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NKR: Whether Optimism Of Negotiatore Is Justified?

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  • NKR: Whether Optimism Of Negotiatore Is Justified?


    Azat Artsakh Daily
    21 Jan 09
    Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

    In the end of the past year the international negotiators dealing
    with a problem of the Karabakh settlement, have performed with
    optimistic statements concerning achievement possibility in 2009
    of break in the course of the resolution of the conflict. Similar,
    they have indeed decided not to shelve business and in a year of
    the Bull that is called, to take it for horns, having made active
    the diplomatic efforts for achievement of progress in the course of
    settlement. As the certificate of the serious intention of negotiators
    the fact can serve, that co-chairmen of the Minsk group of OSCE on
    Nagorno-Karabakh presumably already in the middle of January are going
    to make the next visit to the region. It is provided, that after them,
    in the beginning of February, here there will arrive the special
    representative of the president of Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE
    under the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict Goran Lenmarker. As the American
    co-chairman of the Minsk group of OSCE Matthew Brajza has informed
    representatives of mass-media, during the visit of the triple of MG
    co-chairmanship the basic theme of negotiations with the conflict
    parties will be again base principles of settlement. Thus the diplomat
    with optimism inherent has expressed again hope, that in the first
    half of the year it20will be possible to achieve any arrangements. To
    admit, a constancy with which radiates Matthew Brajza's optimism,
    causes not only surprise, but even respect. It would be much
    desirable to believe, that optimism of the American negotiator has
    under itself the serious bases. It would be desirable, if not one
    "but" ... The matter is that an enviable constancy the president
    of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliev differs also. However, the constancy has
    other, directly opposite sense. In the New Year's reference to the
    people he again, as well as in all previous similar performances,
    has declared, that the conflict will be exclusively settled within
    the limits of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Further - it is
    more. Â"The Azerbaijan state and the Azerbaijan people will never
    give Nagorno-Karabakh independence. Nagorno-karabakh is primordially
    Azerbaijanian earth (!!!), and we will use the best efforts for
    restoration of territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. It is possible to
    use both political, and diplomatic, and if it is required, military
    means.We have this right. The international law provides itÂ", -
    the president of Azerbaijan has declared. From Aliev-younger we
    have resulted so vast citation for the only purpose - to address
    with a question to Matthew Brajza. How in these conditions he, and
    his colleagues on intermediary, think themselves of achievement of
    arrangements? After all the same Mr Brajza at the very end of 2008 has
    declared, that Â"the peace decision of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
    will be possible, if public leaders help the citizens to come to
    compromisesÂ". About what public leaders and what compromises there
    can be a speech if the head of Azerbaijan by categorical, frankly
    aggressive statements excludes possibility of achievement of the
    compromise agreement on settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,
    acting with maximal positions far from a reality? We think,that for the
    co-chairmanship of the Minsk group of OSCE is necessary to condemn,
    first of all, the authorities of Azerbaijan constantly calling for
    new war, and to direct the efforts to, directly to specify to the
    Azerbaijan party in inadmissibility and danger of similar behaviour,
    to help it to fall on the earth and to recognise realities with
    which it should be considered by all means. That is the important
    and necessary condition for stability preservation in a zone of the
    conflict which will open a way to a finding of the political decision
    of the problems existing between Azerbaijan and NKR. Now about Aliev's
    the so-called arguments resulted by him in the New Year's reference. As
    the president of Azerbaijan appeals to international law, we will
    answer it also from a right position. It would be advisable to remind
    him, that definition of status of Nagorno-Karabakh - the exclusive
    right of NKR people, and permissions of Azerbaijan to declaration of
    independence is not required at all. That as a result of declaration
    of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Nagorno-Karabakh irrespective of will
    of Baku, became the independent subject of international law. That
    people of Nagorno-Karabakh have gained independence in territory of the
    historical residing which has NEVER been Â"primordially Azerbaijanian
    earthÂ". And, at last, that independence of the Nagorno-Karabakh
    Republic has international legal and historical basis so, independent
    state statusof NKR is not subject to discussion, and requires only
    definitive de jure recognition. And it would be desirable to finish
    this article by the words of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Russia
    Sergey Lavrov: Â"We cannot consider people certain as" property" in
    anybody's territory, which can without the consent of these people,
    pass under the sovereignty of this or that state in infringement of
    the Charter of the United Nations, principles of the Helsinki Final
    certificate. Such approach would return us - in today's Europe -
    to serfdom timesÂ". Perhaps, you will not tell better.
