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Baku Keeps Undermining Karabakh Peace Process

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  • Baku Keeps Undermining Karabakh Peace Process


    21.01.2009 17:57 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The new Armenian leadership stands adherent to a
    peaceful resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict through talks in
    the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group and on the basis of its Madrid
    proposals, as well as with full-fledged participation of Nagorno
    Karabakh in negotiation process, says Armenian Foreign Ministry's
    2008 annual report.

    The report says that last year Azerbaijan made an attempt to dissolve
    the OSCE Minsk Group by pushing a draft resolution on Karabakh in
    the UN General Assembly. "Although the resolution was adopted with 39
    votes, it did not receive support from the OSCE MG co-chair states -
    Russia, U.S. and France," it says.

    The RA Foreign Ministry also stresses the importance of the Moscow
    declaration [signed by Presidents of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia
    on December 2, 2008], envisaging peaceful resolution of the conflict
    and implementation of confidence-building measures.

    "Despite the recent intensification of talks, Azerbaijan keeps
    undermining the peace process. The Azeri leadership doesn't stop
    military rhetoric and presents the principle of territorial integrity
    as the basic principle of the international law," the report says.

    It also mentions of the Helsinki declaration, which underscored
    inadmissibility of resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict by use
    of force, issued by Foreign Ministers of the OSCE MG co-chair states
    on December 4.

    "Armenia will be consistent in continuing talks in conformity with
    the Moscow and Helsinki declarations," the report says.