Tuesd ay, 20 January 2009
RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan called a consultative meeting with
a light industry-related agenda. In attendance were representatives
from line enterprises and concerned ministries and agencies. The
Prime Minister mentioned that the Government is thereby starting
discussions with a view to clarifying its industrial policy. Tigran
Sargsyan noted that this policy cannot be designed and carried out
without involving experts from corresponding branches of economy,
entrepreneurs whose estimates are crucial to his government. According
to the head of government, this consultation seeks to find a common
ground for cooperation, outline the scope of State support and such
endeavors as may help meet the threats stemming from the global
financial and economic crisis.
To begin with, Minister of Economy Nerces Yeritzyan presented the
light industry development-related trends currently available on
global markets and in Armenia. His analysis covered both the global
developments and Armenia's current status in this area, as well as
short-term and strategic proposals on addressing the situation.
Summarizing the discussion, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan divided
it into two parts. Firstly, he reminded that the government has
launched an operative unit to review and process the private sector
assi stance-related programs and requests received from entrepreneurs
in order to help address the threats coming from the global financial
and economic crisis. The Prime Minister reassured of his government's
readiness to back such businesses as may face temporary hardships,
including those private sector representatives in attendance of this
meeting. He stressed that such requests are supposed to provide
a clear-cut description of the problems faced and applicants'
expectations and visions of the ways out.
Secondly, the head of government highlighted the need for the State to
have a realistic light industry development program: "Formerly Armenia
was a country with deeply-rooted light industry traditions and sales
markets. It has been experiencing strains for some time now, and we
want to see how much resource is still left in this area, as well as to
what extent we can provide for future expansion," the Prime Minister
said and went on to stress that the State must realize the status of
those 151 enterprises operational and about 3500 workers engaged in
this field by holding consultations with sector representatives.
In conclusion of the meeting, specific recommendations were issued
to the ministries and agencies concerned. Considering that the bulk
of the proposals presented by the minister of economy were endorsed
by those present, the Prime Minister allowed two weeks' time to
Mr. Yeritzyan in order summarize the whole body of the proposals
raised and discussed during the meeting and submit an action plan.
Tuesd ay, 20 January 2009
RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan called a consultative meeting with
a light industry-related agenda. In attendance were representatives
from line enterprises and concerned ministries and agencies. The
Prime Minister mentioned that the Government is thereby starting
discussions with a view to clarifying its industrial policy. Tigran
Sargsyan noted that this policy cannot be designed and carried out
without involving experts from corresponding branches of economy,
entrepreneurs whose estimates are crucial to his government. According
to the head of government, this consultation seeks to find a common
ground for cooperation, outline the scope of State support and such
endeavors as may help meet the threats stemming from the global
financial and economic crisis.
To begin with, Minister of Economy Nerces Yeritzyan presented the
light industry development-related trends currently available on
global markets and in Armenia. His analysis covered both the global
developments and Armenia's current status in this area, as well as
short-term and strategic proposals on addressing the situation.
Summarizing the discussion, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan divided
it into two parts. Firstly, he reminded that the government has
launched an operative unit to review and process the private sector
assi stance-related programs and requests received from entrepreneurs
in order to help address the threats coming from the global financial
and economic crisis. The Prime Minister reassured of his government's
readiness to back such businesses as may face temporary hardships,
including those private sector representatives in attendance of this
meeting. He stressed that such requests are supposed to provide
a clear-cut description of the problems faced and applicants'
expectations and visions of the ways out.
Secondly, the head of government highlighted the need for the State to
have a realistic light industry development program: "Formerly Armenia
was a country with deeply-rooted light industry traditions and sales
markets. It has been experiencing strains for some time now, and we
want to see how much resource is still left in this area, as well as to
what extent we can provide for future expansion," the Prime Minister
said and went on to stress that the State must realize the status of
those 151 enterprises operational and about 3500 workers engaged in
this field by holding consultations with sector representatives.
In conclusion of the meeting, specific recommendations were issued
to the ministries and agencies concerned. Considering that the bulk
of the proposals presented by the minister of economy were endorsed
by those present, the Prime Minister allowed two weeks' time to
Mr. Yeritzyan in order summarize the whole body of the proposals
raised and discussed during the meeting and submit an action plan.