of the Armenians. He was
    the first president of Supreme Soviet of The Republic of Nagorno
    Karabakh. Today The Republic celebrates the 50th anniversary of
    Arthur Lazarian. In 1988-1991 Headquarters of self-defense was
    created in the region of Hadrout which leaded Emil Abramyan. Arthur
    Lazarian, Grisha Ayrapetyan, Albert Ambarcumyan were the members
    of the Headquarters. G. Ayrapetyan tells. Karabakhian Movement
    for Arthur Lazarian has begun since 1988. Group of volunteers
    appeared in Hadrout in 1987, which were busy themselves with
    the collection of signatures for the reunification of Karabakh
    with Armenia. A. Lazarian, E. Abramyan, Vigen Grigoryan were the
    organizers. On February 12, 1988 Chairman of The Executive Committee
    of Nagorno-karabakhian Regional Council, Osipov came to Hadrout in
    order to present the demands about the reunification with Armenia as
    a reckless scheme organized by the group of "extremists". Before the
    arrival of Osipov, the Third Secretary of The Party of the Regional
    committee of NK Djuletta Mirzoyan visited Hadrout who met with the so
    called "extremists". During the conversation with us she said that our
    actions were directed against the ideas of The Communist Party, that
    we played with fire and that the Party could do so that the rivers of
    the world began to flow conversely. Soviet system, Communist regime
    were strong and all-powerful and very strong courage and boldness
    were demanded in order to take the first step, to give a dare, to say
    the first word in this stifling atmosphere. So, on February 12, 1988
    people surrounded the building of The District Committee demanding to
    inform about the accepted decision in the conference, that is the first
    mass-meeting was held in that day. The Guidance could not help going
    out to the people. Osipov, several responsible workers of the party of
    The District Committee spoke (The First Secretary was absent). They
    tried to persuade the people in that, that they were misleaded. They
    tried to distort the Movement, national demands. After the appearance
    of the Party's Leaders, Arthur, threading his way through the crowd
    and police officers from Stepanakert, stood at the steps before the
    building, took off his hat and spoke. Today it is impossible and
    senselessly to repeat all his statements word for word, because it
    must be admitted that for most of us the depth and the style of the
    text of his ideas were difficult. But in that day the nation realized
    and saw in his their Leader. With their own eyes everybody saw him-a
    person who obscured with his strength of ideas, suppressed previous
    statements. Only such a gifted person as Arthur was able to make a
    revolution with only one statement in the ideas, souls, and thoughts
    of the people. I recall one more episode. In the region of Martuni
    the statements of the deputy contender were expected. Every statement
    was accompanied with cheers; people listened with great inspiration
    and after Arthur's statement, a middle-aged man mounted the platform
    from the hall and said." We heard about you but today we understood
    that you were the one whom we were waiting".

    Analogical case happened during the election of the chairman of
    Supreme Soviet of NK. The deputy from the region of Martakert Vagif
    Galstyan said.

    "Let's listen to the candidate from Hadrout and finished, because it
    has already been obvious who must become a chairman". A. M krtchyan was
    not appointed. He was elected by the people. I would like to underline
    one feature of Arthur as a leader. People usually prefer to listen to
    that, what would like to listen and many, the so called leaders used
    this in order to be pleased bet their age was short. Another case of A.

    Lazarian who spoke only truth and told the people what expected
    them. I remember the phrase "national liberation struggle" was heard
    in his statement on February 12 and in contrast to many people he said
    that the solution of the erect question was not a problem for one day,
    for a month and even for a year. It was said at that time that we must
    stand completely right up to the solution of the erect question. He
    explained that the problem was not in Baku and "Baksoviet", but in
    the Kremlin, in the overcoming of the soviet barrier. By the way,
    A. Lazarian did not climb to the leadership; he only said that what
    considered truth. Above all A. Lazarian was a comprehensive advanced,
    a true intellectual person. He could respect, value a person and not
    his post. He never tried to press the opponent with his knowledge;
    he showed deep respect to a person and could listen. And this is
    an exceptional feature, a great talent. When he became a leader,
    nevertheless, he remained former-generous, attentive to everybody;
    he did not abuse his power. During the f uneral of A. Lazarian
    Georgi Petrosyan spoke "Arthur, I am sure our nation will gain the
    victory, we shall have our state, but I don't know how it will be
    without you. You left to us a very difficult problem. And you will
    be indispensable during its decision". Further he came up with the
    following idea "Arthur was an embodiment of morality of politics
    which we lost". Primordial A. Lazarian presented his country with
    dignity. When he defended Ph.D. thesis, a famous political scientist
    Galiena Staravoytova came to a village of Edullu (the region of
    Hadrout) who explained her aim of arrival in the following way
    "I wanted to see the country, the land which born such a person,
    a citizen, a scientist as Arthur". By the example of Arthur the
    growing up generation must be brought up. It is impossible to make
    present without past.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress