2009-01-28 13:11:00
ArmInfo. 'Official Baku considers that unless the Nagorno- Karabakh
conflict is resolved, implementation of no platform paving the way for
cooperation with Armenia is possible', deputy foreign minister Araz
Azimov in a meeting on Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform
in Istanbul, AzerTaj reports . Azimov noted generally his country
supports the platform, and described the fact that five participating
countries are interested in establishing security in the region as
very important for realization of the platform. Azimov stressed that
realizing a platform calling for cooperation is impossible unless
conflicts are settled. "At the same time we consider discussions to
be held within the platform as useful", he added.
On one hand, Baku participates in the conference on the Platform
and supports the idea of its creation, on the other hand, it makes
attempts of blackmail. It is yet not so clear who is blackmailed by
Baku taking into account the circumstance that just Turkey is the
most interested party in promoting the idea of the Platform.
2009-01-28 13:11:00
ArmInfo. 'Official Baku considers that unless the Nagorno- Karabakh
conflict is resolved, implementation of no platform paving the way for
cooperation with Armenia is possible', deputy foreign minister Araz
Azimov in a meeting on Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform
in Istanbul, AzerTaj reports . Azimov noted generally his country
supports the platform, and described the fact that five participating
countries are interested in establishing security in the region as
very important for realization of the platform. Azimov stressed that
realizing a platform calling for cooperation is impossible unless
conflicts are settled. "At the same time we consider discussions to
be held within the platform as useful", he added.
On one hand, Baku participates in the conference on the Platform
and supports the idea of its creation, on the other hand, it makes
attempts of blackmail. It is yet not so clear who is blackmailed by
Baku taking into account the circumstance that just Turkey is the
most interested party in promoting the idea of the Platform.