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Clinton Faces Plethora Of Issues With Turkey

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  • Clinton Faces Plethora Of Issues With Turkey

    By Sue Pleming

    Feb 27 2009

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - On the surface, U.S.-Turkish relations appear
    stellar, but peel back a layer and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary
    Clinton will find a host of bilateral tensions on her visit there
    next week.

    Clinton will make a fleeting trip to NATO member Turkey on March 7,
    finishing off a weeklong visit to the Middle East and Europe where
    much of the focus will be on Arab-Israeli peacemaking, in which Ankara
    is increasingly involved.

    There has been a wave of anti-Americanism in Turkey, a Muslim secular,
    democratic state, particularly following the 2003 U.S. invasion of
    Iraq and many of those tensions linger.

    "Once you take off the first layer of paint, there are problems," said
    Zeyno Baran, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute of U.S.-Turkish

    One thorny issue is whether the Obama administration views the 1915
    killings of Armenians as genocide committed by Ottoman Turks and
    how it might deal with any plans in Congress to revive a resolution
    calling it such.

    A Turkish official in Washington said the Armenian issue, which
    poisoned ties in recent years, would be raised, but Ankara wanted
    the focus to be on areas of cooperation.

    "At this moment, we hope that sound judgment will prevail and they
    will keep this issue from being further politicized. I think it is
    susceptible to distortion," he said.

    In 2007, U.S.-Turkish relations plummeted when Congress took up
    the issue against the wishes of then-President George W. Bush's
    administration. Ankara rejects allegations of genocide.

    "Strategically, it is important for the United States to have
    Turkey on its side. A big question is how much of a distraction this
    Armenian genocide issue will be," said Turkey expert Samuel Brannen
    of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington
    think tank.

    President Barack Obama referred to the killings of Armenians as
    genocide during the 2008 election campaign, a view that could make
    Clinton's trip difficult.

    Asked about current policy on the Armenian issue, a senior State
    Department official was noncommittal.

    "The administration is very aware about Turkish views on this and
    is thinking about this issue in light of all the factors. There is
    more to say, but none at present," said the official, who refused to
    be identified.

    Baran said if Congress took up the issue, U.S.-Turkish relations
    would again suffer, and she predicted bilateral ties could be frozen
    for months, the ambassador recalled and the U.S. Incirlik air base,
    which is vital to Iraq operations, possibly affected.


    U.S. officials are playing up Turkey's important role in the region
    ahead of Clinton's trip and highlighting areas where the two can work
    together, particularly in intelligence sharing to fight Kurdish PKK
    rebels in the region.

    "The bilateral relationship with Turkey has improved but now we have
    an opportunity to build on that and build a genuine, close strategic
    partnership," said senior State Department official Dan Fried.

    Clinton wants Turkey to be helpful in convincing its neighbors to allow
    their territory to become supply routes to Afghanistan, particularly
    after Kyrgyzstan announced plans to close the U.S. Manas air base,
    a major transit point for U.S. troops going into Afghanistan.

    Turkey is a major player in Arab-Israeli peacemaking and has mediated
    indirect talks between Syria and the Israelis.

    Those talks broke down after Israel's invasion of Gaza in December
    but Turkish officials have said they are ready to resume mediation
    efforts once a new Israeli government is in place following elections
    this month.

    While welcoming Turkish mediation with Syria, the Obama
    administration differs over how to tackle Hamas, which controls the
    Gaza Strip. Washington wants to isolate it, while Ankara feels the
    Islamist group should not be excluded from any major peace agreement.

    Despite differences over Hamas, the Obama administration might now
    find Ankara an invaluable ally if it tries to reach out to Damascus
    and Tehran and as it engages in Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking.

    Turkey and Iran share important energy agreements and Iranian President
    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited Istanbul last year, but Turkey shares
    Washington's misgivings about Iran's nuclear program.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress