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Holocaust Memorial Day is a chance to make a stand against hate

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  • Holocaust Memorial Day is a chance to make a stand against hate

    Birmingham Post, UK
    Jan 24 2009

    Holocaust Memorial Day is a chance to make a stand against hate

    Jan 23 2009 Agenda

    We must learn the lessons of history to avoid the horrors happening
    again, says Benjamin Zephaniah.

    Genocide is an appalling crime against humanity that we hope will
    never again be repeated. Today, as we approach Holocaust Memorial Day
    (, we might stop and reflect on the fact that it still
    has the potential to be repeated and perpetrated around the world,
    unless we are on our guard and understand that our actions today have
    consequences tomorrow.

    The use of the term genocide can be problematic and contentious but it
    shouldn't disguise historical fact. One of the first modern day
    genocides took place in Armenia, a part of modern day Turkey in 1915.

    This massacre of 1.5 million people, indiscriminate of age or gender,
    is still not acknowledged as genocide by Turkey - long after it took
    place. The United States did not recognise or act on the events at the
    time and consequently Hitler admitted looking at the Armenians and
    deciding that if they can get away with it, he could also.

    If people don't recognise something, its entire existence is
    erased. It begs the question - if the United Kingdom and United States
    had not recognised the Holocaust when it happened, would anyone think
    it had ever existed? Who decides what we remember and what we don't `
    and does it mean that things we don't remember or recognise didn't
    exist and don't count?

    My earliest recollection of hatred was in the late-60s when I was
    eight years old and I still have the scar to prove it. I was walking
    home from school in Handsworth, Birmingham, when another boy came
    cycling past with a brick in his hand. He hit me across the back of my
    head with the brick and shouted `You black bastard!', as he rode off.

    When I got home, blood pouring from the back of my head, my mother
    told me that some people in the world are just like that and it's
    something we have to live with. It was not even a consideration to
    report the crime ` it would have been ignored anyway.

    This incident was the first time I realised I was different and that
    people actually hated me for who and what I was. The scar on the back
    of my head is a constant reminder of this.

    People have to understand the past to see the future, they have to
    start recognising the dangers of the present to prevent them
    escalating into the Holocaust of the future.

    A close late friend of mine recently told me a story of how, when she
    was very young, she went to a political meeting in Austria with her
    mother and auntie. After the meeting, the two adults were debating the
    event, concluding that the main political figure, who was a radical
    speaker, would never amount to anything and should just be
    ignored. That main figure was Adolf Hitler.

    When people don't recognise these dangers, the problems start. Call it
    innocent ignorance, call it optimism, however you want to look at it,
    unless we recognise and stand up to these figures, who knows where it
    can lead? My friend's mother and auntie certainly would never have
    imagined what Hitler could go on to do in the years that followed that

    Bob Marley said in one of his songs `Well the biggest man you ever did
    see, was once a baby', and that is what interests me as a writer.

    Hitler was once a baby looked on adoringly by people. He then went on
    to become one of the most powerful men in history, orchestrating the
    killings of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

    The boy who racially attacked me in Handsworth may have gone on to
    abuse and physically hurt other people since. His attack on me was
    left unchecked so what's to stop him?

    It is so important that we have Holocaust Memorial Day in January to
    remind us to acknowledge how bad we can be to each other, whether it's
    direct and intentional or indirect and unintentional. All it takes is
    one discriminatory group to gain power and it can all fall apart. We
    must join together to recognise where these acts of hatred, regardless
    of size, can lead if left unchecked.

    I urge all Britons to `Stand up to Hatred' and recognise the impact we
    can have on our future. By considering these things, next time we see,
    hear, or experience any act of hatred anywhere and in any form, we can
    make a better future.

    Holocaust Memorial Day is on January 27.

    * Benjamin Zephaniah is a Handsworth-born poet